Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 30

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Tbree Winnetka Residences Sold to P. J. Hurser A sale of three residences, 181-191- 199 Sheridan road, Winnetka,. com- prising three bundred feet fro ntage on the lake, each bouse havinig a frontage of one hundred feet witlh riparian rights,, bas just been made 10 P. J. Hursen by ýthe Chicago cor- poration . Tbe consideration is. wih- beld. The purchaser turned in as part payrnent bis ten -roonï brick residence witb llifty feet of frontage at* 5250 Sheridan road, -Edgewater,. opposite the Saddle and Cycle club. 1The Winnetka property was devel- oped by Johin Mills about six years, ago., he having purcbased the land at a 'reported price *of $700.00 Per foot for the tbree bundred 'feet and, erected -tbree. residences'thereon, one for bis' daugbîer, one. for bis son, Jack 'Milîs, and, one for bimiself. Tbe grounds were elaborately. landscaped, concrete retaining walls built along the lake, and a garage and cbauffeur's quarters were built to take care of: the motor cars of the,,tbree familles. These improvements. including the cost >of tbe land, involved an expendi-ý ture of over $650,000., Mills and Son, the former owners, were large builders of small bomes and two-flat buildings ini Westwood, a. western suburb of Chiýcago.. Mr. Hursen plans to utilize the Winnetka purchase for bis. own occu- pancy and his married children. lWinnetka Permit s jBuilding permits for iniprovements -,totaling* $53,225 have been issued in -jWinnetka during the past-thirty days, acrording to Building npco o alert L Anderson. .11Prominent in this list is the one for the second and final unit of th1li new church home.,being erected b3 the First Churcb of Christ, Scientist, at 440 Ridge av enue. The first unit, for whicb ,a permi t was. issued April 25, cost $30,000. The cost of the secondi unit, embodied in the permit issued during te past thirtjy days, is, $42,000, niaking the :total cost of the church $72,000. Orne Residence Permit There was. one.. permit for a new residence, a two-story building with attac 1h d 'wo-car garage, which Ayres Boal,' Jr. is building,,at 1488 Tower road. The cost is given as,.$6,900. T'here were five permits for addi- tions and alteratioans, the total cost of whichi is $3,675, and two permits for private garages. one costing $500, te other $150. Air Conditioning No Longer Idie Dream By A. A. M. No one who lias noted the trend lu home construction during the past two or three years will even mildly ducted Ihe, negotiations. for new houses or remodeling of old Report Other sales ones has become a cert'ainty. It will McGuire and Orr report several no more be ignQred than a central other sales on the north sbore, as heating plant or electric refrigera- follows: tion. It is part and parcel. of. build- 216 Lake. street, Evanstoni, a ten- ,iiig developuient in our day-no long- roorn framie residence occupying a lot erý a dreani. of amhbitious e ngîneers, 100 feet front between Forest avenue but a scientific achievemnent. and Sheridan road, Evanston, from Que need not go. away from. home Helen R. Warren to Robert B. Lef- to discover that this new and impor- fingwell. tant acquisition t0 home equipment Sale 10 Clarence A. Heniphiliof a is meeting With the approval of home, 1Building A ctivity in ýBaird and Warner Glencoe Shows Spurt Report Increased OCSverI' building permits for 'i- Sales on N. Shore sprovements, totaling $11,330 were is- n sued' in Glencoe during. the> month, "Sales closed during the past s 'ixty of Juiy-,-according to Deputy Build- days give evidence of a much. im- -ing Inspector L.. M. Helke, h d-p roved real estate market," states ed 'the cheerful comment, "This be- Stewart. B. Matthews, vice president e gins 10. look like old times."l in, charge -of sales of Baird and One of. 'Warner, Inc., "as Baird and. War- On fthe permits is -for a new.nrrcrd b>te etsx residence,1 a one and one-haif story mnhbsns eidiitevlm frame structure wbicb E. A. Meyer of slssnetepedpeso r :is erecting at 346 Jefferson avenue, Some >of our nortb sbore sales' in- cotig$450.clude. the purchase by Halbert 0. Jack Benjamin took out a .permit Crews,. public administrator, 30 Northi for, a $5,000 addition to bis residence LaSalle street, of one of Wilmette's atf 951oet vne fine homes atý 522 Forest avenue. Another permit *as issued 10 David Mrs. Vesta M.. Didrikseni of Baird Nelson for repairs, costing. $1,000, 10 and Warner's Evanston office rep- a store room at 345 Park avenue dam- resented both parties." *aged by fire., "Aniother Wilmette sale is that.of D. W. Lewis is building an openi a beautiful eight room' brick borne, at por ch on bis residence at 961 East- 1129 Sheridan road, wh icb Mr. and wood drive,- costing $«o.,1 Mrs. 'Patrick E., Hailton, bought T. R. Allen took out a permit for from Mildred F. White.. J. C. Phe- a two-car frame garage at 8()q Ian handled tbe legal details. John Greenleaf avenue, costing $265. B. Whidden of Baird and Warner's Mrs. Jennie Marinetti is making Kenilworth office was tbe broker lu repairs 10 a. garage at 345 M adisoi: the tranisaction.". avenue,. recently damaged by fire. Glencoe Resadence Sol d ýTh'e cosî, accordinWto the permit, is M r. and Mrs. Da'-,id T. Welch A$ emi150rnoe.ig an tt sold their properv at 258 Maple A prmi fo reno'eUn a ar"mt Hill road, Glencoe, -t Mr. and Mrs. a garage, at 150 Lake street. was is.- Lyma.ii Manley Drake, Jr. P. H. sued to Miss Irene Weyman. The Schlofield of .Cutting, Moore and cost is $15.___ Sidley représented the purchaser. John Neivhall of Baird and War- weatber but nobody does anythiîîg ner's Glencoe office was the broker about it." The thermal engineers wlio for both parties.. brought about air conditioning, cer- Nfr. and Ms James E. Skidmore tainly did sometbing about lt-as far 'purchased a colonial home at 710 as 'Indoor weather is concernied, --t Forest avenue, Higbland Park, from least. Mr. anid Mrs. Pe.rcy Reeves. Frank. The question 'of air, its purity, Eý. Lord,' represeniting the purchaser, cleanliness, volume, location, circula- and Franklin Vaughtan, acting for. lion, etc., becmsan iportant one tihe seller, took charge *of h ea whien il 15s remembered tbat the av- details.- J. W.. Harris of Baird and erage bumain body consumes tbirtYa- Warner's Skokie Rid ge office was four pouids. of 'air dailyr,as compared the' broker. with four pounds of fiuids and. thre Corner' Davis" ten -rooni colo10.nialý pounds of food. Is it not reasonable, home at 94 Essex. road, Winnetka, then,. tbat as much. attention should was puecbased by Edwina Schupp. be given 10 keeping air in'a bealth- T1he broker was Wallace S. Reming- fui condition as that drinking water ton of Baird and Warner's Glencoe and foods should be protected frorn office. contamination? Tbis can be donc on.- ly by an effective system, of air con- KeiMIIwortb ,Sale, v. s t I .. -- - - - .-- -", ... I I ...S. LL uz c s' t01 i l anston C.onstruction com pany took substances which il does flot normal- necessary to maintain a difference in ouI a permit for a frame and brick ONE KENILWORTH 'PERMIT, ly contain to make il more suitable temperature of from 10 to 20 degrees residence at 2026 Washington avenue, A building permit has been issued for human breathing. It substantially can be saved. The evaporation of wa- 10 cost $5,000. In addition to this, to Herbert Taylor for the erection of refutes the remark of Mark Twain. ter necessary to maintain 45 percent there were several permits for small, a rear porcb addition to bis residence Who, in a burst 'of that inimitable humidity can be secured without ap- garages, porches, remodeling,, t. at 631 Ablbotsford road, Kenilworth. humor, tiat made hifm beloved of al;, preciable increase in fuel consump-, which brought the total up, buno The impr'ovement, will cost $400. .;said. "Everybody talks about the lion. t nipsn iue toa bpsi iue

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