Of 'Summer Dresses Croup i Values, to'.$15.OO. $9.85 Croup2 Think of buying. summer. gowne at thèse prices so erly in the sea.- son. You wiII want to buy several of themn for, your swuimer vacation. Values to 95 Straw Hats $100. Turn. down brim or sailor style.. Linen Capýs Esclu 75C BlIack and Whuite. Check Caps Each 2 c' $1.00 ICED TEA SETS D.pt. Soe-I 146-48 WiIm.ttfe Ave.-Phone Wilmeff.. 588-589 Menus Store-Firsi National Bank BdqIg-Phôn* WiIm.1$. 2655 .11 I I 1 . $13.85 '4 'a 1 /\ Hose # m î àk