on the, North Shore, s. 3' Do0llars and Cents, . , . Dollars and Cents e, . . , ÔIR paperpr ink, plates, rsswork and ail the tangible things > which go into a printing estimate. E But Dollars and. Cents do f lot tell the whole story. They xnay for many printers, but flot for Lloyd Flollister Inc. E There are many esse ntials to our better printing service which cannot be priced in actual Dollars and Cents. These- are intangible,.. yet they mean much to. the buer cTRST cornes Experience. .'Certainà it's an importantitmYe it, is not reckoned in any printi n etimate.Really there is no charge for it. E Neither do our estimates 'include such essentials as pride in workmanship .. rep utation for doîng the job at hand riglit... care of dectails . . . record for keeping promises... reli- ability ini making delivery dates. 1232-36 Central Avenue M-s. Printers and Wilmette, Illinois