thenas will ne Ineld ai the L,1ke Bluff fresh air camp Friday, July 21. *There wiIl be a board meeting ini the' morning with Mrs. Kingman Doug- lass of Lake Forest, president of the board, in charge, and there will be. *lunicheon and the usual f rolic ar- ranged* by the children, in, camp un- der supervision of the various coun- cillors. Ail who are, interested in Arden Shore are extended cordial invitation to corne-to the picnic and, are urged to keep that day ringed on their calendar, pack.a luncheon and enjoy the day under thé, beautiful trees of thé camp,.beside the lake. Campope.ned three weeks ago, and the first shift of campers took place of last week. There are about 400 campers there- now-I00 fewer ' women and chiîdren, owing to financial curtailments, but 'the usual -3chedule of educational and health activity is being carried on ýwith the saine noteworthy, success. Each summier, finds chairmen of the village boards and groups of residernts gathering at the tables set apart for guests from each of the towns who, as they lunchi together, listen to reports of the superinten- dent,. Miss Anna Belle Ferrier,. and other camp workers. In the after- *oon, they saunter -about with eager guides and visit the cottages seques- tered among the woodsy tract that i's Arden Shore, or wander down to the beach with its airy cottage where mothers sew and mend on summer days as they watch their children en- joy the sand and water of Lake Michigan. The local town chairnien are Mrs. Frederick Tilt, for Wilmette; Mrs. Alfred McDougal, Kenilworth; Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, Winnetka; Mrs.i John, Eugene Davis, Glencoe. Will Show -Garden Club Choice Western Garèdens The July Meeting of the Wilmette Garden club will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles N Hurîbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, with Mrs. W. U. Clark, Mrs. N. B. Hamilton,. and Mys. E. H. the enjoyment of smail boys andi girls. A hobby show ,'will be lield along with many gaines and other amuse- mnents, and everyone attending is urged to enter exhibits. Sorne of the pet hobbies suggested are boats, air- planes, kites, dolîsý that ' have been dressed by their owniers, sewing, and handicraft of any* kind. There. also. may' be youing artists and photog- raphers who would like to show their pictures, and boys >and girls pos- sessing collections of :stamps, nature subjects, or :theý thousaind-anid-onIe other treasures which children like *to store away and save.> "Just any- *thing and everything you really. like to do', cani be entered iin fté sshowv, it is announced. Mrs. Tarvey A. Bush, zzhÔ.se honw is at 721 Greenwz£ood avenue, is geeneral chairmani of the seconid 0f t/te series of attractive bridge ln,,.c/,eois fgivein t the c/nb bouse> for thte beie fit of thw biuildinig fimd a he ouma's Club of WFilmctte. -T/he iext of titese sumincr eveffls is W4,edinesdayv, Jly 26, at i o'clock. Those who do not play cards rhay come for the luncheon Wednesday. Hostesses have been discovering these club affairs a charming way in which to entertain a few friends, just for lunicheon, or for both luncheon and bridge. Each table may make its own bridge rules, as there is a prize for each table, and play for as short or as long a timie as is de- sired.- SReservations are mnade with M'NrsI.,,james -L. Surpless. of 212 Eighiteenth street by, Monday, July 24. -On the comnifttee are Mrs.i Nvlujid, who is in charge of the Coli, and. Mesdames Maurice. Charles R. Bixbv: John P. Bz rl J. àinch- ýôGth. Winnetkans Hostesses, :at Episcopal Exhbibit Christ church guild was represente d four days last week at the EpiscoPal ehibit in the Hall of Religion at A -Century of Progress by a group of ineembers who. served as hostesses. Mrs. Harry L. Street and Mrs. Bar- ret Conway were there Tuesday afternoon; MIrs. D. L. Shaw and Mfrs. Randoîpli Buck Wednesday morning;, Mrs. Benjamin K. Smith and Mrs.ý John Guthrie, Wednesday afternoon;ý Mrs. R. D. Wood and Mrs. John VanderVries, ail day Thursday; Mrs. F. Ashley Gerbard and her sister, Miss Phyllis Cleveland, served Friday morning, and Mrs. W. G. Kellev and ,Mrs. Harold DeLay, Friday after- noon. Mrs. Ralph Sargent, as presi-' dent -of the guild, was hostess chair-. man. Linke of Evanston, son of Mrs. E. F. Linke of Hartford, Conn., Friday. August 4. The weddling will take place at 5 :30' o'clock at the home of the bride's Parents, with. Dr. Herbert 'Willett, -pastor, of the Kenillworthl Union church, officiating. Mrs. FPred S. Floyd, of1 Evanston %vill serve her sister as mnatron of honor, Nvhile a younger sister, Bar- bara, ivill. be. maid of honor. Mr. Linke will have Josep)h Norton of Evanston as lis best man. The wedding is to be a smnall affair, xith .onlly, relatives and imnmediate frienlds of the bride and bridegrooni present. After a mnotor trip throughi the, east. the young couple wîIl live ii an apartmnent. on Forest avenlue, E'vanston. A iiumber of parties have been given in recent. weeks for Mis s OIe- son, -including a luncheon and kitchen shower, June 26, at which Mrs. Ed- win Hedrick,- 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, was hostess; a luncheon and bathroom-, shower at Skokie Coutnry -club, july 13, mith the mein- bers of M iss .Oleson's sewing club as hostesses, an'd 'a tea and stocking shower last Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Floyd. in Evans-, Miss Ba'rbara Holden of Kenil- worth w'ill entertain Saturday of this week at,.a pantry shower and tea in honor of Miss Oleson, and Wednes - day, july 26, Miss Clara Grace Wray of Glencoe will give a miscellaneous shower and tea. Sunday, Ju'ly 30, Miss Helen Southward of Kenilworth will entertain at tea in honor of Miss Oleson and Mr. Linke. Sunset Ridge 'Invites to "Tin Weddin g'-' Dance -Dance at our tin wedding")y is -Sun-> set. Ridge Countrýy cl ub's invitation to its- tenth bi rth day dinner danc e Saturday eveninig. of this wveek. Dec- orations appropriate 'to the,.occasion are *being prepared, and a special m1enlu is planned for this imiportanit . anniversary. Thle -July guest day for wýOme1n 42 ifteenth street announce the mq-çriage of their daughter, Ruth Marie, to Earle Anthony Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Miller of 1752 Washington avenue, on july 6, at Wilmette. The young couple art no* at home to, their friends, at their apartment at 1220 Gregory avenue. mer season, "A Night in Hkavana," with dancing, entertainment, and a Spanish. dinner, takes' place at the Wilinette Golf, club Saturday, July 29., For the occasion the 'club an- noutices "soinething unusual and dif- ferent."' Miss Brattson and * ber fiancé are grûduates of the University of .Wis- consin. The former is a member of Kappa Kappa Gammia .orority, the latter. of Della Taui Delta f rat<r- Iman of Chicago, on at 7 o'clock, at the. Mrs. J. A. Burrili, 812- Greenwood -aven ue, entertained her Drama Study group, at her home; ,!Pttesdayi- *