~*4.~. - a - ~ Thii magniice,ît structure sooî to risc oit Lake avenue cast of'Ridge road wèl/I begint i .1he imiiat ftre is ta l'e fiianicd enitirel.1, bi St.>.Ioseph'sý,.Herni J.ý I _______________________________________________________________________ -, THERE 18 NO E XCUSE FOR A Poor .Complexion Learn This New 'Way to Loveliness .With Our Compliments Thousands of women have found -radi- ant charm 'and. Ioveliness by following Dorothy Perkins' rules 'of beaufy. -At considerable expense we have obtained a personal representative of Dorothy Perkins ta explain this scien.lific method of beauty care ta our c us- tome rs. *..Special Atten'tion to Dry Skin Oiy'Skin SaIIow Skin Backb.ads ho use uthe St. Joseph's aris/i school. [F'ork o» t/e building is to Gau-il is' the -ar-c/iitet. Congregation Observes- Suecoth Festival Sunday -Rubt arlcot estivaShl poam fll or Rutabi Ccharlest.vShlman wil cfon- cbildren and aduits at North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, Sun- day morning, October 8, at Il o'clock. The board of trustees of the Congre- gation wilI meet at the temple Mon- day evening, October 9, at 8 O'clock, Jit is announiced. GIRL SCOUT CHAIRMAN *Mrs. John L. Wils bas been se- le'cted as comrnunity Girl Scout'chair- man for Kenilworth this year. She succeeds Mrs. -Jacques dle La Cha- Pelle, wlîolbas resigned. Mrs. A. R. Hulbert, 310. Richînond ,road,,Kentilworth, 'entertained.fi,%e for lunicheon last Érid ay at the Chimneys, returning afterwards to lier home for bridge.> Priscilla Wb'leelock, 89 Robsart road Kenilworth, bas left for the Univer- sitv of Texcas, mwhere she is a fresh- Keough Gets High Ford Sales Rating George E. Keough, sales manager of the Lake Side Motor company, 714 EIm street, Winnietka, as been noti- fied o.f bis election to înembership ini the National Ford Producers' club, an organization proinoted bv the Ford Motor company. Qualifications for mnembership in thi -s club are based on sales record,- and Mr. Keough bas made that rec- ord, plus, in the sale of, Ford cars on the north shore. * I e is in receip t of a gold pin, is- suied to club nienbersý, iii addit.ion to' amontbly bonus check froin the F ord company. 11r Keough says he-is exceedingly gratified at the developrnent of the Ford sales. and- service departnient re- cently opened by the, Lake Side Mo- ~tor company at 714 Elmn street, WVin- .netka, which, it is pointed out, has q uickly confirnîed the opinion- that an establis'hment of, tlis nature was 1146-1148 AvOfluq er nothorizad puchaced et 'Wîimefte .PAl .JTi3~/ A LIC 13 COEDIL£Y INVITED TO A17%» TRI M MICE AND ViMTTIEN REAING 10 ..................... A L