Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 22

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carde ocf thanks, obitu- anta or other Lifairs > lapublishai, wIl!!be g rtes. * Grade Separation Wil Saùe Lif e I Lée Hasten the Day! Thle truck as a commnon carrier basbe couic a faictor to be reckoued wiith ini higliway and street planning. control. and reguJation. The Preserve Sheridan i (le a. universal1 Road in the dav-s of iîorse-dran e hlicles, that roads wvere public propert y aîid open to al witlîout restriction, Inust be revised to meet the. conditions brought about by imotor trucks approaching in sîze a railwaY freighit car. * There lis niow before the-Illinois Cn inerce commission an application by' thc Willett cot.mpanv ,,for a certificate of nec- essitv and convenience perinitting -it to *operate a inotor truck freighit and express * erv-ice1 on Sheridan road between Chi- cago andi Wisconsin points. This effort is being opposed by the NortlivSliore Proper- tv Owniers' association, organized to pro- tect this inarve lotisIv beauitiftil scenic A rive front the encroachmlents of commiier- cial traffic. If the association is to bc suc- *cessfii iii preserving mie of Anierica's *finest boulevard routes. it iiiust lhaveïihe united and aggressîve support of ail north Shore citizens. The danger lies ini political' *Manipulation and infiluence operating against the public inteiest.. It: cani bc check-miated onlv. bv the determined 'hoiing of a greater power. lu this the hielp of every re sident of the north shore is required. er timing. In sone ln statice §'tney are so close together that natural growth is im- possible. while limbs have, been permitted to grov clear to the ground. Individual trees flot susceptible, to correct training visibilitv. This .vork, wbich is being donc by Mr. Avres at very little cost to the township, is an11imiportanit contribution to the future beautv and. safety of our township roads. However, its trucý value wvill flot bea- parent -until the passage of tinie hias added sufficient growthý to render the idea and the accomplishmient, noticeable to0 the casual passerby. Inf response to an inq uiry Mr. Ayres stated, that the' cutting of noxious w eeds on pr iv .ate - property is flot' practicable. The township lias no, funds for this.-,ývôrk, and ivhile the highway comimissioner' hfas authority to do the work and charge the- expense to the- owx,,%ier,thie - niounts are so smiiall and the difficult I of: colIlectiing the mnoney so great that the successfu ioler- ation tif thie l)liil iSýimiipossible. The hearts of futtfre' getierations wili go ont iii gratitude to the iuieinbership) of the Kemilworthi Civic Plans comnîi.iltece Kenilutorth taken the taský of 'Employs Vision giving- to the old* Mahonevfarmn. at the sothemu ii nîiits of that village. the mie-l touchi that will transformn it inito a beautv spot delsignied for a bird ,vild flowver préserve. It is to such spirits. Nithi the gift of long-distance vision and the courage to achieve. that %ve of todav owe all that we have of niatural beauties preserved anid enhlancecl. It is to sticli spirits thiat those .,vh-Io.are 'to.cone after wvîll I)e ýiindebtedl for ontrbutions m-hich . ii ake for. a .more. coîi,,plete en.ijovîient of.' lres w,,%ond'eîs.a nd the heauties 'Of bird, and flouwer life. The proposied 1roject is flot alonie a. KenilNwortli developnenit.. It belonigs to the entire north shore. anid vill be ai nii- ev" ti pie ver,, lots, of August is usually a bot .montb, but it is c ertainly aýwfully "code" this year. First off, we wish to correct the prevalent impressioni that the signature at the posterior ex- trewnty of last week's line represented a faux pas en the part of ôur beloved proof-reading celebrities (as ever our dearest and severest critics). The "M\aque" wvas O.K. ail rigbt '(a living--vjrile being), for. anyone wbo knows us well will recall. .tlat we neyer could be justly accused of perpetrating poetry or. whatever passe s for that species of literary endeavor. Neither do'we lay dlaim ta reiationsbip or similarity to any poet or rhymster, ev en inlan apologetic sense. Sa saying, wve cali. attention tû the lamentable fact that the annual Village Fathers' 'Golf Tourna-, nient, customarily held by the Glencoe Village board et ai. at the Glencoe Golf club, bas been -omitted thsseason. And this, suggests the town wvag, no doiubt 'May be attributed to the fact that the V.Fs. in question have been in a Miost combative ýmooci of late. If they can't ag ree in the- council chanibers,, lie iears, what might miot transpire if i n sanrlry wvere armed with golf clubs? *Alva,*odr Adamis. erstwhile pharni aceu- tical magnet of, Winnetka, whio since bas gwie into retirenient {voiuntary}, has been -disportinig himself iii the Garden of the Gods out Colorado way. Utterk- delightful out there, sezzee, particularly because policemen are barred. (Just a littie dig at Henry. Pete and the rest of bhis, friendly enlemies among the finest.) Even tbhough the lawv couIdý not trail hlm into the Garden, our hero foinndi4,plenty warmn-105 ai mîdnight-which doesn't ýseei to liarmionize so weli wvith the idea of a garden cof the gods. A [.INE OR T\VO f rom our correspondent at ACentury of Progress- If the modern trend in "Ostrich feather fans,". and h)arari( jewelry, animal skin ruigs, .and uphoistering, contiines througbout the faîl and winter. the spring fashions *will probably be patterned after cither ~'Jvgltow,'or the "Stonieage. In looking back on that niemorable nighit. at ~Slir'Field." doesn't it seem as. thou gbi Comn-- mainder Settle's perilous descenit-in the Piccard,' Compton balloon night have been ilikened ta a bit oi downl that chanced to faill from the breast ai *OeGreat American Eagee ?" FAN SONG G race fui lady, of JaPaii. * Do you thiik tome day yoie cati Show e hou, to 'az ve iifait, So ipt iovev zilks that I .lfav look liie a but 4'rfly? -Cherry BIossoit. Husbancls who take their wives to the Oriental Village to view the progress in Rhuniba-ic convolu- tions, almost invariabiy report that the darlings (rneaning the wives) ýget kinda peeved. Quite pos- sibly, merely .displeased with, their- escorts. -MIQUE. At regular a

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