or G~LMCrnuml s - Rates- M2G&]][MU cHALO â OLAI.Averageofiv rd te~ the Uine. No black face type u»&d. »% 4iseoeat on ait cash advertW-e ments when brought te our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 561 Lineoin Ave., Winnetka. 16% uisounst on ail advertiselelits ruti four Dealse fr nsrtionsClamibld dvertiéements w111 be ac- Deadfne fo Imecepted Up toý Tuesday 9 -P. M. for WILMECTTI LIIFE or ait three papers; Wedneaday 9P. M. f6r, WINNIETKA TALK andl Tburaday 65 P. M. for GLENCOI N NEWS. ITelèephones: Wllimette 4300. Wlnnetka 8000,* Greelnleàf 4300,or Sheidroke 6487. SLoS? AN.D FouNI LOST - NEEDLE CASE WITH GOLI>. thimble on, Scott or Linden Ave. Tuesday afternoôný Phone- Wlnnètkq 2220, 3L,15-tp F7 vTF AEANTIQUE .PRIVATESAEATQEFR - ture, glass, china, ýbelow dealers' prices. 1J. Pease, 660 irving Pk. Blvd., Chicago. littersmeeet 7166. 7LTN15-1 ti 16 BUSINESS SERVICE Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDELHOYEN, EXTERMINÂT- ing engineer. Ph. Winnetka Eý91 or Northbrook 128. 16LTN25-tfc- SAM GOLDMAN JUNK DEALER Paper 60c, per 100 lbs. Magazines 70e per 100 lbs. Wilnette 5417. 16LTN15-ItP CENTURY OIL BURNER SERVICE ALL BURNERS AT ALL HOURS FOSTER NISTLE Phone Wii. 5405 16LTN14-4tP) 20 CLOCK REPAIRING CLQCK EXPERT, CHIME,~ HALL, antique clock repairing. Learned traite ln Europe. (Fortaerly wlth Tiffany andti Feld'a.) WïlI eall. Free estimate. DAv1d JohazI8U0u. Phonte Diycï'sey 2041. 2LTN1-8tp 24 FARM PUODUCE ALL lNDS FiRESH HOME GROWN vegetables. 'On Lake Ave, 2 blocks west of Hibbard Rd. J. Klein's Farrn. 24LTN12-4tp 85 PLANTrS AND BuLm FOR SALE-MERTENSIA- (VIRGINIA MuBlelel). 'Mrs. Hurîbut,'715 Greenleaf Ave.* Phone MWilmiette 855. 28LTN15-1ltc 49 PAINTING AND DECORAiNrS Paint,' Paper 5 Ris. $34.50 SANITAS AND CANVASING WORK ireas. Rm. wallpaper, cleaned, 75c; bathirmf. enameled. $5; kitchen paiflted. $5; ceiling calcimined, $1 up; 5 RM. FLOORS WASHED,ý SCRUBBED, VARNISHED OR WAXED, $8; EX- TERIOR WORK.- WINDOWS, 35e AND UP; PORCHES, $10. REFS. FREE. ESTIMÂTES. MATERIALS FURNISHED. CALL WILMETtE 1258.- 42LTN15-ltp PAINTING, CALCIMINING, AND PAPER.HANGING PRICS VERY RZASOiAB'LE. CALL WflNNETKA 3669. 42LTN15-2tc- PETS 44 TWO COCKER SPANIELS, 5 M4ONTHSý old, pedigreed beauties. House traileti. Private owner. Phone Wilmette. 1875. 44LTN15-Itp EXPERT- PIANO TUNING $3. UP- right or grand; also repair work guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. H. C. Thomias, Park Ridige 699-R. 45LTN14-4tp 53 SEWINQ MACHINE EPAIING, IMPORTANT SEWING MACHINZ RJ2PAIR SflQP Establisheti more than fift3t years ago ln Evanston, is now located at 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Also re- pairing of ail Electrical home appli- ances.' Tel. Uni. 2200 or *Wil. 4368. L. Ej. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfc ne WEARING APPAREL FOR SALE-FULL LINE 0F GIRLS' and misses' clothing, lncluding sport, afterngon and evening dresses, etc.., sizes 6 to 16, also, Girl Scout andi c',i..,,u.it <inna conditionn. reasonable. 421 I"ourtfl St., Wilnette Wiimeîte Ll'g 1, Winnetka 2662 68LTN14-tfe EXP. WHITE WRXAN W1,OHES DAY work of any kind $3 a day;. aiso ca- tering 40e an hour. References fur- nished if desired. Mrs. Stanwûod, Wil- Mette 3753. 81-t YOUJNG, RELIABLE, CAPABLE WOM'- an. wishes position as mother's helper, serving, or care of chiidren,. 40ec hour. >Can give ref. Ph. Wiimette 4203. 68LTN15-lLp STENOGRAPHER, EXPER. OFFICIiý details.' Permanent or t1emporary. Copying or tyrping doneat home. Ph. Wilmette 591. .1 68LTN15-1t]; RELIABLE COLORED WOMAN. first class cooking and, serving. Good r-eferences. Phone Greenleaf 9237, o .~68LTN1!5-IttP HIGII'r SCHOOL GIRL ýWILL TAKE care of children and help with house- work. Phone Wilmette 3068.' 68LTN15-Itp 69 SITUATION, WANTED-MALEi EXP. MAN WAN'PS PERMANENr Wed. and Fr1. house and lawn worK., Als-o <dd jobs.. Cani also paint. and calcimine. Galagher.- Wilmette 2088. 69LTN15-ltp) COLORED .MAN, CHAUFFEUR AND housemtan. Stay on premises. Part or full time work. 4 yrs. Winn. refs. Phone Kenwood 0656 after 8 p.m. 69Ll5-ltp HOUSEMAN, GARDENER, D R I V E car. Single. 27 years old. North Shore references. Winnetka 3558. 69LTNl,5-ltjP 70 ST. WT.-MALE AND IFEMALE KENILWORTI-4 WELFARE COMIMIT- tee wishes to place the following ,' women, for day work. 2 high school boys for yard work. 2 men as gardeners, housemen, or chauf-, feurs. References furnished. If you have posi-.ý tions openi, temporary or permanenit, please call Mrs. H-. B. Taylor,chi- man of Employ ment Committee, Ken- llw.orth 2820. Aiso clothing wanted for school girl.-, .izes 12, 16, 20; school boys' sizes 10 to 14. Phone Ms Harold Tideman, Kenilworth 3262. 7LTN1 5-1tp *Experienced Couiples >3wetiish. 30 anld 35, 2-year ref.,' .Norwegian. 29, 211-yr. ref., Finnieh, 28 and* 32, 3-year ref. German, 322 and, .5, 5-year ref. Eýnglish, 34 anti 37, 7-year ref. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Wlnnetka 331 634 Davis. Evanston' Davis, 471 ln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 251 71LTNl3-tfC W H I TE MAID ]FOR GENERAL housework, 4 in family, wages $5, no. washing but some ironlng. Refs. re- quired. Phone Winnetka 2383. EXP. GIRL, WH IT E, GENýERAL housework.,. good cook; for emal house. 3 in family. Cail Winnetka 1059.7.lL.5-Itp WHITE.' GIRL FO 'R GEýN. HOUSE- work. 2 childrefl in famnily.. Wash-. ihig but r0io roniiig. $4 per week. Phone Glencoe 56. 71LTN15-ltl) WHITE GIRL OR WOMA N FOR SEC- ond work. Must be -ekperienced wlth childrefl. References required. Phofle Wilmiette 1168.' . 71LTrN15-1tC WHITE. GIRL 'FOR GEN. HOUSE- Nwork. No.wa.sýhing. . Not much cook- ing. Stày nights. $5. Starting Sept. _L Winntka 3676. 7LNSlî WHITE GIRL FOR CARE 0F BABY 2 to 6, daily. 1484 Scott Ave. Winý- netka 3223. ~ LN5li WiiT E MAI11)FOR, GENERALý bousework, laundry.,.Age 25 to 45. $7. Phone Kenlworth 4111. 71L15- ltp 7b lELP WTft,-MAILE AND FKMALE $100 MONTH .WANT LXP. WHITE COUlpLEr. MI have good working refs. 4 adult fani- ilY.- No laundry. PAULINE'S EIMP. AGENCY 4th andjLînden wilmette 73LTTN15-t', IlA PROGRESSIVE CHAIN GR0CJERY .wants Wllmette girl, alqo young man as P-rt time clerkS. Reply, .stating age, natlonalitY, andi experience to B-3. Box. 40. Wilmette. 7315-tp WANTED - PIANO ACC'OMPANIST for voice student 3 hrs. a week, 50Oc Per hour. Phone Wilniette 113(;_ 73LTN15-ltp 77 FOR SALE-AUTOS PA--CKARD BIG 8,' 7-PA.SENGII sedan, 6 wire wheels. Çlood condition., Bargain. Phone Glencoe 573. 77LTN15-lp 83 FOR RENT-ItOOMg .OX RENT-LARGE Room IN EAST side.-home, near aIl transportation. andi within walking distance, of lake. Light housekeeping privileges. 731 Tenth Street,. Wlmrette, Ili., 82LTN7-tfp FOR RENT-ýATTRACTÉIVE ROOM IN East side home. 011 ht. Instant hot water. Accessible ail transp. Large groundis, porches. Refs. WIl. 204. PARTICPJLAR PAINTING AND. DEC. Floors refinisheti with electric machine. Very. reasonable., Best of reference.s. Fred -Broberg, Briargate 1061. 42LTN13-4tP tir, day. or week, Refs. Phone Wini- 1rnGU SCH( ka 1066. 68L5-ltp L-et break: RR. AND RELIABLE WOMAN dren; free shes day work of any klnd, wash- Also.' expert( e, conking and qervihg. N. S. ref.. ref s. Ph. Lone Winnietka 3690.68L15-ltP [nfetka woman with vi O RENT- 1 OR 2 ATrTRACTIVE I roms.Desirable location, lrivate 71LTN15-ltp home. Wilmnette M90. SL~s.t I HI