was sponsored by the international relations department of the Wilmettè league, of which Mrs. John Clark Baker is chairmani. Mrs. Cole, who keeps. thoroughly informed, on international. affairs, is an able and magnetic speaker. She inspired, so much interest. that tbe group *ho heard her decided -to or- ganize a study class té meet regularly through the summer. under ber spon- Mrs.. Cole recommended for read- ing and discussion, a pamphlet by Beatrice Pitney Lamb, on the "Econ- omic Causes of. War." The class is meeting every, two weeks on Friday afternoons, and ail who are interest- ed in this subject of international re-' lations are invited to attend. There are no dues or ob ligations, the book unded consideration is clear and'well written, and Mrs. Cole's, coniments add much to the 'interest of the dis- cussion. The ne.xt meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, on Friday of tl4is week at 2:30 o'clock, 1.,1 Entertainp for Visitot Mrs D). E. Hiostetter of Los Angeles. a for mer resident of Evans- ton, during ber visit witlb Mrs. F. *K .enzing, of 139 Abingdon road, Keiiilwortb, is being entertained ex- tensivelv bv ber friends, many of whom are Evanstonians. Tuesday of tbis week Mrs. A. S. Merrill andi Mrs. Harry Brookby were hostessesý at a smalI lJuncheon at Shawneeý Country club. Toçlay, Mrs. G. ,F.i Grube of the Orrington is entertain- ing at Shawnee and on Saturday, *.Mrs.,'Charles Kawin, also of Evans- ton, is giving a luncheon in ber honor. Mrs. Hostetter, 'wbo bas been bere for'É six *weeks will remain until the firstof August.. the music and has planneci the fol- lowing program : Trio 'nC Minor ....... .. Mendelssohn, Helen Lerch, violin; Helen Stopka, 'cello ; eulalle. Stade, piano 'Cello-RomRnce ...... ......Rubinstein Canzone Amorosa ... ..... Nevin Helen Stopka. Voca-Bilent, Striniga. Granville Bantock The ignehanted Wood.Granville flgantock Magdalen ,* .... Caroline Maude 1Mmne. Gilderoy Scott, îcontrato, Violin"Souvenir ýPoetique . .... FI-bich, Romanza Andaluza.....Srst Helen Lerch Vocal-Corne Down to Kew..Carl Deis, Pastorale.......... ....... ReCli Roadwiays..... ..... . Edith Rose Mme. Scott Trlo-.Thunderbîrd Suite .... Cadmanà a) From the Village b) Nitht Song c> Wolf Song (War Dance)., Mrs. A. V.. Gruhn and Mrs. J. A. Reicheit will act as hos .tesses. Re- fres.hmenits will -be served by Mr s. Howard Bowen, Mrs. J. C. ' Blaylock, .Mrs.ý Williamn Huggins, Mrs. E. H. Kerr, Mrs. R. F. Lynch, and, Mrs. B. R. >1aber. Lotita Brtling to Sing "Boheme". Arias Monda y Miibs Lolita Btigwilmette So- prano, will return.fromI Los Angeles. Califoria, on July I&, and will sing arias from ,"La Boheme," on Moniday inorning. July 17, in a lecture-recital on the Puccini opera to be given by. Rutheda L. Pretzel at ber home. 1035. Bluff road. Glencoe, at 10:45 o'clock. Roger Hille, Chicago tenor, and Ludlow White, Evanston baritone, also will assist in "La Bohemne." The lecture is open to the public. Miss Bertling 'bas been' in Los An- geles since she concluded ber sing-, ing in Miss Pretzel's series of opera lecture-recitals last summer. She bas appeared in1 California. with the fa- mous Orpbeus club, wbhicb chooses four outstanding western artists for concerts eacb year. Wbile in the West Gueta of Honogr 1Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, president of the National Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. William F. Farrell (Viola Kent Farrell), president of the state federation, will be guests of honor at a luncheon *on, the- terrace of the Horticultural building on, Nortberly island at A. Century of Progress on JULY CLEARANCE' CLOTHES 0F DISTINCTION Ev.,',pair ha. been higher prired. and looks il Thi's im vouar chance ta ,,bey ahoes SHOP 365 MARKET PLACE LAKE FOREST 56 E. M~adison St. 134 N. StateSi 'FOUR LOOP STORES 238 S. $ft&seSt. 39 W.VaBuoS. CLUB1 FUJETUIER ItEUCTIUiNS VIVE VALJE-GIVING PIRICE sI*45 $165 4209