E. side home. Lge. open porch. 011 hieat, instant bot water. (larage. References. Wilmette 204.. FURN. i RM. RITCHENE-TTE APT.; unfurn. or partly furn.. 2 rmi. apt.; also single rm. Aduits. Ph. Wilmette FOR RENT LTIGHT HOUSEIKrEPNU room, newly -decorated. Near, trans- portatlon. -ReAl;..Ph. Wiimettà 4866. 84LTN1i6-ltp BS OARD AND R*0OM A -REAI HOME FOR THJOSE _W-HO desire good home cooking. Home surroundings. Reason- able.:315 Cumnor Rd., Renil- worth. Phone Keniiworthi 5491. 86LTN16-I7tu 88 WANTED1-BOARD AND ROON WANTED-H.OME -FOR BOY 11, GIRL 8. Aiso board two adulte, emploYed. Occupancy ln Sept. Reasonable rates. Evanston toGiencoe..Write B-9, Box 40, Wilme.tte, il]. 88L16-Itp S2 FoutET-PRIET JINDEN MANOR -APARTMI3NTS I (1W MNERRILL & LINDEN AVES. lHubbard Woods,. IllinoLs :, 4, and 5 rooni unfurnished aparýi ,mnents în modern building. Refrig-' e ration. Convenient transportation and Ideal home location. Attractive rent- als. See Joseph Clayton on premises ïor phone Winnetka 3435. 92LTNl6-4<* * .Chicago TowNv Homes 3240 TARE SIIE DRIVE .\T XiELROSE ST. FACING BEL- * mont Yacht Harbor. Charming ultra modern town apartments, 6-7-8-9-12 roonis. Reasonable rentais. BAIRD & W-ARN ER * WELLNOTON1855 92LTN16-ltc A T TR. KITC*IMN5TýTE APART- mente, 3 or 4 roonis. Also single room. Humphrey bldg., Elm and Chestnut Sts., Winnetka 98 or 3£8. 92LTN6-tfe APARTMENT FOR COUPLE, 4 ROOMýe and bath, screened sleeping porch. Very reasonable. Phone Winnetka 8 6. 92LTN14-tc FOR RIEIJT .AD 4 RU APTS., TML bath with shower, breakfast,.nook, elec. refrig. Reas. ent. Aiso modern store,. 15x55,. next to WooIworth's 5 & 10. (Good location for Jeweler, Ladit.' Hats or Beauty Parlor.-WlfOitsfi,.P.W! COTTA«E, 8CR) . A. beat. Very * Exmhoor Rd., Ken gand trabàp. ner, ms zp.uu bauna, flot water coal, 2-car garage. $75. 1 ANN MOfREIAND 66à Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 97LTN16-Itc 10 rms., 3 bathe, H. W. H., 2 c. g...$5 9 rms., 2 bathe, H. W. Hi, 1 c. .... 110 8 rrns., 2 baths, iH. W. H-, op . 85 7 rtnis., 2 bathI3, I. W. H., 2, c g. 70 6 rnis., I bath, H. A. H., 2 c, g,. 55 Other gond values, bouses and ap.vrt- B., H. B1ARNEýT 526 Center St. Ph. Wnnetka 965 __________________97L16-ltp Wi.,6 .,H.W. ht., iSlp., gar.. $55 Wil. Brk, 6 nu., ex. lav., 11, W....$85 Wii., Coi; 7 rm., H. W., att. gar-. .$85 WiI., Brk. col, 8 a-n., 2 L B., -oul $125 Ken., Eng. brk. 8 am., 3 B.. oil $125 Win., Efig. 7 rau., 2:j3., 2-rar, Hl. W. $100 Win., 8, É., 2 B., H. W. bt.,. ga r.. $9.5 MILTON E. REu1) & CO. 601 Lake Ave.. Wilmétte 771 ____________91LTiN16-ltc CHARMING HOME NEAÉiR SCHOOLS and beach,. 4 beda-ms., slp. .porch, 3' baths, lav., sun room, cil bt. $125 a.mo. Other attractive rentais furhisbed. or un- furnished. Frances J. Winscott 902 Spmruce St.- Winnetka 1267 97L16-1-,p WILM.ETTE EAST SIDE Quaint, old-time bouse of 6 rooms, all fresh and clean. Big wooded lot with hedge and white gate. Modern. Garage. Fine transp. Very reasonable ment. 921-lth St., near F'orest Ave., * Wilette.97LTN16-ltp (COMFORTABLE,6 RM.. HOUSE, OIL heat garage, F'urnished or. unfurm $65. LOVELY 9 RM. BRICK COLONIAL, 3 >batha,. oit hieat, garage. .$150. Other good. values. MRS. LANGi. Win- netka, 1194. 9LP1-t 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, , aUN' A1D silpg. porches, heated. Garage at- tached. Inquire. at 635 Wayiand Ave., 530 Exmoor Rtd., or cail Kenilworth 4490. 97TLTN16-ltp 8, RMI. BRICK RESIDENCE, 81LATME roof, bath, 2 enciosed.porches. Low rent to.good tenant. 124 Par-k Ave., Ph. WflImette 4227. 97LTN16-lîp) FOR: RENT-MODERN 8 RM. BICK bouse wlth 2-car garage, on Wagineî- Rd. Northfleid. $50. For informae- tion eau Forest 2592.' 97LIM15-2tp 98. IFORRENT-FUItNieNED HOUSUS EAST, WINNEFTKA, NEAR SCHOOLS3. 7 roonis-, attached garage. Baby granoi piano. Eiec; refrig. H . W. limit. Reasonable. Winnetkè. 2738. I - . Yes!O Peo pie are Lookr-ng for ROOM S and HOUSE Ask RBDUGBD E LIhé, Wiuetka Ta&k andi theml! AX EXCEPTIONAL aide Winnetka. Reni furnished or unfurnis Resgsonabie rent. Pl rital MeU sine, Lsbed. 011, heat.- 'hoine Winnetlka 7 RM. 2, BATH, ATTRAÀCTlVUBLY fumnlshed bouse for rent. Oua-cr grg.Near transprtation.Phe Wlete 1449. 98L16-p WANTED WINNETKA HOME ON LARGE GROUNDS. PREY'MER MN- ,,diain HillClub district. Houms e t, be modemn And artistie wlth 3 bathi. Addréme B-20, Box 40, Wilimette.ý RESPONSIBLE FAMILY 0F' 4 W4NT *to rent iigbt, cheerful home ln, Win- netka or Kenilwortb, With gardest "d. screened porcb; 6. bedrmu., 3.,bat)M light woodwork.; quiet neighborhood. 2 r. or more, $175. Ph. Miss Ade- fine Swanâon, Frankulin680loa 760 duihg Eay. .. 9ttNI6-Ite MiODERN BOUSE WITH 4 13EIRMo., I'airiy close to tran8p., prefèrably in Winnetka or (Uencoe.' Write, giviug lcation and prie to, B-18, Box 40. Wilmette. 9L1TN16-ltp 1855, lMr. Lnair 11ILTN1-ltc RED BRICK COLONIAl. EÉXCELLENT LOCATION ON QUIELT atreet. 2 blocks te lake. Just redecor- ated and ln new *&jindltlon O 6nnm New iow rats nm.ke ClaaUi., lie AderUl A* n Wht moreeconmlc* Ank&bou IL x . .- ý là-