and exnibition tennis mai buffet supper served at Among the north shore members who.attendedwere Mr. and Mrs. R.. D. Feltman of Winnetka, Who en- tertained a Party oftwenty-sik; Mr:~ and Mrs. Earl R. Green -of Winnetka, who entertained six friends; Mr. and Mrs. William F. Horsting of, Wil- mette, Who were host and hostess to eleven guests; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Mond.j. Koch and Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Jewell Dick of Winneètka, Who had, together, a party of. six; Mr. and Mrs.,Elmer W. Rietz of Winnet- ka entertainied te» of: their frièhnds; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. CamPbell entee- tained a party of eight; Mr. and Mrs. joseph Joyce *of Wîlmette, a party of eight; and Mr. an& Mrs. C. Miles M-fcDonald had a party of six. Mrs. C. R. Lettig of Evanston is, in charge of the children 's party that i.s to be givýen at the club'this Saturday, afternoon at 2:30. In addition to the many gamnes and amusements there is to be a hobby show. The young- ~sters are requested to bring their pet hobbies - handicraft, photography, boats, stamps, doils or other treasures which, chi ldren like to store away. 1 N U.Art Exhibit and Tea Today Open to Ai l A tea and exhibition of work of the Northwestern university SUMMer school classesin drawing an:d naint- frequent visits here, has many friends ini Wilmette who are enter- taining ini ber honor. Tuesday of last week Mrs, C. M Weeks of 735 Ninth street. enter-' tained for ail of the visitors. Last Friday evening Mrs * john Andrew Ronan of.'0M Greenwood avenue was hostess at a bridge for Mrs. Broadi and her guests., Saturday evening,. Albert Salvi. of 1351, Ash- land avenue, entertained at a. musi- cale for, them, 'he, hixnself. 1interna- tionally known harpist, 'and. the guests in his own home. joseph 'and Gera rd d'Lorenza, members,, respec-ý tively, of theLos Angeles and the San Francisco Symphony orchestras, giving the delightful prôgram., Monday evening Mrs., Broad' was hostess at a theater party in. honor of Miss Ryan. ,Tonight Mrs. Wai- teir Berming-hamn is dinnier -hostess in, ber honor in her home at 718 Laurel avenue, and Friday she will give a luncheon for Miss Ryan. The visitors came on to sec A Century of Progress exposition, as well as, to visit Mrs. Broad. versity's art department will speak on the "Fundamentals of Painting," and wilI, analyze a painting by a famous old master and another by one . of the much discussed modern masters. Everyonc is cordially invited. SUMMER DRESS.ES A.T AND 395 COMPLEE ANGE 0F SIZES l N'CLUDING, LIENJACKET SUITS SILK SPORTS D RESSESý SMART COTTONS THE SPORTS SHOP> OF HUBBARD WOODS 9 76 LINDEN AVENUE C arcoal studies, water colors, and gbridglst Tusa o e os mis in miany subjects, including some guest of the buildings . of A Century of Progress. will be e,çhibited. 4 dditionaf Society Newps Prof. Clara MacGowan of the Uni- o n Next Page Every Vacation. Sport and Com fort FISHERMANYS PARADIS! TeBellaire, Michgan TeBeatity Spot of Nortkern Michigén M fo $22.50 a w.ek includ For Fre Bookl.f. write Motor Coaclh Ser from M.dison SSion To ALL ENTtANiCES: Now onl y ail meais. MISS LERA M..SMITH., MGR. Bese to skyour lclC NW TickeAgent [or Ie u opn 'suai CCAGO & ORYNWESTRN RY. TEL. WINN. 55