-- - -alt - %.Ai ag, onvv V- avenue, ne9day morning of this week at, the conference on educationa1 problems eon Tu' and trends, held at Northwestern uni- versity. This conference is being conducted from July 10 to 14. On Tuesdayof this week, Mr. Gaf- ney returned froni Bennington, col- lege at. Bennington, Vt., wbere he bad attended a conference of .repre- sentatives from secondary--schools and colleges, working.on the proib- lem, of better preparation for college.' A feature of this iconference was, a talk by Dr. Leigh, the president of Bennington college..for girls, which recently completed. its first' year. Tbis school,. the speaker stated, re- quires no class, attendance during January- and February. In those months,' the girls are. expected to carry out independent study in Une with their work pursued at college during the remainder of the year-. miss Elizabeth Becker Dlies at ýResidence Here Miss Elizabeth Becker, aged 77 years and 6 nionths, died Tuesday, July 4, at the home of ber s.ister,' NMrs., J. ýProcbnow, 228 Sixteenith street,. after a lingering illness *of more t han a year Interînent *as ii Waldheim cemetery, Forest Park, the funeral being held Saturday, july 8. Miss Becker was born in Bavaria, Germany, and haci made ber home with ber sister herefor the past five years. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Prochnow of. Wilmette and Mrs. Hr. Gerhardt. of Chicago, and two brothers, Rudolph and Lewis Becker, both, of Chicago. VISIT IN WILMETTE Miss Lucy and Miss Emily Adamis of Littleton, Mass., bave been spending nearly a week in WVilmettîe- as the: 'Ouse guests of, their: cousin, Mrs. Ifarley 1). Pixley of 601 IElmwoo<l avenue.. Tbey are cousins, too, of Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 EIm- wood avenue, whose daugbter, Re- becca, entertained at luncheon for [i.~W LA M "TEiL5IRNN ME. RVIYKV EEK!",- * How comforting1 it is t0' knowthat n matter how. far:your chil drent for their summer vacation, they can tele- phone home in a Pauline and Lucille Krause, 1726 Washington avenue, entertained at din- ner Wednesday, june 28, in honor of Majr Staubitz of Toledo, Ohio, foýrerlyof Wilmette, who was visiting fFiends ini Wimete. 4. and let ma y go