netka, are sp lake, mnd. uner mneAI, a week at h ome. home sound. Ed 'and.-J a at their let Blomyer of its' ýummeir YOtU're ,eturned Sunday troin leaving September 23 ,eton. He has been at ma for the sunimer. safe and thought- tirst Prize; Mrs; Richard Thorach, Sec- ond prise; Ms. Arthur Baldauf, third rise; Mrs. Herbert Philipsborn M"e. Juliue Romenwa,1d, honorable mention. Class II-Beer table for four; Mrs. B. F. Stein, tirst prize; Mrs. Richard Thorsch, second, prize; Mm.. Samnuel Leopold, 'thirdl; Mise Mayýer, honorable mention. Section C, Classa LJ.vegetables: 6 varieties:- Mrs. Jullus Rosenwald. 10 or more vaieties: Mrq. Julius* Roseni- wald. Section 1), Annüals:: ,Class I, Gladi- ohi: (a> Mms. Robert: Mandel, tiret prise; Louis Kuppenhelmer., second. prize; Mrs Julius RosenWald, third prize. (b)ý Mrs. Robert M.%andel, flrst prixe L. B. Kuppenheime.r. second, prize; Mrs. Jullus Rosenwald, third. (c) L, I. Kuppenheltnér,,.Irst.prize; Mrx. Robert Mandel. second prize;* 'Mrs. Julibe Rosenwald, third prize. IIl-Dahliar t (a> r) E . ihlt first prise; Mrs; Milton, Florsbelm, sec- ond prize; Mrs. Jullus Rosenwald, third prise. (b> Mrs. Milton Florýsheim, first; Mrs.; E. F. Wieboldt, second; Louis B Kuppenheimer, third., é). Mrs. Wieboldt, first; Mrs. Albert Arenberg, Second;- Mrs. Rosenwald. thi'd. III-Asters: (a) Mrs. Milton Flor- sheim; (b) Mrs. Rosenwald. IVT-Snapdragons: (a) Mrs. Herbert Philipsborn. first; Mrs. Milton Flor- sheim, Second; Mrs. Robert Mandel, third. (>Mrs. Florsheini, first;. Mrs-. Mani- del, sééond. V-Ztinnias: (a) Mtfrq. Milton Flor- sheim, first prize; Ms Mandel, second [prize; Louis B. Kuppenheimer, third. (b) Mrs. Florshelm. first; Mrs.. Adolph Stein, second prize; L. B. Kuppen- heimer, third; Mrs. Mandel, .Mrs. Rosenwald. honorable mention. VI-Any annuail fot listed:, Mrs ,Mandel, first prise; .Mrs. andel, -sec- ond; Mrs. flosenwald, third prize; Ms George Coupe, honorable mention. 1 Perenniais: VII-Perenniai Phlox: (a) Mrs. Rosemvald, firs.t prize: . I I. '4Nayer, second. (b) Mrs. Rosenwald, first; M. W. Rothschild,. second;-,Herman fllack., third. IX.-Delphin*ium: L. B. Kupp en- heim»er, first;, Mr.s. E. F. Wiebôldt,_xev- ond; Mrs. Rosenwal.dl,third. X-Lilies: (a) Mrs.. Rosenwald. first; Mrs. Milton Flor.4heiT, i second;. '%rs. Mandel, third, (b) Mrs. Mandel, first; Mr.. Rosen-_ wvald, second. XI-Any perennial not listed abo)ve: MNrs. Joel Spitz, honorable' mention, pînk hibiscus. catis are quick. car ..inexpenï*ve. Miss Minnie Hamblin of Los An- geles, Cal., was the guest of ber girl- hood friend, MxÈs. Albert A. Mc- Keighian, 1025 Greenleaf avenue, Thursday and Friday of last week. --o- Mr. and Mrs. Fred, C. Meves, 522 Eighth street,, have returned. home aferspending a week-,in Sheboyg an aid Plymouih; Wis. WKEN VOIT ARIVE AT -O Uit VACATION SPOT*. *Take a minute to telephone the folks hack