Speckjl Prices for Tbuirsday, Fzday and Saturdc.y B8read WHfOE WNEAT 1Lb.1O Pipées. Old SeNioer. U.iiform qualily. buifer ,Rings .ech 15< OMI~NAN6S Golden Srowu,plain &pongé culte. Butter Cookies porb.23C: S *R for those"ofterschooi"aotie. -Who le' '2 23c Free-Shooting plan, for 2 package tops. FIour k'ooý $1005 GRE#4NAN'S Sutterscotch. 2 loyers Oue d c ed wth rlch, golden icing. Fruits and Vegetables '0 They care brouglt* to you daily, from the finest producing arecs witb ail their deli- cious flavor intact. GRAPES 3 p ns25c Clilfornia Red Tokay-Finost table voriely. ORANGES 176 sizo -pordon 33c Colfprni Valenci-Medium sie. APPIMIS 4 poundp 19C Jon othan-Eitru Fancy- excellent for eoaing. *e atoes Whte Extra Fancy Cobbl.rs. No t.,b. confusod with ordi- a *.,r ,,.to#.... 3eck COLORFUI. autum n doys-so much tomsee and so much toa<do-and no time to shop for food -but dontworTyý just phone us -Super-Service wilL take care of your every food need safely, promptly and economi- cally. And moy w. su gst, thot you stock up for winter before prices go higher-ýw.'Ideliver, right to -your'pOntry. CýOFFE E Riheliu-Our Best GraQde rché smoothand heavy. BISQUU'CK BU1TER£ RçispIberries No., 2 tins 2 for 55c RICHELIEU, the neareut opprooch ta frosh fruit. TeCa ICHEL~ IE i 43-b. package 28c Orane Peoe, elicousYet econornicaI. Tomato j ui ~CK1,AIL 2o4 RICHELIEU, full of health giving vitamins. Chocolaite k~ pound 2 for 37c RICHELIEU, swooth, rich ond fu flovor. COrn' RICHELIEU, 12 oz. tins 3 for 44c Fig Bars 2'ibs. 23c SAWYER'S fines? quolity. 3 Perfect biscuits ià Iust 90 seconds- 40 ôz-. pkg.- Blue aIle-.makes. any m taste better- one pound carton lbs.~ 32ýc 29C Eggs.o. ; 2oz& To ort the dayoff right.0 E gg 9GOLDEDALE pZ 23c Tuna Fish BABYSTUART3 lb. White, for sads ond dres ngs. 3 is*5 c Baàkin'g Powder în1. 2b CALUMET-go., further-bakes better. Puffed Whecat prpkg.9 QUAKER quaiity-deitcious andrefreshing. MVit, rIum, Bléck Raspberry and Redi Tomnato., ~ICcocmanUt RICHELIEU 2 tin5s ej Moist, sweetned-mokes good cakes botter. SOAP FLAKES uncl'frquaity 21-34 oz. 29c, Central and TweIfth Phone 510-514