Uhis oi rolice. iAny traffhc officer is eligible, and it is, expected that a large nuinber of municipalitieswill send rep- resentatives. Have Anîbitious Schedule A full schedule is planned, with class- ts ail morning and ail afternoon six days *a week. .An, imposing facuity, has beeti drafted' f rom, metropolitan. police departments, the National.Safety coun- cil, National -Bureau,, of Casualty and Surety tlnderw.riters, Northwestern university and other organizations. Four subjects 'will be studied thor- oughly during the miorning.* classes thei first' week. .They are:; legisiation, or- ganization of the traffic department,1 training of officers, and. traffic plan- ning. Morning sessions during the. sec--. ond week will, be devoted: to' mobile' control of traffic,, accident in.vestigation I arrests. and, court work, and -educationai. work. hImportant Field Progréin Probably the most' iriteresting phase *of the school will be the iaboratQry and field work, which wilI1 occupy the afternoons duingi the entire course. *The ."students"' will learn how to -in- vestigate accidents, how to make park- ing surveys, how to make traffic counts, how to compute critical speeds at dan- gerous intersections, and other scien- tific niethods of preventing accidentsr and facilitating traffic flow. The offi- cers will also be given an opportunity. to visit the Chicago and Evanston police departînents and study in detail *the traffic engineering and enfoncement -methods used. HOUSEGUESTS Mrs. Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth St 'reet, had as houseguests iast week. ber 'granddaughter, Miss Dorothyý XKfine, and Mrs. ,C. ý,E. Boice, both of- Mineapols isKine is a' grand- daughter. and Mrs. Boice is a daughter of General joseph B. Sanbornl of Chi- cago. ENTERTAIN AT SUPPER b oard for seven years. He was ptesi. *dent of th e KeniIworth Improvemeni association for five y'ears, also dea- con in the Church of the Holy Coin forter. For a number pf years the jar- etskept. open house on Hallowe'er at which they entertained as -many as 2,000' children,' serving themý witli doughnuts and cider.'- Mr. Jarrett >is president and *owner of the Larger Life- Library,, formerly of Chicago, and will move this business to Cali- fornia. He'is the author of two Most Interesting- littie books, "'It WTrks," and f'Meaning of the .Mark," hich are written for the purpose of help- ing the reade r to make his life bet- ter. The Jarretts have been residents of Kenilworth eighteen years. Their son, Herbert ,Jarrett,, and Sis' family are living, in, Nues Center. The Lewis Megowens will occupv the jarrett home. N. C. E. ALUMN.AE MEETING IhTe Alum-niae association of the National College of Education wilI hold a board meeting at the Wom,- an's UJniversity club, 185 North Wa- ,bash avenue, Chicago, Saturday morn-ý .ing, Septemnber 30, at, 10:45 o'clock. Mliss lone Mdoody, president of the association will preside. Plans for ,future meetings of the alumnnae of the -college '%ill, be discussed at this timie. t LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE-TO-BE .Mrs. joseph Nate (Eleanor Camp- bell) wvas' hostess at. iuncheon and bridge for three tables at Shawnee Country club on Tuesday of this week. The party was given.. lu honor. of 'Miss Katherine Downe\- of 'Chi- cago Who is to be married. Satunday to Dr. Thomas Leahy. The guests were aIlR members of the Quadrvan-ý gle club.of the Uiiiversity of Chlicago.. TEA FOLLOWS HUNT MIr. and Mrs. Randaîl Poindexter of Happ road entertained forty-flve guests at tea Saturday,. September 16, following the Longrneadow hunit. zervi.e vA5rict, Lbm rioor, tU. S. ICourt lHouse,'Chicago, !Il.," prior to. - the hour of closing. business on the, date stated. EPISCOPÂL CIRCLE TO. MEET Mrs. George H . Weave r, 10-20 Ash- land avenueé, -will entertain-the North- eatcircle of St. Augustine's Epis- Septemfber 29. Luncheon will be-fol- lowed by a meeting at which plans for the work* during. the year will be discussed., Mrs. Thomas S. S. Htard- wick, will be co-hostess. Mrs. Frank Wenter Jr., is chairman of -the.circle. with Mrs. L. B.. Huguenor the co- chairman. SISTER-îIN..LAIW DIES I'vrs.:Orson B. StebbinsofBvel HsChicago, sister-in-law 6f Mr. -land Mrs. Fired J. Stebrbins, 329 ka- leigh road, Kenilworth, passed awayl last Monday at the Presbyterian hos- pital after a brief illness. She is survived by ber husband, Orsohi B. Stebbins, and ber sister, Miss Grace Clime, who miade. her home with Mrs. Stebbins. Mrs. Stebbins had been a frequent visitor in Kenilworth and had xnany friends on the north shore. C. D. 0F A. INITIATES The Caltholic Daughters of Ameni- Cà, Wilmette Court No. 848, initiated the following on Thursday, Septem- ber 21: Loretta Steiner, Carolyn Kirchens, Agnes Ascherman, Eliza- beth Genczo, Edna Krupp. Mary Bowers, joanna Gregar, Della Hall- iron and Elizabeth Kalmës. The initi- ation ceremonies were held at the Wilmette Masonic temple. SON BORNý Mr.'and Mrs. Alan M.» Kidd of Highland Park are .the parents of a son, Alan, Jr., 'born. Wednesday, September 20, at the Highland Parkc hospital. Mrs. Kidd, the former Alice .Bradley, is the daughter of Mrs. Flor- Mr. Lynch was advised of his ap- pointiRent to this important office, this week by C. F. Thompson, acting director of the departinent. Ail of Cook and Lake counties comprise the territory under- the, juris'diction: of the 'Chicago office. EuE erce Gari. Lava Mr. Lynch wiil have under his, di- rection a staff of ten or more in- vestigators who are appoinited by the 'director of the ,dlepartient. at Spring- field. There are no more.g 1ame war- dens, as heretofore maintained, -and the forestry department, has: also been placed under the departrnent'of conservation. The Chicago offce is located in the Foreman Bank building, 33, North La- Salle street. Froni heré is directed the enforcement of ail fish and game laws,. the. invesigation of reported violations and the inspection of fur shops. It is under the direction of, this departinent that the lakes in the two ecounties are seine<F for thre remioval of carp which are replaced by game fish. The departinent operates on receipts. from hunting anid fishing' license. True sportsmen readily comply with the laws of the conservation depart- m ent, it is explained, and those who do not, will be vigorously prosecuted, accordling to Mr. Lynch. Reports of violations coming to the department will be thoroughly investigatec, ie,h said. * Retains Pr ivat. Busiases"." In ' assuining the duties of his new office Mr. Lynch explained that while lie will direct its activities f rom the ,Chicago office he will continue as president of the tree surgery com- pany bearin 'g bis namne, and that Charles C. Williamson, who joined thé omany thi spring, as manager of* hem ladscaping departmnent, will be in harge when Mr. Lynch is absent. ALPHA PHI PLEDGES INiss jane Engel, and Miss Ruth Seymour, of Wilmette, and Miss Jeantne Scarratt of KenilwQrth, have pIedged Alpha Phi sorority at the SL'zailLcb 0411ALI b-....u' at I*I. '-viiilgivr . ueorgej ones, ernui street, is transferring iroin --She attended New Trier High school Georgie, and jean, of 318 Oxford Wellesley college this year to North- Jeanne Cutlen and S u- e Spinney last year. road, Kenilworth. western university. entertained at a scavenger hunt on _-o- *---0>-- _-o- bicycles, Saturday oflast week after *Miss Marion Fientye, 919 Central Mrs. Harold E. Spinney, 927 Ash- Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Weishaar, 1331 which the gueçsts gatbered at the avenue, spent the week-end in Nash- land avenue, entertained ber 'four- Chestnut avenue, spent last weej- * Cutler home, 407 .Central avenue, for viile, Tehn.,- visiting Miss Sally Rus- somne 'bridge club at lunclleon Mon- end at 'Gordon's Lodge near Ephraim, suppen. seli. da y. Wis.