WORLDYS FA&IR SOUVENIR TIK -EýT BOOKS sil'l avaulatie, Mgoing to got Min. LIFE. Ifs tuo bigj a a $365 BOOK of .TICKETS for onlv $150 EACH BQOK 0F TICKETS GQQD FOR:ý in addition to the abov. there is a coupon good for five cents. toward admis- sion fo A Century -of Progress Officiai Fine Arts Exhibition ini the Art Institute of Chacagiol THE BARCAIN'-,0FA"CNUY nows. said on. reader.of WILMETtE bargain to oveuiook." This reader simply voic.d t hé sentiment of"many who stopped at. the WorklIs' Fair Service Bureau of, WILMETTE UIFE during the past week to secure the World's Fair souvenir ticket books they needed from a daily, dwindling supply. Those who found It impssile o cîlpersonally mailed'in theïr odrs on the. handy order -coupon. And- becauseý of this the. stock. of tickcets on kand ha,«r'w smalier and smaller dailyi Have .you gotten yoursP We simply. raise this question for fear +hat you may not get sorne of 'thes. money-saving World's Fair souvenir tickets before it is too latel W. wish to pass on the. word that there eare stili on hand enough to cars for the. needs of fhose who will act NOWI But they won't last much longer. Seldom cornes suck an opportunity as tuis. It's like buying dollars at 75c eachl ln a constant effort to serve ifs readers your HOME PAPER was îndeed fortunate, through co-operation ,with the Redpath Bureau, in being able to~ secure a portion of thus imited printlng of bargain admission books to 'the Fair grounds and elevenp hand-Picked concessionsl Juat think of it. If purchased separately these admissions would cost more than $41 Why, sorne of the tickets included in the books are shown atf prices lsu than is charged oft1he Fair grounds. Now . . . you can got a book of tickets for *very member of the farnily and ,save almost $2 eachl See the fre. exhibits upon entering the grounds with the first, ticket. lEnjoy, the thrills of eleven handý-picked concessions with the: remha*nder. But you must ACT AT ONCE. Promptness will insure seoing «m rightiest spectacle of the genhration at money-saving >rice,! EncIosed fond $........ (including 20c for regist.r.d mailing up to 10 Tcket B@&.)l for which tend me, (No........... 1 World's Fair Souvenir ticket books et $2.50 par book. Address. ........... ................ ....... .H...... ...........stam ......... .......Br %%C EN:T:URY*.##*