Deadline for net ns Classlfiedý advertlsements wlll be c WILMInsertion$-cePted up. to Tuesday 9 P. M. for I ILETELIEor ail three papers,; Wednesday. 9 p. M.. for IWINNETKÂ TALIC and Thursday 5 P. M. fqr ' GLENCOE NEWS. ITelephones:À Wllmette 4300;- Wlnnetka ý2000. (Wlnnetka 500 -after 6 P. M.>, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. 3 IOTAN-à POUND :30 INSTRUCTIo.N LOT-'RGTYELLOW.CAN ARY FR E NC H CLASS8ESý FOR AflULTS Oii in vicinity of 12th and Ashland. children by native teacher. College September 18. Reward.. Calil1- graàd.,and instructor at Loyola Uniiv. mette 2à0l. - 3LTN21-Itp for past 10 yrs. Reas. fee.' Cali LOST - EARRING, WHITE G O L Wilmette 1747, Mme. Gallois Starrs. wlth large green stones. Please re- 30LTN21-ltp turn to 1514 Lake Avenue or caîl DRAMATICS. ELOCUTION Wilmette 4956. 3LTN21-ltc Publie speaking and stammering my- specialty. Class, or inidividualiy. in BUILDING AND CONTRACTING Mrs. Miller. Ph. 'Wllmette 259. CALKING,ý TUCKP-OIýTING;, CEMEýN-T 3OLTN2l-4tp We do a complete job fromn top. to bot tom; we don't rh-iss a pin hole; '%ve LAUNDRY apply caàulkcing ýmaterial with pressure CUTAINS_ BL ANKETS, gun, and gÉuârantee it %i11 not crack. A-ND OTHEf LAXJNDRY WORK For estimate, phone W'ilniete* 20 Very reasonable.Wllau ndeier if no anewer, Gie. 2880. iWLTN21-4tp 886 Willow Rd.,, Wlnnetka 1924. 10 BUSINES SERVICE-t BUIESSRIE38 MASSAGE. Revive your LAWN wlth ANALYZED EXPERT. SWEI)ISH AND REDUCINGI HUMUS massage in your home. Reasonable. Soldand ellerediii ny uantty. Glencoe references. Cali afternoons, Sold and deUnivereinayqaty U idrýty 6636. 3L21-Ilp Especially put Up in 100-lb. sacks for - sinali lawn owners. Also black soi] 40 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS pplverized, no lumps. Fertilizer. Ph., FOR SîALE, CHEAIP-LDWTIG TRAPI Morton Grove 1832, Urban Hoffman, druni set, A-i condition. Plione Win- Church and Golf Rd. lOLT'Nl6-ot» netka 820 any niorning between 9 atnd CARPENTER AND CABINET MAK,- i 10 'lc.401,TN21-It1) er; alterations, stormi windows, repaîr-- workW large or smiall. Free estiniate. 42-- PAINTING AND DECORATING Prices reasonable. E. Anderson, Phone Wlmette 3379. 16LTN19-4te Painit; Paper 5 Rins. $34.50 Rats Rahes. Et. ITAS A-ND FANIJASING WORK P., J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTrERMINAT- bathrmi. enamieled, $5;~ kitclien paint- ing erigineer. Ph. i, nnetka 591 or ed, $5;. ceiling calciniined, $1 up; 5 Wllmette 3867. 16LTN17-tfe RM. FLOORS WASHED, SCRLYBBED, HAR»WOD _OAK _ FOTR FIR 'VARNISHET> 011 W'AXED, $8; EX- PLACES, 2 FEET LONG, $10 A IZTEIOR MWORK - WINDOWS, :,,c CORDJ, DELIVERED. ALSO BLACK ANI) UP; PORCHES,; $10. REFS. flIRT $5, 3 YARDS. WINNETKA FREE ESTENIATES. MATERIALS 2108. 16LTN18-4te FURNISHED. CALL WILMÉITTE . WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRINGý 421LTIN21-Ilp>' G. ETTINGHAUSEN 11G C L . U 629 Main St., Wilmette C 2nd floor, Rm. 7 Wilmette 5381 A NTIQUE *WALLS WASHED,,,4, 16LTN21-ltp sýtarehed $2.50.up; rmn. papered $2.60I SÀAM GOLDMA up, kitchen painted $5 up; bathrm.j JUNK DEALER Cfaneled $5; floors refinished by ma- Highest prices paid for paper and maga- chine or by liand. Very reasonable.1 ziries. Wilmette 541î, Winnetka 3720. Al1so do outside pai.nting with pure _____16LTN21-t white lead and ou1. BRst ref. right or grand; alaio repair worli guaranteed. 16i Yrs. Steinway, N. Y. Il. C. Thomas,, Park Ridge 699-R.' 45LTNI8-4tp 53 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRINC, iMPÔRTANT SEWING MACHINE~ REPAIR SHOF àstabllshed, mere than ftty years ago ln P.vanston,, la now located at 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette ... Also ru- jpa.lring Electrical ihome. apr.ll- anices. Tel. Uni. 2200 or WII. 4368., L. E. Blunt.5LN4-f 59 WEARING APPMARIEL W0 ND E R PUL OPPORTUNITy- Girls' schooî,. afternoon and evenlng clothes, -16. Otgrown-alrnost new -bargains. Girl Scout and Cub suits Winnetka .2934. 59LTN21-ltp 2 BOYS'. SUITS, 2 PRS. TROUSERS eac-h,esizes 12 and: 14. yrs. $4 eaeh. Phon Kenilworth 1212. 59LTN21-ltip 65 LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential service, legal rates. MOTOR LOAN. CO.. Stat, 3anik Bldg.,.Evanston. Gre. 3200 s 8TUAIIONM WATE-FEbMALIR COMPETENT HELP No Chargeto Employer Efficient Service for Northi Shore.1HoMnes We Investigate References' WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agenicies, 421 Fourth St., Wilmnette Wllmette' 2171, Winnetka 2662 ______68LTNI 4-tfe k L~ I N . L ooKBAKR, fancY caterer. With Gernian chef in famnous family. Years of exper. cook- ing for southern and northern people. Ilonest, neat, pleasant, reliable good worker, col.,. wishes steady cooking, first floor, housekeeping, or general. A-1 north shore ref, Ph. Winn. 2372. 68LTN21-ltp CAI<L PAULINE's FOR BETTER DOIMESTIC general mnaids, 2- to 5-yr; local refs. coeoks, long North Shore rets., -second maids, rets. above average. We place experienced only. WE HAVE WHAT WE ADVERTISE PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCy î2 Fourth St. Wilmette 2171 68LTN21-ltc R E LIABLE, E X--P. WOMAN WANTS laundry work or clearring on Mon- days. Young high -schooI girl wants work as rnother's helper. Good rets. c-oI ed nu alurdays. Eixcellent ocal k ef. ilmette 3068 after 8 p. m. 69LTPN21-ltp ýNUR1IHWESTERN FRATIÉjRYTy-- p honor man i *11 exchange tutoring for roomiand two meals Per day. Excellent reconxmendatIons. and.refs. EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES PER- 9 manenit Thurs. and Saturday house and garden work;. also odd jobs, painting and carpentry. Ph.: Wilmette 3233. 69L21-tp EXPERIENCED- MAN WILL CARE forý furnace durng winter; also re- pair. Take down dead. treeq. 'Lnd- scaplng. Wlnnetka 181 -3. 69LTN19-4tp) GARDEN AND HOUSEWORK BY, IEXPERIENCEDiMAN%. BY HOUR OR IDAY.' WINNETKA 1552. 69LTN21-Itp 70IT. WTD.-.MALE AND FEMALE tee wishes, to place the followlng workers: 5 men, day Workers, as gardeners, housemen, or chauffeurs. References furnished. If you haVe posi- tions open, temporary or permanent, Please cati Mrs. FI. B. Taylor, chair- man of Employment Cotnte, n- ilw orth 2820.m m te , K - AIso clothlng wanted for scliool girls, sizes 12, 16, 20; school boys' sizes 10 to 14. Phone MNrs. Harold Tidemnan. Kenilworth 3262. 7LTN20-tfl) EXPERIENCE DHELP WE SPECIALIZE 'IN HlIGH GnADE* doniestié help, aill nationalities, no charge to employer. References in- vestigated. Under state superv!~.1, Reinhart's Emnpi. Agency 748 Elm- St. Winnetka 3.199 7OLTN21-1te E FFICIENT COLORErD FEL7P A SPECIALTY, MAID, AI)- ventist, also other 'mnld,hlousemen, chau~ffeurs, cateress, jainitors, couples. References investigated. Ph.. Wililette 4144. JOHNSON'S EMPL. AGENCY 70LTN198-4tt) COMPETENT HEI4P CALL REINHA&RT$ EMINPL. AGENC Y for qok , gene ra, second, nurses,. aînd couple. W.%e do not place any- onè withiout references. REINHIART'S, EMPL. AGENCY 48 Elm St. Winrietka 3399 FNTIRE CARE 0_(F _HoUTSE -ANýD grounds by neat col. couple. Man, experielu.ed chiuffeurtýhouseman.. wife, good 'cook. N. S. rets. Highland P a r k , 3 R 0 ' a y p N o [EL -CAR 0FCHILDREN edi- part time. Wlnnetka refer ýnil- netka 2762. ltp W LýL, CARE FOR CHuL R- day or week in my home. -the one GEERL OUSEWORK: Uct Wlnnetka 616. -M , I B Vinnt 3234. LTN21-tp ýîTiRES. 68L21-ltp WOMAN, WHITE, Fi and eventngs by w( cook, rellable. 01 metteprweferred. WHIT'E GI RL 6'OR1 er and assist with1 stay or, go home mette 957. week. Cail flghts. Ph. WIl- 71ÈTN21-1tc rr Gar- wll- - 2 miniature n the u :. 3435. 1 - ejý,-A