A agust: 31, September 1i and-2 BUTTER .lb. 2.5' New white 1çlover.11 CHEE8E IBorden's, Ghate:u. 7 CRisco. Quart ýmixisqg bowi free. CAN 63c raglar y115 Sel.. 9 FRU IT J UICE EXTRACTORS hIe 69CI~ POST BRAN FLAKES IPRETZEL.S QuinIaWs puire bu botter. 2 PKGs. 17c Want 100 Percent Rac.MDg "The importance of this cannot be, too ýstrongly stressed," ,ýMr. Lechnier added., "We do flot want a single consumer in Wilmnette> to fait in. bis bduty in this recovery plan, and to this end we musthave the coopera- tion of ail citizensC Enlarging UPOfi the* therne of con- Sumer responisibility, Mr. -Lechner said: "Every, individual, manà and woman., wbo buys anything owes it to himself, bis. community and to the nationi to buy onlyr fromi those ýem- ployers who bave taken tbe increased burden. of increasing payrolls to bring back prosperity.. This. is to, the self- interest of the consumer because no citizen can fait, to ghare ini this adàd prosperity.. It will reflect- itself in'in- c reased. v alues, for everytbing, he owns. It will make bis present posi- tion more secure by reversing the process of cleflation.: So every con- sumer shoul, sign the consumer's pledge, wbich commits bim to do bis part in this great national economic experiment. The duty of every Citi-. zen of Wilmette is tberefore plain., President Roosevelt bas said: Nee-d Coopmration "On tbe basis of this simple princi- file of everybody doing 'things to- gether we, are starting out on this nation-wide attack on unemployment. It wi u,11tipppA -f nuir nnoole unpr- ORANGIE Valencg*as for jaice............. 2 DOZ. LIMA BRANS Fresh shelled, fuit pint...... BOX SWEET POTATOES New Jersey.3 LS CELERY Michigan. White and -crisp P UNCH EGG PLANT Home grown. Large size ......... 1I7C Richelieu.f 19C 10.DT 1OCOI.D DUTCII 15c CLEANSER complicatedabaout it, an&a inere is nothing particularly new in the prin-, ciple. It goes back to tbe basic idea of- society itself au.d of tbe nation itself that people acting in a group can accornplish tbings. wbicb no in- dividdal'actîng alone could even hope to bring about. "And so," Mr. Lechner concl uded, "Wilmette must do its part in tbis great plan. It bas neyer failed when the nation called and it will not fail For o y ..... WILWITTE CARE 1181 W1LMETTE AVE. Oppeifte vilIq. Mdi VI N ECARk Pure eider. quart-bottie i 31c 1-COFFIEE Ouir ow b.Imud.j TOMATO JUICE QUART.CAN 1 5c mler'. Pure i.so 9 Coneorl' P.BlS 9 ONAPE JUICE I i. i . Il 1 l a MMMMM-. e-00" MIM -