.\bove ïis an .arliitect's renderingtof the structure, work on which> was of the addition to the classroom hltdin -April, -1932, because of the facilities at New Trier High school.l.unfavorable situation in ,1,the - bond Recommendation aAen aetatmre .Approvalý of the recom- the fderal public works, administra - mendation.may be obtained from offi- tion allot $140,000 for the comnpletion cia-Is, in Washington within ,a. few weeks,. it is, said, in. whicb event the mestic- science rooms.. A'bond issue project would be carried through to tépermnit -eriection of the adto completion within three. or- four 'was approved by voters in thé scbool-ý -months. The- unfinished portion of. district severai. years ago. the structureý will-bouse -science lab-, Tie, architect for the structure. is, oratories, many classrooms and do- I XMalter- R. M.ýlcCornack of Cleveland. ART SCHOOL OPENING SEPT. I Young artists on the north shore ~,D4~~ AM. ~A~LA L'~R~who- will; attend the ' Evan'ston, En'couraging évidence of a,:pick-up acadeuy of Fine-Arts will start school in buving interest was furnished Iast ,on September Il. The -school an- wveek with the news that the gas-! nounces that there will be classes. in house-heating campaign in the Cli.- modeling, sculpturing, composition, cago area,' backed by an aggressive water color, and.ou, and that the ful newsipaper advertising earnpaigti, had course préparés ftrlly for the practice resulted in the sale of more than of the fine arts, or for advertising six thousand gas-heating installations and book illustrations, and fashion in. the first six weeks of the cam- drawing. paîgni. Thle 6,032 mark was. passed 'with .General and Mrs. Williami H. ltoýë three days vet ta go in the- sixth 826 Greenwood avenue, have been en- iveek,, indicating a weekly average of tertaining. the. latter's cousin, Miss 1'u- more than one thousand sales. cille Cook, froin Richmond, Va. They SGas utility companies of northierniare exýpectinig,. soon, Mrs. W Harry Illiniois, including Public Service, Heller fromn Frederick Nid. 'lheiéRosé Compainy of Northern Illinois, West- famnlv- wilI move ta the Graemere ho- ern United Gas & Electric conxpany, tel in Chicago on September 15, the and. Peoplés Gas, Ligit. and Coke sonjs, Bill and George, returning east ta company, recruited a staff- of 270 college. salesmen. for the campaign, working --0- under the direction of 55. heating en- giineers, who check original estimates Mrs. Cleon Larsen and two childrèn to mnake sure that the gas-heating in- otf Peoria, have returned from Keith's staliations accurately coniform,.ta theI Island, Big Lake, Wis., where they have needs of..t he bornés served. been spending the summer and were ________________with Mrs. Larsen's nmother, Mrs. Cor-. Nlr.;atd Mrs.B.L Wehimhoff, who nelia Keithi, 310 Warwick road, Kenilý-, have l)een occupyiùg the F. B., Cross- wvortli. uver Lahor day. Carl and TOM leyhom at602Wasingon veneKeith are also at home f rom the isjand. are mnoviig October 1, to 71. Lau rel avenue. The Wehmhoff's lived in Mîr. and Mrs.. Walter Cherry, Isa- \Waýhiington, D. C. before moving ta belle, and WValter, 517 'Sheridan road, Wilmette. Keniiworth, .returined Tuesday f rom - n-their suimmer home at Leland,_ Michi. The Illinois League of W(omen Vot- ers bas arranged 'a series of >broad- ça5ts oni station W B B M ( 770 ), Chicago, on Monday mornings in Sept emer, at 10:;30 o'clock. Tbe series is being conducted bv Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde, chairman of tbïc league's department of education,- an . topics are as follows: September 11-"Tbc Seven' tayers of Government,. September 18-"-The Spider Web of 1Taxation."' September 25--Our Constitutional Promise in Education.'" Tbe September number of the league'.s publication, tbe Illinois Vot- er, is just of£ the press, and contains a leading article.-of unusual intcrest entitled, '"Retrospect," by Frayn Gar- rick Utley. lu this article, Mrs. Utley cites the reçent victaries in federal and state legislàtion' won, by the league as an evidence that success is possible in tbe long and difficult task of creating ,an enlightened public opinion,. since sôme of the measures have been'supported for from ten ta twelve years. Looking toward tbe immediate future, Mrs. Utley says: "There will be considerable action North Shore Yôüth in Amateurý Golf Tourney Edwin (Bud) Scbildberg, a. mcm- ber, of the North Shore Golf club, left fo r Cincinnati Wednesday ta compete ini the- national amateure golf championship which will be held at the Kenwood Country club inClx,- cinnati this week-end. Ted Pay- seur,. coach of the, Nortbwestern university golf team, accompanied Bud to Cincinnati. Bud graduatcd from New Trier last June and i s enitering NorthWestern this faîl. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Schildberg of, 642 Ash street, Win.- netka. Mrs. Paul W. Stade, -1500 Washing- ton avenue, and ber two sons, Paul and Billy, accompanied by Miss Alice Stade motored to Charles City, Iowa, last Sunday ta visit Mrs. Stade's par- ents, Dr. and~ Mrs. A. F. Kober. The Kober faxnily were in Chicago last week ta see the fair. Mrs. Stade will be home next week to resume ber piano teacinig and Miss Stade to re- open ber dancing classes. Miss Zaida Burdine of Miami, Fia., was the, Week-end guest of Hielen, daughter'of the A. W. Wigglesworths of- 125 Woodstôck avenue, Kenilworth. Miss Eleanor Kearney of Montreal, Canada. left Thursdav of 12<1 w.'jl attended the horse show at Stony of 528W arwic- road, vKeniwortn, a I Ii *.* 1* q L Li i t,. * . - ILibspent the weekc-end at the Iawsonia Brook, Long Island. few days- last week. Phyllis is returning necessary for us to study the situ- cuGenLkWs -o-- to the University of Illinois very son ation carefully, take a good look at -0- Gen aeWs Mr. nd rs. oseb Hbcrkrn.. ~the former success of aur progratn Mr. ad Mr. joeph Hberkrn, 0- -s an in9piratio i, and then begin the Mrs. Wallace Bebnke, Wallace, jr., Joan, .Marilyn, and joseph,. Jr.. 1120' Miss Frances Ellis, 823 Greenwood vear's work witlî an energv well con - and Gardon, 524 Maple avenue,' will Cbestnut avenue, returncd Wednesday avenue, îs leavin'g September 16, for tr-olled s0 it will flot fait at the end] return Sunday fromn Edgerton, Wis.' of last week f rom a summer spent at Northfield, Minni., . taý enter Carleton of a f ew weeks but continue tbrough-1 Mr, Bebnke spent the past week-end Stone Lake, Wis.cleéottyer". with t hemn. Exceed 600 Sales of