618 Davis SL 810 Churli U J..t East of Foiuntafin Sq. Opposite Maralmal Fie& Specials for'THURkSDAY - FRIDAY- SATURDi FANCY MILK FED. ]ROAIS TIN% CHIKEN Sugar Sweet Indimua INTA L@OUP ES.U for CALIF. . b . doz. Here are glimpses at a few strands Ite of last. week's air-travel network, cri swiftly woven over the 'xorth shore by droning planes: Cliff Condit 1kew n tromn Pal-Waukee airport Tuesday of last ;week to Edmonton, Alberta, -Canada, to, help get a few niewsreels of Wiley Post before be completed his around-the-world flight,. Two squadrons of pursuit ships, fron Self r'idge, field stopped at Curtiss airport' Tuesday night after giving. Gçn. Bal- bo and -his men a, show while tlhey 5were attending the polo gaines at Fort Sheridan; the Selfridgc planes * left Curtiss Wednesday morning to escort General Balbo's leet as far as Toledo.. John Gibson, Evans- ton,. recently -cominissjoned second * lieutenant, was with one of tliç Self- ridge. squadrons which acconipanied Genieral Balbo John Porter of Chicago, who keeps bis Stinson, Jr.,. at Pal-Waukee airport, left Saturday of Iast week, to spend a ew' days wi tii friends in Detroit . Moving "somewvhat" more slowly than their Motor-driven bretbren, the gliding students of the-fanious Wally Frank- lin are, nevertheless, relishing their courses at Sky Harbor airport .. Newton Anderson. 616 Rush street, SChicago, who bas been thrilliiîg i crowds at Curtiss airport by going' dov n down. doivn in bis trust v parachute, has also achieved recog- nition for going forward and upward to Flying Forces T. P. Wright, vice-president and general manager of Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor company, of Buffalo, Nev York, recently announced the receipt. of an rder froni China for hrty-six, Cyclone power .ed Curtiss. H-awk single seat lighters. amountinâg to $1,00,000. The lrst of the thirtysix fast Cur- tiss Hawkbiplanes was reccntly dem- onstrated, by the famous. American pi- lot, M.aj. James H. Doolittie, before, 75,000 ýChinese, including pron1linent officiais of the Chinese Governinent,' at Shanghai. These thirty-vsix, new Curtiss Hawks will be the latest ad- dition to the Chinese air force. The Curtiss Hawks which the Chi- n.ese Government bas *purchas-ed. are anxong the fastest pursuit planesiii the world, having a top speed.cx- ceeding two hundred, miles per bour. It is also reported that these planes are capable of diving. at speeds >lii excess of. 350 miles per hour. They are1 pow ered with tixe new 9 cylinder 70O0 hoursepower Wright Cyclone, wbich is the latest engine develop- nient of Wright Aeronautical corpor- ation, of Paterson,* New Jersey. These planes for Chinaare equipped witb the Curtiss single strut landing gear whicb is extremely well streaim- lined, thus adding to the speed of the ship. The "pants" over the. wheels are cut away so that the wheel can be servîced witbout re- noving the faring. PEA lb. FANCY ILJNOIS NEW APPLES 5 lbs. 17e. I alWa .e airPort decided fic wantecj to make a Swift swoon> home lus MAac kinac by way of contrast to i yacht trip there froni Chicago. s ehad CJiff Condit fIy. a plane MNonda3' of last week -fromi Pal-Wau- eeto -Mackinac . Mr. Faust boarded the plane and m~ade a speedy flight back to Pal-Waukee the folý- lowing Thursday.. "Casey" Lam- bert of St. Louis, en route to his~ cenwfe of, the mayor of Greater Shangbai Air-Ette Club Members.. Planning Busy Season Mrs. Beach Warren, 3030 Sheridan roadi, Chiicago,':a memùber ,,of the Air- Ette, club: sponsored by the North, Shore airways at Curtiss field, bas bad an bour and one-haîf of dual ini- struction in the air and is now prac- avall m uuay of this week F rank Mara, sales man- ways at Curtiss field, accompaied ager of the Stinson Aircraft corPor- Lon Yancey Thursday of last wNeek ation, and C. W. (Slim) Frietag, in the Iatter's autogiro tco take aerial Stinson representative in this terri- pictures of the World's fair... tory, flew to Curtiss airport fronu Miss K. M. Edwarçls, flying from Wayne, Midi., Thursday of last ber home in Pittsburgh witb Ier week . .- C. L. Clabaugli, operations pilot in a Stinson- Model. R, arrived' manage r of tie North Shovrp air- at Curtiss.aitportThursday. i