iliivl i, ilt%- ut rneriu o 0:ci- corningute ,,take p-art--in lthè-demonstra- ence on the occasion of a special pro- tin. Ct~s Scouts and Sea Scouts and grarn on Boy Scout day at tbe Vorld's their leaders wili be admitted to the fair this Eriday, August 25. Last .year fair grotunds frée that day if they wear Scout Celba was awarded a certificate their uniiform, (five cents if flot in-jmi- of heroisn f romn the National Court _form, but have registration card) and of Honor, Boy Scouts of Arnerica, for rnost concessions wiIî be'reduced to'five saving the life of eight-year-old Bly cents for* themi. Pfannenstill who had fallen through a hole in the ice on Diarnond lake. To Th ot hr rea cunil prob- e'ecute the rescue Scout Ceiba actually ablY will have. 400 Scouts in the Iassed he oy nd ulld hm t saetyparade of 15,000, boys that starts from witha. Scout lariat bhe had. with him. Soldiers fieldat 10 a. rn.,, going down the Avenue of Flags, across the Twelfth Trhe. medal he- is to receive will be street bridge, down the Northerly Islaind presented by Judge Weimev-anid-is to be and back to the Court of the Hall of awarded -by the Combat -Medalmen's Science, where ýan' hour Scouting'pro- associaition. This, association is *made u9rm iibecnute peet h of thirty-six Chicagoanis who won' the public. Congressional mredal and Distinguished Service -cross in the World war. The I h feno hrymnt cu organization- serves as bodyguard for shows will 1e staged at the fioating the- the president of the United Stateswhen- ater every hour. The North Shore eve hecores o Cicao ad i aîaysScouts will have parts in these shows. givýen the highest -place of. honor, in There wiIl be, ample time. for ail the parades in zwhich military organizations Scouts to see the fair, it is explainied. participate. Each year the. association makes titis âward t0 some Sco~ut who re Tells About Next Issue ceived a certificate of heroism f romn the National Court of Honor for jerform- of Boys' Life Magazine ing a in oteworthy deediii saving a hu- The September issue of Boys' Life, mn tlif cI which is beiing made up just prior toi .Al member.s of 'rroop .70, with their my sailing- for the world jamboree at Troop comrnittee chairman, Gordon Godoilo, is one in which 1 amn sure Ray, Scoutmaster Robert Rouse and Scouts wiil take a special interest. Ille, district chairmani, William E~. Web- The front cover ivili commend itseit ster, wiil be on hand'to act as a *guard particulariy to Scouters and fricnds of of honor for Scout Celba. The award Scouting. 'Its imaginative appeal will wiIl take place during the Scout pro- strike the fançy of many of our boy gram. whichi starts at il :30 and lasts readers. Among the f eatures whichi for about an hour in the Court of the stand out in this issue is the article. Hall of Science ini the fair grounds. "There'sa Snake ! by Dr. Raymond Rufus Dawes to Speak 1. Ditnmars, curator of mammals, New Other featuires ini thé prograni w il orkiZoological park. This eminent consist of brief talks by Rufus C authoritv has discussed in one article Dawes, president of A Century of ail the danigerous snakes of the couti- Progress, Edward J. Kelly, mnayor of iry. It is hoped that this concise bit Of Chicago, and Bishop ýGeorge Criaig information will be of practical, benefit. ,Stewart and 'a. recognition for 1ail to Scouts and Scouters,. if oiîîy as a Scouts, withi presentations to the new wyarning, against- the careles's 'handling Eagle Scouts by. Walter W_. Head, :Of these dangerous reptiles. president of the National Council,, Boy You wil read with interest 'Medicine Scouts of America. Samuel Gorsline, Sand," a story laid among the cavemen, Scout commissioner of C hicago, will depicting the discovery of writing. Mr., preside at the Court of Honor. Crump is the author of the very popu- To' climax the whole program Dr. lar "Og" series whjch ran in Boys' Genp I 1dpl v -hi- q-nitLife a nuniher o af saf ja-Wan lodge has been as duct a first degree ritual cc dernonstration purposes. TIi team is nowv working out1 on a fine demonstration. A' Che vrolet Leads Again in Sales by the widest margin in hisfory CIievrolet ....47.1% of ailN low-pric.d cars No.,2 Car . .. 2700% NO.. 3,Car . .20.4%/0 Ail 0f ers ...5.5% lased, on tio.lifets, refaitl registratton fijures front R. L.' P.l& and Co'mpauiy (aIl dates fo)r six fu'ilt onths). Since January fit Chevroiet ba.s oWl in excess Of 40,00 passenger cars -and trucks. PRICES GOING- UPI ItWihYOUR CH EVROLET NOW NORT1H' Mi11 MAIN ST. Wilmette, Iii. Tel.:Wl. 14414 Lot us pick .UP and deliver y Our CHIEVROLET w«it kOur FREE Resdential Motorcyci. Service. Your Ne gborkood CHEVROLETDele YOU CAN SAVE1I70" he Ma-Ka- j. ,-,scer, aeuV~U~tyiet Dcout execu- JCIRPP( Cimuuing- Ad to con tive, will e speakers on tiis prograin.ITOMO PsegTrcMaae -emony for R 400W. ONP ssensr,ao iss local rituai summer several, pieces of Indian cos-40W.MdsnSCiao 19 lans te put turnes were made, which will Le. used L I.P. 9 camip thisl in the ritual. m a.& "> iuuçoruyWE itRW KY IDRE