Place at 2 o'cloclc at the home of Mrs. Thomas Mintz, 50 Crescent place.. Unique prizes have been chosen for* the 'gaine, of bridge. E$pecial attention given to the seat- ing of- individual guests, and. assur- ance of comfort to those attending ivhatever mood the weather'may be in,; are prèoiss the committee niakes for a summer "'get together" and benefit for the club. Assisting Mrs. Mintiz, chairman ýof the. committee, are Mrs.. Harry Bet-. tingbaus, Mrs. C. G. Btlirham., Mrs. Cordon J. Diltz, Mms' Russell, G............. Flood, Mrs. Edwin L. Georger, Mrs. Frank L.'Kaye, Mrs., Bauford -B. Langui, Mrs. HJenr.y A. Marten, Mrs.' Peter J. McGurk, Mrs. Henry G. " Prosser, Mrs. Alfred H. Rohiol, and. Mrs:. Albert B. Stail., While. the 'ways. and means com- Mathew F'rancis Ph~oto mittee undertakes to keep evýer- In the garden of her homne ai .50, demfanding côffers fifled, the elub's Crescent Placer, -Wilinette, Mr. officers spend many hours over plans 7ihonas Mintz, as chairmtan of the * nd arrangements that they. may be wuaYs and mteans committee, zviil be 1 n readiness- for the year to open in hostess at the afternoon bridge the faîl. The new officers are Mrs. Friday of this îveek which zviwil ad William Leary, sec ond. vice-presi- ta the funds of the Woîitais Cah- dent and social chairm an; Mrs. John olic Club of Wilmette. The hour is Tracey, recording secretar.y; Mrs.> 2 o'clock. William Genner, treasurer: Mrs. - John Boylston, Mrs. Harry McDer- Miss Mildred Wetten Is mott, and Mrs. L. G. Bratton, direc- tors; Mr5. Frank Thale, chairman of Bride of Thbomas Kelly fine arts; Mrs. A. W. Boylston, The marriage of Miss Mildred chairman of' philanthrpy; Mrs. L. Wetten, daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bratton, corresponding secretary; Albert Hayes Wetten of Winnetka Mrs, Marshall Kearney, chairman Of and .Çbieago,. to Thomas Lloyd KCelly, education; and Mrs. George Ort- who bas made his home with bis sis- seifen, chairman of the juniors. ter, Mrs. Alvin E, Bastien of 153 Sheridan road, Glencoe, took place Woodhead Farnilg Holds Monday afternoon of last week at the Lake Shore drive apartinent of Reun7ion at Barrington Mr. and Mrs. Wetten. Dr. Harrison A reunion of the Woodhead family Ray Anderson of the Fourth Pres- ivas held Sunday at the home of Mr. yterian church read the service at and Mrs.. Daniel, Woodhead of Bar- 4:30 before members of the two f am- ringtoni. Those present were Mr. and ilies. Mrs, Daniel Woodhea.d and family of The bride wore a tailored blue suit Barrigton.Mr. nd Mr. Jo n ad a corsage of liles of the valley. Baringon.Mr an Mr. JhnShe and Mr... Kelly were unattended,- Prze Io. DW U juesvts and inerners. prvient iei < a ~I-ognriUwariU LE The guest prizes were: first low net ent-Teacher association, opened her won' by Mrs. F. White of Wilmette home for a tea at which Mrs. W. C. with an 85; fifth l0w gross ' won by Bosworth, district chairman of Dis t- ,Mrs. C. Johnson of Skokie Playfield, rict 21, and Mrs. James Dunlop,. and fifth iow net won by, Mrs.. W. district. publicity. chairman, were Jensen of Briargate. guests of honor. OQthers' present The, members. who to pieswre the presidents o f the other Par were:. Mrs. J. E. Almond of Evans- ent-Teacher - association- groups in ton,. first low gross with a. 90,, and, Wilmette,' Mrs. Lowell Snorf,, presi- Mrs., B. T., Franck of Chicago, first dent of the Central-Laurel 1 Parent- loiv net with a. 111-82.. Teacher association; Mrs. Marshall. An Old Member-Ngew Member V. Kearney,,, president. of the St. TouÜrnament 'Ill. be th e special fea- Francis-Xavier Parent-Teacher, asso- ture of the bridge pa rty to. take ciation,' Mrs. William Regan, presi- place, at Sunset Ridge the first Fni- dent of the Highcrest Parent-Teacher day of next month khi ugust association., and Mrs. Johnson, a 4.. Playing will bie progressive, -and member of the ]Logan-Howard* board. there will be Dutch treat tables to Mrs. Bosworth presided at a short which those who grou ps o f meeting at whicli plans were outlined' less than four can be assigned. for the Ail-Day District conference The men's golf event at Sunset which is to be held at the Methodist Ridge, Saturday' of this- week, wiîî church in Wilmette, on October .6.. be a, two-man: teammatch (low net) The four Wilmette groups. will act with bail sweepstakes. as hostesses and Mrs. Bosworth looks forward, to ai one-hunidred percent 'Fi2jy Laies Dayattendance from these assoc iations. «g There are seveiity groups in the dist- Each Ttiesday inds the women. rict, and their representatives wilI be golfers at Mission Hilîs on the tee the guests of the Wilmette associa- and eager to play off. "The monthly tions on that day. Guest day on Friday, July 21, was The morning session will be opened very well attended," the committee with.a greeting by Mrs. Bosworth., announces, "the weather perfect, as *ýfollowed, by a short address of wel- were the many prizes,,the lincheon, coine. The remainder of the rnorn- and bridge." ing will be devoted to round-table conferences where individual prob- At Wilmette. Golf Clu'b lems will be dealt with, and each one« "A Night in Havana"' is the enter- may discuss the particular branch of taininent arranged for members of the work in which she is most inter- the Wilivette Golf club and their ested. A state chairman will preside guests Saturday, Juîy 29. Dancing, at, each conférence.. entertainme~nt, and a Spanish dinner Luncheon will be served and the introducing "something rinusual and afternoon session wilI open with a different" in manner of presentation. solo, 'to be followed by some out- standing speaker in the educational field. To carry out the plans for this con- EridE to-E Z J ference, the following chairnien were kîs. Kinnearý,chairman of arrange- Sments; Mrs. Snorf, hospitality chair-. man; Mirs. Kearney, publicity chair-, man; Mrs. Regan, decorations. Every oficer of each Wilmette Sassociation will serve on sonie corn- Imittee to help make this first Parent- Teacher District conference in,. \il- Honoting House Guest SMiss Marian Thayer,. 121 Robsart road, Kenilworth, will be hostess at a, card party this evening in honor of ber bouse guest, Miss- Ethel'- Gil- christ of Bronxville, N. Y.,. formerly of. Wihette. nouse atIl so'cIoci'naday morning and arrangements will be made for automobile transportation. M4rs. -Ois, Heath, 1426 Asbury ave- nue, Winnetka, will be hostess to bier bridge club on Fniday. nni4 t 11, i-o Smiuel (Charles Kling,> son of Mr. and Mrs. Haynus- Kling of C'hicago uwsannounced earlier liais month. Miss Kling's flather is dean of the Sheritood.>School of Mu&nc. :READING CIRCLE HOSTESS .The Readinfr circle will mneet at thé homte of Mrs. John Baker, 347, MXaple avenue, 'Monday, July 31,' at, 1: 15 o'clock in the ifte'rnoon.