Ridge A venue, Wilmntte phone wilmetti 2M.. RIB ROAST 0F BEtEF, best tits, eth a&id 7th rib, LEG 0F LAMB,, .25c 22c 25c SPR ING CHICKEN,30 lb . . . . . . . . . . .ý SHOULDER VEAL 20 PORK LOIN l ROAST, lb.C PORK TENDER- LOIN, fresh, lb. .35C w4o w4a VUI1 ini juiy Y Mýrs. H. H. Bersie of Eldorado, Kas., is the guest for several weeks of. her son and his family, the H. G. Bersies, 1619 Greenwood avenue.> Miss Jean -Mann of Memphis, Tenn.,à who .camne to Chicago for the Fair,, is, visiting Mrs. ýE. B. Snyder., 1444, Lake.avenue. WILME1T HOME BAKERY Pera45Attentfù«.Ito Ait Orders OppOsite Village ifall 1193 Wihntt. Ave. WiL SM2 "Little flo.Ptep ba<I lost $"nme Fetrngolil age mlght land ber Igut site mode (onte stop At the Cayr-Leefl Shop À,md left ail ber worreloeiiold 1 Lfffff 1126 Central Av. SAL0(. For Appointment Phoe WiImette 4582 LOVELINESS MADE LÔVELIER -1 II WIIE BOLIDT"S-E[Vj&NSTON i On Davis Street Wilmetl . I100 or delivered fee .of charge. Satisfaction Le G aa r ante ed The Revé. William iE. McCorinack iîqll bc the preaeher 'at the uion serice of the Wilmcette Baptist and Con gregational chuirches, ta be held ini the Rapt ist church oit Suitday, August 6. Mr. McCormack ispas- for, of the New Eiiglapid Congre go- tional church. in Auirora. Iis.rianLy W 'ilnete fricnids will renicm ber hi: service to'the Coingregatioizal chu(rclh here both as mninister of edriration? and as interimt pastor. BUYS WILMETTE HOME Benjamin F. Otley of Chicago lia. purchased the nine room brick bouse at '625 ElmwoÔd avenue, owned by R. C. Rolfing. The sale was made h)ý James Crabb, affiliated with R.M johnston and company, real estati" firn. Mr. and Ms Herman Hi. Becker, 816 Sixteenth street, are'Ieaving Sat- u rday for Californie, sailing from there f>r 'a two months'. holiday in Honolulu. They will spend two days at the Ambassador ini Los Angeles, andi then leave for Hawaii on the Malolo. Wilmette & Central Avé Tel. Wilmette and lost only one. The Washington Park teani will play the second place teamn for the championship of this bracket, and the winner of this game will play at the Cubs' park, on August 20, i n the .championship round. .The general hitting and fielding of' each player was largely responisible for«the- Wilmette team winniing,!top honors. In > the Iast gaine played, howe ver,. Johninie Moore's. two home runs, Xinfield Rogers. three hits with men on bases, and Capt. Harry Sieren's steady pitching were respon- sible for the, viCtory which.- inn'wt first Place, Coach Johnnie Moore is Jooking for a Wilmette business bou.se :to. sponsor the teani. Anyone interested ,bas been- requested, to cali Johnnie Moore atý Wilmette, 4380. The team is composed of former college and high school stars., and the following is the usual.line-up:. E.Beof, Wabash univ. J. Moore, ss., Princeton univ., L. Langdon, cf.., Northwestern univ. , L. Pahlmaxn, rf., Northwestern uni v. W. Rogers, lb., Northwestern univ. V. Wyje, 2b., Northwestern univ. J. Harrison, Ab, Loyola univ. H. Sieren, p., De Paul univ. W. Ferrarini, c., Lane tech. O. Weiberg, flelder, Chicago tech. IR. Huck, flelder, New Trier C. Hi, c., Nebraska' State. R. Digges, p., Illinois. B. Hurd. infield, Illinois Evanstoti Beer Sellers Fail to Get Injunction Thie atteinpt of four Evanstoii coni- fectioners to secure an inijunçtion to pre- vent the police of that -city f rom inter- * ferring with the s~ale o-f draft beçr received a setback 'Vuesday whien Mas- ter ii Chancery Ben Cûhen held against thcm in a report to Superior judge Charles A. Williams. The miaster- could not agree1 with the,.confectioners that the Evanistôni ordinance was ni conflict- with state. statutes. Attorney C. C. Jarvis, representing the appli- cants, stated that he would file objec- tions to the niaster's report anld ex- pressed th 'e belief that the verdict of the court wultI h a reve'rsal. PIIARMACY Ridge Rd. & Lake Ave.. Tel. WiimetteJ F.uy Ag.d Joer Wpe case, plus miposit