on the North, Shore Dollars and Cents . , . Dollars and Cents, , . . aýORpaper, ink, plates, presswork and al the tangible thing which go into a printing estimate. Et But'Dollars and Cents do1 not tell the whole story. They may for many printers, but flot for Lloyd Hollister Ine. E1 There are many essentials to our better printing service which cannot be priced in actual Dollars and Cents. These are intangible . . . yet they mean much to the b#uyer., CJIRST cornmes Experience. Certainly it's an -important .-item., Yet it. is flot reckoned in any printing estimate. Really there i îs no charge for it. E1 Neither do our estimates include such essentials as Pride i workmanship .. reputation for doing the job at. hand rig/zt... care of details... record for keeping promises... reli- ability in makinu delivery dates. L...<i L.LN.. A ' A 123-36Central Avenue £1l Printers and Publishers Wilmette, Illinois