the thirty-seventh . U. S. G. A. wom- 'M-iss, Wýilsoôn had pienty of competi- en's champîonsbip are putting on a tion as' Miss Helen Hicks, of Lido, show that is worth a trip around the Miss. Maureen Orcutt, of White world tq see. Miss Virginia Van Wie's Beaches, and Miss Virginia Van Wie, 73, made during a practice round on. of Beve rly, were rigbt bebind ber witli Friday,.was the outstanding feature of çards of'l78, and Mrs. L. D. Cheney, the early practice, and it was unquesof anGriCai, as nya tonably one'of the inest rounds of golf ever played in America. Miss Van Wie was out in 39 and back in 36 and there. was not a figure over 5 on ber score card. ý Miss Van Wie's 39 equalled women's par for the Exmoor course and she had two bit-dies on the first nine botes. .Coming ini she played the tenth and eleventh,,botes ini par and. then made a birdie 3 on the 265-yard tw elfth. She shot p)ar golf oôn the tbirteenth, fourteenth, and six- teenth botes.. and. birdied tbe fifteenth, seventeentb, and eighteentb. Her card, which follows,, is irteresting. Miss Van Wie- out"5 54 5 444 53_39 Womfen's Par- out--5 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 3-39 1 Miss Van Wie- In-5 4 3 3 4 4 5 4 4-36--7, Woipena Par- In--54 43 4 55 5 5-46--79 JÇ«M c.mpetoe Miss Helen Hicks, of Lido, ret a1.1eean avnî and Mrs. 0. S. Hill, of Kansas City, Counryc areinwlwre and371i-azonclt .Mo., ran Miss Van Wie a >close race Conr li,îie te3h fo;ei for the early honors of the tourna- t rr's hsto sa h 8 ment with practice cards of 75. mis,;f Hicks equalled Miss Van Wie's 36 on stroke behind them. These four wom- the last nine holes and shie is playing eni are the class of the tournament as good golf as any woman in the judginig iy their past record, but any- tournamfent. The field numbers 119 thmng can happen in golf and we would players and is the most representative not be surprised to see anyone of them gatbering of golf ers in the history of lose to a less. famous golfer during. the event. Miss Enid Wilson, l3rit- the week. Miss Wiisons card- is so îsh women's champion, and Miss Ada good that it is intéresting. to compare MacKenzie, Canadian women!s cham- it with Miss Van Wie's 73, and a pion, add an inter national flavor to the match between these two great golf ers event and every star of note in the is a possible feature of the tourna- country is present., ment. Amopng those who, are conceded a M~Wîo place weli_ toward, the top of the fielis"; - lont- 53443 are Miss Virginia Vain, Wie, the de- wonien's Par- fending champion,, Miss Helen. Hicks, .ot-S5 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 3-39 Miss Maureen 'Orcutt,ý Mrs. L D. Miss, Wilson-~ -77 Cheney, (f ormeriy Mrs. Leona Press- Wonie n'a Par- ler) Mrs. O. S. Hille Miss Charlotte ln-S 4 4 3 4 5 à 5 5-40---79 Gluttnz. Miss Lucile Robinson, wl)ç, Nrth. Shor.e Girlis Do Well of the week wili be tch play rounds. Thbe follow: I 3s Enld Wilson, Eng1and 3s Virgnia Van Wie, Bever-ly: -s Maureen Orcutt, lawth N. J.1,....... §-Helen:Hlcks, -Lido .... .» -37-76 319-39-78 3-40-78, 37-41-781 we trops.j-On 1te Course of 1th E Jxmtor Vils National Antateur chaiipiouShip is yard, scvcnth hole ai Ji.rk;nopr. Mr,,;; L. a. Cheney, san G.abvlel 39-40-79 Miss Frances Willianms, Wayne Pa..........4-08 Miss Lucile Robinson, Des Moines.........34-8 Miss Margaret Haddox, Atla.nta, Ga. .............40-42-82 Mi ss Charlotte Giltting, W. Orange, N. J.......40-42-82 Mrs. 0. S. Hill, Kansas City 41-41-82 Miss Peggy Watles, Buffalo. 41-41-82 Mrs. .Harley Hlgbee, Detroit~ 43-40-93 Mrs. Ben Fitz-Hugh, Vicksburg, Miss..,......., -38 ,Miss Rena Nelson, ]Exmoor 3-48 Mrs. Burt Weil, Barrton, Mga. 42-4l1-83 Miss Helen Iawson, Los Angeles >3-0-8 Miss Amiela, Ft. Worth, Tex. ... 40-43-83 Mrs. Charle.s Newbold, Wichita, Kan......-. .42-41-83ý Mfiss Marion MlIley, Baltimiore 44-410-)ý4 Mrs. Austin Pardue, Indian.1-iii 42-42-84 Mrs. Leo Federman, .Great 'Neck, L- ........43-41-841 thatilus members necame înoculatecî in a most virulent form. As a resuit, they sat down and worked out the following safety code which ail good mnotorists are urged to sign andi fol- low. Between the border-line of ob- servance and non-observanceofti code, it is said, lies the r . asoti.- for imost automobile accidents: 1. Obey ait tratheIaws and traMci signs. etergo-a 2. Obselv h ih-f-a and keep on the. right side of the pavement. S3. Signal before 'turning or* 4toîpjng and sound horn before passlng a car going in the saine direction. 4. Use. your hieadlights within one_ hour.after sunidown and dim them wht-ii approaching another car. S5-. Secure your, state license promptly and keep the plates clean. S6. Exercise the greatest tare in cross- ing. railr-oadr. 7.-Be as courteous to others as . ,üu expect them to be to'you. 8. Go slow when passing chhldreîi on the eide of the road... 9.1 Signal properiy before pullin- out or backing out fromn the curb., 10. Stop for allarterial highways. IL. Drive slowly in the vicinity uJ schools and wbere children.are pIlayin1g. 12. Respect the schoolboy patrils. 13. Have your brakes testtd often. 14. Use extrereare while driving ini weather that obscures' your windshield. 1.5. Discourage hitch-hiking. DC)11t pick up strangers on the road. ,A6. Keep on Your side of,,th ,ebac une in the center of the pavement. 1-4. Don't put ton much dependence >on yflur brakes when the pavement.s ;îr. slippery. 18. Dont put sticlkers on y6ur n- shleld, a.s they reduce your vi.-ibilit-,., 19. When intending to pass anoth,-r car ou the highway, nuli eut far ênough b.ehind the veblule In front of you to. Permit You to gpt baick into line if ;i ca»,r is a.pproachlng froni th(, opposite- direction. 20. Don't stop) on the pavement. RESUMES PRACTIZE Dr. and Mrs. B. L.'Mitchell of -207 Golf Terrace bave rettnrned f roni a month's vacation spent ini northcrn Minnesota. Dr. Mitchell h.:is re8u;imecl his practice frOM which .lie waha sent since bis. iliness in june, Mrs. Merle C. Nutt and ber Small daugbter, Martba Louise. of Molline, II.returned to their-home last gun- dayý after a week's visit with the for- nier's parents, and brother, the John D. Smalls and Stoddard of 411 Maple avenue. Nliss Wilson LaisField Miss Orcut t bit three shots directly on Kirwan's sister.. Miss Enid Wilson, British women's the line, and holed a ten-foot putt. for Mrs. Edwarci Johnson of Lyle, champion, shot a beautiful 76 and won a birdie 4 to win the place. The real Mr. and Mrs. Philip Harnington, Wash., arrived in Wilmette Saturday the low medal honors of the tourna- struggle camne in the figbt for last place 946 Locust noad, returned last week- to be the guest of ber brother and mnt. Miss Wilson is e xceptionaIly among the six.girls wbo shot 87s. Miss end from a week's stay at Eagle sister-in-laW, prof. n r.Hlo r powerful -and the nortbeast -gaie, did Marion 'Turpie Lake, Miss, Jane Weil- River, Wis. Jones, 1538 orest avCnra