YARD GOODS EFae t rp 2 yard. Si AII.ilk; 40 lus. wide. Maat crepe. 2 yards. 01 EÀl1w mteresting de-, E Satn erepe prd.Sil Ali.silk;4inule.lClr perd. 1 E Ur:: I. s wide. i 1SMatins. paré.;$1 L In mimronsAututun Mlos -Vwool.; 54 ins wide. thIrd Fleer FOUNDATION CARMIENTS rïCoruset. $1 L.iBoxqod or unboned; nets and voiles nluded. EFirmly boned; brocade-. El La!es. E Ganterbes.5 Firm and flexible; brocade. E Garterbt2r TSi BOYS, APPAREL Jackets. Si Wool or corduroy; sizes 8-20., Knickers. SI Wool; several patterns, size»s 8 to 16. Shorts. 2 for 11 Wasbable; plain or fancy; mies 4 to 16. E Treusers. S Long trousers of corduroy;, sizes 10 10 20 yeara. E E E miss, AND WOMKWNS A variety of styles for misses endwoen simes 14 to 40. ESweaters. 41 Adepted to @chool or sport@ Wer; sizes for women and misses; in a splendid variety of colora and patterus. E aBuses. SI Silks and collons in dark and pastel shades; women's and misses simca. EMiîny taken directly froin Onr rular stock; missessires ESpring: and Smunmer dressesl and, coals greatly rcduiced. Feurtli Viser INFANTS' APPAREL EJ Bloomer style; in assorted col- ors; sizes 2 to 6. E Dresses. 5 For toddiers; various styles and colors; sizes 1, 2, 3. ElDresses. S1 infants' short dresses; hand- miade; numerous styles; sizes E El El El Sweater setts, 1 Sweaters and îatching berets; pastels and Fa11 colors. Wool; Pink, bine, white. Creepers. S1 Kuit;,. pastel bhades; 1j-pîece style; 1, 2, yearB. Suites, BOYS'; knit; 3 -pIece sets; agi- sorted colore and styles; Z 3 4 sweaters. $11 InfAnts'; Pnk luk. Iewhite; 1, [7 E Palamas. S$-1- Rayon in attractive oelor Coin- binations; 2 styles; E Knitted Kayaerettes; ýeé style; assorted colore; iresl4 t,6 20. Rayon; laeuiiM or îailorod; sîes 15* 10. 17. Sij] à ryo;tailored; bias eut. Es tep-Uns. 2 feor SU oayon; severalstyles. Alsoray- on lmes at the.same price. Hand-madc; cotton; tea rose, filesh, white. E Palamlas. $1 Cotton;i and* 2.piece styles. Es tep-Eps. Si Pure dye silk; lace trimmed or tailored. E Bandeau mats. S1 Pure dye'silk; lice îrined; sizes 32 t1036. Pure dye silk; lace n. coolie coats. $ [jaanee ilk ponget. Rayoni; pebble mesh. EGowns. 2 for $1 Porto Rican. Tbini Fboor CURTAINS AND DitAPERtIES Cturtatns. pair. SI Cotton, gauze. ,shades. suire. SI EWhite broadelotl and colored shirts; coIlar-attached or neck- band style; sitecs 14 to 17. E Coller or -1o.W English De&c stl;sites A to E. - CHECK'Tnus DY VALUESL> HERE AE31 ,VERIY SPECIAL VALUES El El r:' E El El El El El El El E Lii Lii El El El E El El f1 Novelty:I.bric gloves,# in 's everal jcolors; 2 pairs Mixing bowl sets-! 2bowls of ghiý,anteed oven ware Orange juicers, inounted on à WOod base.. Japanese plain color rag rugs, sie 45 x 80. AII-silk Rat crepe in excellent colors, 2 yards . All..wool suitings in new Fail colors, 54 inches wide; yard Sheer chiffon kose with picot top, in new shades; 2 pairs Guimpes in varioius styles, materials and colors... Twine colored or .white fabric gloves, gauntlet style; 2 pairs Filet lace table clothi, sizes 70 x 70 and 69 x 83; eack Kotex sanitary napkins, 12 to. the box; 6 boxes for.. Wo mens n misses' raincoats in several styles, 14 to 40 Japanese silk pongee coolie coat, .. . . . . . . . Pure clye sillc slips, bias cut, in tea rose and white . Corsets, both boned and unboned, ofa popular brand Squibb's -tooth pastel, large size tubes; 4,for .. lvory soap, large size bars; 14 for ... Men's white broadcloth shirts, sizes 14 to 1 7. Men'sblaclcsllhose,insizeslOtol2 ýà& * I I11 'f1 - -1 .I .M*ý . * . s . s . s $1 $1 SI $1 * $1 SI * SI $1 $1 * $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 * $1 * Si SI Si * Si * Si s e s s s* cboice E E News 8fatpternai TNes. 3Faper 8 Tin vaîtyof henilt e Ashaeds ad pathernie; ctan.u mado of fne atemsrief nieoie iatfri s. EUcellntsuit 2,sfres81 48 S.Iiet <fOit. .n,84 E Shrts.cotfer mrS . E Umulnbts. or aras Fue cottn;Inbfoitted E in Rtose E pairs.d8 Roai;rsoredatpont ofck g ;ré ~ifré tpit First Fleer CHINA AND GLASS ElOriental articles. 81 Far East collection of Cloi- sonne; enamel, soapstone, cmn- nabar lacquer, brasa candle- sticks and ash trays, embroî- deries, slippers, umnbrellas, poîîery, sweetmeat boxes andl many other interesting items. E CGapse, fotrn;$1by o bape gobbtets,;shrb ogr bowls, pblates and etnea golselaesan. edt E Crsta umerssem.5 Clesa cu luing a.bodoms îceAeutd i tee wîr rorane i .,izë eawtro i.g.uc, Iced tee sets. $1, J Jug 1.with ic e guard on spout, and 6 large tumblers' E E E rsimpg «cardi.. I4seks. $1 Attractive dlosgus; gilt edge. WintWwe, I l pees St W NewAralepattern; 10.year E Eamdb at. S Suodos, leethers, febnies; now Fan colors. E E E E El E Conaination Pen andl penai. Knives and forks; sétainesa blados; groený*white, rcd han- Suger andmi eaer. on tray., D1reai trayo. St Heavily silver-plated. Cloce. sa Ilammond electric; vo ape. cially.priced for Dollar . Dresser sets. 81 Comb, brusb, mirror; lin i-u laîed onyx; rose, green, yellow, Statleaery. 3 boxes. S1 Fine paper; ler and note size; attractively boxed.. EDr. West brand. First Fiser E SHOES Woei*'0sitees. $1 Sîraps, oxfords, tics; plain leather or combinations; most El Also Summer sandals et. tJui prlce. E For boys; sizes 2 10o 6. Fgit Viser n Chme. berne. 3 pain.s.iS P. 1ioîtq4; ew FAl eedes. km. S peisa Simeis pattrsan.t l E For, eldren; hle; %4mgth; SF"or etdrn srpd mi a "odes; faney tops; whito and E ismefl andl modinna;.bluc, rod, green- Linons, lace, net; white, ou. olI, pastels end étherrceler. New FaIt necklines; satin, bengaline, goorgotte. flamdlkerchieis. » 1er Si Linon; whitc;ý hemstitchod border., Plain white andpctel shados; sports size; eplyqed dosigns and hand oebroidcry> E aitchod gauntdet styleo. LJPorforated glace kid; 4-button b".fl; g tleî tyl; white FcEie gleves. 2 pairS. S1 ElNoveltlrdesigwitbcrohetd cuif; bak rwbie- FirsI Fiser E Wahasblo; school dresses in darker prints for FeU wear Lower Viser r F1lit. Viaer LJBoy$' sleeveleas sweater; ises ZtoS C-HRCHANDSHEMA First1 VUIi VEeev 1--.THE EVANSTON STORE 1 mirrors; plain, iu to 14 MILLINS&Y 1.