No C. O. D.'s. No Phone Orders No, Refunds.ý Evanston ShoÀ, ..sA..fltf Hours: 8 A. M1. t - 6P. M We wiII not carry merchatidise from one season fo another. Hen"# and Vounag Men'.suITlS: EXTRA TROUSERS .$1 Brand n.w feUl suits, purchesed before the. ris. and our sevings pess.d on to you-with a furiber concession, DOLLAR DAY ONLY, of extra trous@rs et $1. Smert n.w patterns. $1585 Final Sale! Men 's SUMMER SU-ITS îONLY 200--reduc.d to a point wb.r. if's .tmost like giving them ewey. A quelity you con, b. proud to wer-from on. of Amorice's Ieeding ménufacturers. No eIterat ions. 5 s FOR iMEN MENS SHIRTS. Vfalues t. $2.50. White and Fancy Sroodcjoths SHORTS & SHIRTS d * e and Madrases 4 for $1 Doo 9mait NS wl DO OUR "PART F01R BOYS SPORT SHI RTS..2for $1l radcloth Sport Shirts for Youths.onsi Juniors. Tots' Blouses. Too SHORTS &- SHIRTS 4 for $1, Due :to ad rnately 2%a maia tax exlense, appqroxi- '- any oth beaded to prices over 25c. Tmi~U~F als HEýNRvC. LYTToN&I Orrngton andChu rc h--EVA NS TON, on special advertise.