merce. Arrangements for the con fer- ence are in personal charge of Dean Charles M. Thompson of the Coliege of Commerce at the university. The aduinistrators of the. National Industrial Recovery act . will send a representative to the university. to speak,,at tbe conferenceat Urbania. In addition faculty men of the unî- yergity of national prominence wihlý discuss various angles of the national legisiation, wbich. is embraced in the National *ecoverýv act and kiindred ineasures. To permit the attendance of ýa large number of business muen of the state the conference'bas been plannedL to begin ýat 10, a.m., and to end at 4 p.m. A time schedule bas been- adopt- cd that will insure adjouirnment -promptly on time, and will permit business men and-pubfit-officials to attend the conference and return to, their homes the same evening.. LINEN S1IOWER Mrs, Daniel Brower, 20)04 Home ave- nue, Chicago, entertained at a linen ,shower JuIy 17, in honor of Miss Heth j3rower, 720 Fifth street, who wvill bel a bride in the near future., Miss Ruth Kniep, 410 Maple avenue,' willbe host- ess at a breakfast and miscellaneous shower Suinday. Mrs. Albert Weer and ber*daughtier, Mary Clarke, 826 Chestnut avenue, are Ieaving Tuesday. August 1, for - a month's outing, at Kilkare Lc(dge ini Spooner, Wis. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Green and family of Oak, Park have leased the WVeber homze. 0o- Mr. and Nf ns. Lloyd Yost Kari and Jane. of 1016 Greenwood avenue, re- turned 'ruûsday of last week f rom aj two .eeks' motor trip to' New YorkI Wý,ashington. D. C., and Philadeiphia, and. through Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Feltmfan and their four chikiren,,of Phoenix, Ariz., Who arrived July 1, to visit the parents ,of Mr. Feltman, the C. H. Feltnans, 800 Sheridan road, will stay unitil the end of August. day of Iast w are occupying sister and fan ini Evanston. the E. Pea! KenilWorth resident. Tom Hildebrand, Carleton Ross, -o- ~and Bill Holmes of Kenlwrh>r -Maxine Lepat of Xaàshville, Tenui., camping outfor a week. nea r Bull arrived Sundav to visit ber uncle and lake. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. john Giebmn of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived Tuesday 'of last .week to visit the Ernest Reich- manns of 105 Ramona road. Nature's Vacation So r'f Scenic Girandeur is i. ender peJ'oa001dir FOR ffSTW IM IASAT I çcOoe w ncL52Né I TOM MI E1,q Miv A A (Lot ofParking Spaoe) COUNTRY CLUB 144TEL OWý ReENLAKE. Wsc. Br ing The Family: Thrilling C .OOK COUNTYý FA 1R' 1'7 Days ý17 Nighti Friclay, July 28, to Sunday, August 13, Inc. at the New Fair Grounds River Road and North Avenue BUS SERVICE FROM- EJevat.d Station Sth Mayw..d and North Ave. Surface Cars DIRECT TO GROUNDS Horse Racing Steeple Chasing Auto Racing, Auto Polo Society Horse Show Polo Flower Show Dog Show WORLD ONSPARADE Spectaeïlar Eevue-Cast of 126 Directed by