For Colle ge! For a n Autumn'inTown BAGHEERA BERETS. at.$57 Here 'are two of. our new FailiCol- lection of smart Bagheera Berets. You know how ja unty and wearable a beret can be -and,>these of Bag- heera are parîicularly smart. Be sure to see them! .$5,75 On the Fourth Floor DRESSES for'GIRLS Girls'" Own Rooni . .. Second Floor wear wnen senool starts; brown and navy with white poplin- collar and vestee; 7 to 12 . $1.95 This bloomer dress in, brown, red and blue checked. dotted bas linen collar and front; sizes 7 to 12. Price. . $1.95 :2 \ j \fr T ..for here are just Ilots of th*Ings you will want to have when you leave for college next month. UJniversity girls helpedour buyers select them" in New York .. and Miss Joan Cotter, of Northw estern, and Miss Betty Ann Luther., of Wellesley, wilbe i à otr dress sections froni 10:30 to 5 daily, ailt ttii week to help you make your plans for the opening of school. Rlight: This very wearable 3-piece tweed suit for Miss 1Jnivergîty of Chii- cago ... which cornes ini beetroot and brown; sizes 14 to 20. $22.75 This young woman. (w ho's going tb North-ý western) wears a natural camel's hair polo cout with leather butons; sizes 12 to 20 . $25 Get, ReAdy for Col- leeApparel .. . on the Fouth Floor RSIHALL A,ýNY