Fair; Have Fine, Time, S re Feet, nPie Village Green playground wvent lu thé %World's fair, july 21., There were two buses, and about eightychil- drenl. W'e started at 9 :30fromtb playground and we arrived aI the fair about 10 :15 - o'clock. Tbe first exhibit we ent imb was the Hall .of Science where we saw many nîeresîing tbings. Then we wenî -:to the Hiall of States where we saw ex-, hibils by California, North Dakota and Porto-.Rico. The Federal, building was visited, next. Iiveryàne wvas getling hungry Iheni, su, we sat downi by, the lagoon and ate our lunch. The first tbing that was done after lunch was Io visit tbe, Encbanted island wbere, we' enjoyed many tbings, sucb as tbe' Magic mountain and -the littieý train. The Semninole Indian village was the liexi attraction. NWe saw the Indiaris ahd watched a mari diving off a plat- * * forni 120 feel ini the air. We also saw, a manî vrestling wiîb alligators. Then we wenl bo the. Indian *village and. viewed- the Indian wigwams and 'many other things. Tben we met the bus at the Thirtîy- * first ,sîreei eenîrance and were al glad * b sil down.. We arrived at tbe play- grounci at 6 o'clock and everyone was tired, including sore feet, but we al had a good time.-Hilda Vocîler, Vil- * lage Green. Village Green Affords Many Kincis of Activity The Village Green offers manv kinds of pastinie for leisure moments . MosI every day I go there to play and to have a good lime. I.1arn making a dol, a hat and a, basket. The basket takes a great deal. of, lime but il is worth il. WVben i have finished making Ihese things 1 wantý to make some kind of plaything which I1 think wilj be a stuffed elephant. Miss Skidmore helps Ihe chli- Listeners Thrilled by Three Stories Miss Hughes camne and read'us stor- ies july 19. She reaci three v'ery - teresting stories,. Snip. Sniap an~d Snur," -The Yellow 1Dwarf, and a storjy about a prince. and .a:Princes ,s. One day the mother was hitting her daWughter. A prince passed hy and wantéd to know why the mother was cruel to hier, daughter. The inother said her daughter: worked, too muc h and she had to h it ber to stop bier. The prince said she was just the kind of wife lhe %anted. He -took ber :to bis palace andl shut ber iii a roomû where -she Was to spin, weave and sew for three, days. Each time a different woman .came to du the work. One womaiî bad a great big, foot, another had a big' nose, 'another aà big band., Because they did the girl's wvork, they were to be invited, to her wedding. ;WbIen the prince. saw- this hie decided that bis wife should nieyer do any more wvork.-Maria Hartlry. Village Greei.' Children Are Eagerly Looking for Treasure Miss 'Skidmore arranges a treasure hunit at 2 o'clock every Thursday after- noon for tbe .childreni of the Village Green playground. There are usually about .fifty suckers bidden. Sometimes little notes are hidden, directing to the path where the suckers are concealed. Another time littie pièces of paper- some witb figures on tbem and soine blank-were distributed in paths. Chil- dren who found the pieces with the fig- ures on got a sucker. 0f course, every.- one always tries bis best to be able to gel benefit of the treasure-Rutb \Vag- ener, Village Green. VATTMAN -GIRLS WIN 'Plhe senior girls f rom Village Green played bail against the girls f rom Vatt- man Tuesday, July. 18, During the en- lire game Vattman %vas ahead. Diür- ing the first part of the gamne Vattinan kept ahead by oniv one or two runs Book, Pages, New Club Meets Monday Afternoon The club, Book Pages, meets every Monday aflernoon at 2 o'clock at the Village Green playground. 'Tbe mem-I bers 'are Dorotby Burgess, Heleni I. Born, Dproîhy Etienne, Caroline Ledig, Lorraine Cross, -RulhPape and Mar- ion Magnusen. There will, of course, be otbers but Monday, July 17, was the first organ ized meeting. Only boys and girls in a nd above, the fifth grade, may, be in tbe club. We have nîo offi- cers. I write up each,meeting for the JUNiok Liv£ but tbat is ahl. Miss Hughes i$, now reading us "Mutiiy, Islanid."-Hceen I. Born, Village Green. Annual Territory Contest Is Held at Vattman Park The annual plaiyground,'territory con-, tesýt was held.at Vatlman Park Tburs-j day afternoon, July.20. Many children from bath Vatîman'park and the 'V.,il- lage Green competed. So many children entered thal it was impossible to finish the contest Tbursday. The finals wvere held 'Saturday morning at Vattman1 park at 9 o'clock. The winners, in. the Saturday morning contest received ribbons for first, second, third: and fourîh places. Each'-child who entered the conlest received a point toward hist medal. - Kenniieth Harrman, Vattîman park. Gives List of Winners in Friday's Doil Show AIl the 'girls bave been busy niakingc dolls. The dolls were judged Friday,s july 21, at the Village Greeni play-v ground. The following girls won:t juniors-Dorothy Nilles, *first; Gracev Engels, second; Barbara Hargis, third;a Dorothy Bassier, fourth.: inlermediates i -Marcia Anderson,-first; Betty Sulli- t van, second; Doris Hargis, third;c lýillian. Jones, forth.-Betty Anderson,h Va.ttman park., ~ENJOYS V 1 bave a lot Green. I broa( LACE GRJ fun at the ump, play t( Two, Playgrounds Are Now Waging Basebail Warf are Vattinan played the1 most exciting game, Thursday that it ba.s so far this season. The junior- boys had another game with Village Green'.Wben VaLtt-. man came to. bat..ini tbe sixth inning. the score was 5 to 1 ini the other team's îfavor., When the last inning came botb teamis were l ied.* After îwo extra inn- ings we re plays, Village Green scored a run. Each gaine the score bas been dloser and by next time Vatinan ik determined to beat Village Green. Thbe senior boys took anoâther battle froni Village Green Tuesday of . last week. Vattmran made five runs dur- ing the, sixth inning. to, sew up the game. The final score was 8 to 2. The.over-age boys kept up their win- ning streak by taking -another gane- Monday of last week. .It Iooks as if Vattman will take every game this sea- son. The boys at Vatmran have organized a basebail league of their own. Four teams have been picked. and the first game will be played Monday morning 1at 10:30 ,o'clock. Any boy. vishing, to play on one of the teams miust be pres- ent at the, playground' at least tbree limes, a week.-Frederick Aschbacher, Vattman Park. Beware! Coal Black Cat 1May Cross Your Path 'Pwo days ago we f ound a coal black cat., We took him home but mother said she did not want him bécause he was a black cat. Mother said for us to take himp back to the park. On the way we stopped at- every house and asked if thiel cat .bèilonged there but nobody ownedhim, su we took him back. to the park.* Just as I was leaving,. the cat crossed-my path,,and I had to walk, home alone in.. the dark. - Marilyn Busch, Vatînian park. TERRITORY CONTEST We had a territory contest at Vaît- man park Thursday, July 20. We prac- *TAKE LONG BATTLE Thursday, July 20, the junior girls of Village Green had a kickball game with Vattman junior girls at Village iGreen. It was a very long game and at the end theVillage Green cbildren won.-Lorraine Winkle, 'Village Green. vruy un.*.5, j uIy AUineLi&i1 two.-Marjorie £tienne, Village Green. dren at Village Green, who did flot go GIRLS FASHION DOLLS to the Wortd~s Fair., played basebali and AIl the girls madie dolîs for the doîl TO SEE CUBS. PLAY wrote JUNioR LiÊE articles. There show. It was held at the Village Green The park children are going toCubs' weren'l many wbo slayed at the play- Friday afternoon. Ail the dolis had bail park, and we aIl hope they win. ground but we lhad a lot of fun.-Mary b bhé in. Friday morming.-Betty.,Sulli- We are going A»guSt j1.- Warren, Napoli, Village Green.', ' Van, Va.ttmnan paýrk. 'Rapp, Vattmani park..