As Low As *595. When you need a new battery, we supply the well known "Exide" ini correct size and type for your car at a very reasonable. price. Corne in now, before the colci weather, and have your battery inspecte&i WIMETTE DBATTERY 6 LECTRIC 'SRVC '740 Twelfth Street Phone- Wifi eite 691-696 Shawnee Service Garage Lynam Service Station Shimonelc Service. 554th St., Wil. 636 415- Ridge Ave., WiI. 5426l 803 Main St., WiI. 5347. Iif __ j OJLY A FIWMORI- DAY$! COLDER WEATI-ER' is only a few days away!- Why flot get ready for.-it NOW by telephoning us. to send over a load of GUARANTEED COAL or COKE? You will get prompt, courteous service, the quality of fuel and. a guarantee of satisfaction every delivery. best with IGUARANTEED, FUEL 011 SOLVAY C DELIVR Y COAL L DU -@ùa! YA R DS A L L OVER, T H E NO0RT H WILMETTE 1300 WINNETKA 3386 GLENCOE .75 SHORE DISTRICT I Kr Combn.aton S ORM OORSProtect with STORM SASH Storm doors protect from wintry blasts. Made TLPONE2 89 WlLI<ETTE Storm sash gives added protection quinet in rie.OnI.......ryIo $489 Evnstn radiUniversity 7700 wintr winds. Order your storm sash NOW --q, DI 5 Tý:R 1 C T S H 0 R E ýý