$1 OFF nprice of any hat or, ess in aur regujIar stock. *TIIESE PRICES GOOD: DOLLARý DAY OÙNLY 706 'Church St. UNlversity1 1781 'Il IS-THE-TOPIC-OF.-THE-DAY WE-DO-OURý-PART By-giving-One-DolIar-Discount--on-all--cash orders-totaling $3.00-on-Doli ar-Day. QUA LITY-WORKMANSHIP-HAND-PRESSING WE-CA.LL-AND)-DELIVER UNI. 3638-3639 Sherman cor. Grove WiImette-WnlOtka--GICDcoe-CaII Evanston-Translate 350W i mIonk South of Eountain Square $ 100ore the* Bale Price of ail Arch 2108 Shore. Poultry Market GRE. 3410 YOURIBEIST DOLLAR DAY BioUYI « Red SeaU ecord A new shipmentf of VICTOR RECORDS, jutt camefi esp'eeiaIfy for DOLLAR DAY. 1 0-inch $ 1.50 Record.. I 2-inch $2.00 Record.. AIl$o, someý I0-incli ppular records.. . CENUINE Re C., A. TUBES 20 1's, 226's, 245's, 27 1s 224's., 235.s,. I99%s, me s 2 for $l SIIEET MUSIC 626 Oiurdmj 712ChucliSt.Pone UNI. 3474 9719 *Values to $12.50 in an entire group of f e1 t s and straws. v&ED i F iIEn v.Q- *UCCCS.ORS «ro .~3 forI .~2forI 3 fo r "I 1 fifles 1 1 712 Church St..