NEAR LAKE, TRANSPORTATIONJ AND SCHOOLSj 413 CENTRAL AVE., WILMETTE 9 ,mms., 3 baths, 2 slpg. porches, tile kitehen, 'oul heat, 3-car garage, lot 100x200. Sale price $25,000, rent on],. $125. M4any othèr equally fine, values froni Evanston to Highland Park, 'rents fmom, $50 to $800 per. month. Salés $6,500 Up.ý BILLS REALTY, 111.1 OPEN EVENINGS. No man's Land Wilmette 3740 97LTNI 2-1 tc Comfortable house, close in,J 3 bedrins., 1 bath ...._$50 7rmn. brick, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, double.garage, convenient ... 6 8 rmn. house, Hubbard Woods, 5 bedrms., 2 baths, oil heat....$940 8 rm. house, Glencoe, overlooking Skokie, 5 bedmms., 2.baths, oul heat. fine yard . $100 S. E. Wiflnetka, 7 rm. Colonial, 4 bedrrn'., 3 baths, oul heat..... $125 SMITII .& GOSS, hI1c. 725 ElrnSt., Vnnetka Ph.:3500 ____ _____971TN12-I te ON 1INDIAN 1111,. -Modern Stifeco. 8 î,,,>zs, .3 btths,l' lheat, refrigera-- tor, range, 2-ear attauhed garage'. $200 per month. tiv I Iî ibathi, screent.cî porcîî,- <> lvît. KW îitor. range, 1-car do- t;tehed garageý.$S per month. J. Le. FLOYD) COM.N2PA NU 384 Center Stre±et Wnnetka, Illinois Phone Winnetka 3603 D7-LTN12-l i. 10 rmis 3 ha., oh, Ig. lot. $175 8 rmns., 3 b.s., ohl, 2 c. g.......125 8 rnis., 2 bs., oîl, 2 c. g. ........85 7 rniýs. 2 bs. H. W. H., 2 c. g....70 .7 rms. 1 b. H. W. H., 2 c. g 60 5 rnis, lst fir., D)uplex. Htd., 1 c.g.. 40 Othe r good values, houses and apts. B. H.BARNETT. 526 (entï-r St. Winnetka 965 97L12-t,, Attrpactie ,White brick, 3. bedrms., 2 baths, lav., brkfst. rrn, ohheàt, att. gar. $70 nonth. Charming (oùna,4. bedrfiis., s1pg. 1no(rchi, 3- baths, lav,., . er. porch, ou heat. $150. Frances J. ýWinscoôtt .#Spruve. St. Winnetka 1267 j7LTN12-î!tpý NEAR LAKE AýND SCHOOL. LOVELY brick, large groumis. 4 bedrms., up)- tairs sitting rn., 2 baths, lmv., rm., att gar. Reduced to $135. Sale prie $20,000. Other good. values $60 up. Mrs. Lange, Winnetka 114- i at.the stamt 01 son. Ealy ac -- PiiiaBos overiuuAc- DtiLIj. ~ WAKNER ing Skokie golf course. Extra large 550PAK RIEI<NIWOTR living rom, panle library, butler's Ke50lwARh 5566 ,KenilwOrth 4785 pantmy,4and breakfast nook; S5.bed- K eni wor h 5566K e 9l T N 1th r4785 baths lav, on fimst. Screened -99LNJ2-tcýpomch, :2 car at-tached garage. Large lot. $37,500.> $1,« etit.,À' -A-dance White fr.ame. colonial, northwest Glen-, OUR CLIENT WILL.PAY AS ABOVE1 coe, 7 rooms., large porch. ' acre for desirable homne with 4 or more- nicely wooded, $15,000. bedroonis and 2 or more. baths In Winnetka' preferably, but also ICenil- And, many oéther, attractive homes for worth. Might let advance apply. on sale and ment. Purchase price If can b y right. R E X G AN 1HEINSEN REALuTy co. GAE..RN 669CETE ' (lengables. Glencoe 814 960 CENTERWININETKA 254,1t WE HAVE RESPO.NSIBLE CLIENTS HOUSE OF THE WEEK waiting for unfurnished houses,. Kenil- Ripamian Rlghts with Private"Beach *worth, Winnetka. and, Glencoe. Ask Exquisite planting amound this beautiful any pmoperty owner about our serv- brick, Georgian house with il1 rms., ice. A bath.a, and loVely lake porch. Owner MRS.. FULLER &W'M. PICKARD ieaving eity ba cut drastically for Winnetka 122 Wilmette 730 quick sale. 99LTN1ý2-lte RS ULLER & WM. PICKARD, .MODETnN WeLL-INSULATED HOUSE, Winneptka. 122 Wilmette 730 3 or 4 bedrrns., 2 baths, in or about 1JILTîN12-Itc Hubbard. Woods, respÔnsible tenants, October o.ecupancyv, low rentai. Ph. Beautiful Modern'Home Glencoe 1642. 99LTN12-ltp FN OAIN ETC NTu ,ANTrED- A NICEg CO'MFORTABL1E tien. 10 rms., 4 baths. Sacrifice price. hiome. Reasonable ment. Good location. 14> blk. to lake, near sehools anid Write A-190, Box 40, Wilmette, MI. transi). E. Winnetka. Cail Winn. 3852. 99LTN12-1u(- 111LTN12-ltp Yes! Peo pie are Looking i i i eferences) walting for 'us 'to fifldAs franA tke *hem houses. List your house with s fo anA tke U.'- for reliable service. Real Estate Service, me. j REDUCED RATIES Ne owrts ajClsl Chriaq.tine Baumann Flomence Cook Lite, WInnetka Talk and Glencoe News more econornîcal. :Ask Louvia Pittman them'! 53Lincoln Ave. Winnotka 3450 ___________________________________ 99LTN12-2tc roi- nformation cou, 40.4 Lînden Aveý Wilmette 4134 71 GeuoeBd.. Qienco. 404 114 OR UALE-VACNT MUST SELL NOW. Lot in Ravinia Park. $750 cash. Good buy. Phone Wlnnetka 134. l14L12-ltp ý115 WANTED TO UY-VACANT WANTED - LOT NEAR TRAFNSPOR-ý tatIn f rugl. State exact loca- tion pfcorntage, depth, Address A189, ox40, Wlmtte, Ili. 115LTN12-ltp) 124 ACREAQE AMD ESTATM BARIGON-M 5ACECOUNTRY home, moidemn English type bungalow, 5 bedrms., 2 baths. Beautlfully- land- scaped. Also 75 acres with certified dairyr buildings.. Bargain. Owner, Chas, W. Dahir. Ph. Barrlngton 502-J, P. O. Box i., 124LTN12-ltp FOR S L$ BAUT1i ý' " 7IFUL 800-AC REi wooded estate includlng large pùivatei lake in northen. Wisconsin. Muti sacrifice at once at attractive price. Phone Wilmette 26494 124LTN12-ltp 129 IOU SAL-HOUiEHOLD 000» UplRIGHT ýPIANO, INEING ROOMf, living room, and bedroom funitjmè. Also lawnu rnower and >garden tools. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 4647. 129LTN12-lte INIlAJ lESTI -C ELE C. RE FRI1G., FE.W nion ths Qld, excellent condition. Ver>' reasonabie. Also large size green Storkllnechild's crib complete. Cail WlAlmettp 2.6345. >- 129LTN12-Itp DI.ÇNN; TABLE AND> CHAIRS, SIDM - ,. bo.aird, china cabinet, bedstead, daven- port,ý love seat, dressing table and other'household goods. 810 Lake Ave., Wilmiette. 129LTN12-ltp GAS RANG E WITH 0VEN THER- mionieter, ice box, andiomns, firescreen, garden tools, chairs, etc. Reasonable. Phone W limette 4858. 129LTN12-ltp P-URNITUTRE BARGAINS - HAL, clock, munners, end tables, odd chairs, book-case, mug. Phone Glencoe 573. FOR SAL-À 1 'ARRAND CECILIAN *Plater Piano. with olls, In excellent corndi.tion. 125 Laurel Ave', Wilm % e, 111. 129L l2!tp DETrROIT JEWTEL GAS STOE. burners, 2 ovens and warînlng oven. Good condition. Bargain. Phone Win- netka 954. 129L12-ltp BEDS, DRESSER, LAMPS, -DRAp s ail in ,good coëndition. Reasonable. Phone Winnetk 1376. -129L12-ltp WO PAINTED BEDROOM -:SETS. Reasonable. Phone Glencoe 1541.