ot the national conver American Legion whicii Way on that daate. 1 legionnaires ,wiii start festivities by attending contëst, igets uncier-i housands i fcoll their week' s this, footbalI Both teamns have beeti worki.ng out fortwo weeks in preprto for the gamfe. Reports from the two camps- indicate that both squads wiii reiy principaliy'on sophomore talent to de- cide the issue. Iowa, especiaiiy, is ba nking on a number, of new nîieti whiie -Northwestèrn wiii open the game wVith .at ileast three first year ineti in the iineu.p. Cruice Ha* Pug'a Job ýCoach Dick Haniey of Northwest- ern is grooming Waliy Cruice. à sophomore fromn Milwaukee, to steÇp into the right halfiback position whe.re Pug- Rentner performed for the past three .seasons. Inýl-the workouts to date Cruice. has turned, in some fine bail carrying and, demonstrated ability as a left handed passer. The other memibers of the-i49t backfieid wîll probably be Jakie Sul- livan, left haif, Ollie Oison, fulback, and Roy Augustson, quarterback. The atter has stepped into the signal call- ing position, foliowing the ineiigibiiit*y of George Potter, iast year's regular quarter. Rugged 1IowaLime. Iowa's hopes of"- upsetting the *Puipie are based ôta -a dozen sopho-' mores who have been turning in fine performances in the workouts this fali. The Hawkeyes wilI present a rugged line, averaging 200 pouinds per mian. The backfilitjwil be bulit around *Joe Laws, star hialfback on last year's team, who has been shifted to quarter this fali. Laws was voted the most valuabie player on the team i ast year. Dick Grayne, 185-pound sophoniore, w111l probably start at ieft haif. rnh, andcin - Linus Hoyt'of to hear of her When HmeFurnishings, ~( Ae Nphthé Cleaned T hey Are Imma Il lte' Be Sure and Get Our Eltimaae, ICa s,-Cheaper to Clîega Than to Replace Naphtha c 1i e a n e d furnishingo are brighter; stay. dean longeri, and* are actualiy more sanita ry. For Naphtha' genle action removes embedded diri; lenves no soapy surface, and restoret the -beauty of every article. Here are a few iteinh requiring atten- lion afier the summer nionths: RUGS AND CARPETS ...DRAPERIES.. PORiIURIS ...HANGINGS .... CASEMENT CURTAINS ....... ACECURTAINS ....... WINDOW SHADES..... LANP SHADIS.. IDPIOLSTERED PURNITURE, ,,DUTCH TREAT S UPP 1ER Mr. an& Mrs. PercyCutier, 207 W'oodstock, avenue, Kenilworth, wiii give an ap petizer party preceding a 'Dutch treat party Saturday at the Harvest Homne dance at-Skokie Couni- try club. three sons,' Woodward, Glenn Ri( *ard, and Bobby, 127 Robsart ro Kenilworth, srpent the week-end v *iting Mrs. Andersen's cousin at 1 farm in Milton, Wis. Mrs. Wilii Purceliof Chicago, a sister of. M Andersen, motored -up wvith them.. sister, at St.1 for informaotion palt WINNETrKA 1919 i '4j t:? 1? t 'J: ~ rt ~ un. 4 ý 1 rý il, m