FW-O 5 RM. ODERN ARTISTIC houa«eà in, West Wllmette. Hot water heat. WilI rent or isell. Phono Wil- mette 1218i 971,22-itp ENGLISH COUNTRY HOMIE, BEAU- tifully furnIsiedii mas-ter, bedrnvs., slittlng rm.. 3 baths, 3 maidm' rms. and. bath, o11 heat, 3-car garage. $300, a month. Other, homes furnished or- unfurn.iýhcd at attractive rentais. Frances Jý. Wiinscott !102 Sprure St. Winnetka 1267 ____________ 98LTN22-ltc. ATTRACTrIVE 7 ROOM HOIJSE NEAR lake and. transp. 3 bedrvs, g1àze<1 porches, garage. .Oçt. 10 to May 1, or iý year. 1.0w rent. Wjnnetka 291. 98LTN22-1 ti) 4 ROOM HOUSE, SCREENED PORCH, garage. 011 heat. Frigidaire. Close to Ravinla,, station and ,school. CT Highland Plark 844. 98LTN22-Ltp 5 ROOMS WITH SUN PARLOR, AT- transportation. Phone Wiinefk" 44. 98L22-ltp 99 WANTED TO RENT-HOU5SES ÉMALL HOUSE AND GAR. OR GA- rage apt. Or -will care for home dur- Ing Ôwers absence. Rellable. Will give let class reference8. Winnetka 3844. 99L22.itp) 104 FOR R ENT-STORES AND OFFICE$ ONE 0F THE BEST LOCATIONS IN WTLMETTE FOR A. SMART SHOP PHONE WILMETTE -, 2399. 104LTN19-4tP 106 'PRU. ENT-IIALLS -Wilmette Wôman' s Club. THE ENTIRE CLUB OR ANY OF ITS fine rooms available'for cards, din- nérs, or dancing parties. Wilmetts, 1488. 106LTN2O-6tp 111 FOR SLi-"HOUSES ENGLIS DI STINCTIVE. ;H BRICK HOME,, LAR GE wooded, lot la choice fEast aide [ocaf ion.- 7 rims., 3 baths, H. W. it.. 2-car att. gar. Owner de- ires immediate action. For sale r rent. Mr. Harris. alley, Improved with trame 2z nat -and -brick shop. Less than .1 block to steani -and electrie depots la Wilmette. A buy at -$16,500. R. M. JOHNSTON & Co. 340 Linden Ave. Wilimette 444 nortn as winneti<a. QUINLAN & TYSON, nc. 1571 Shermian Ave. . Uni. 2600 128LTlN22-I.te 129 FOR UALE-HOUSEHOLO GOODU Bryant Gas Water Heater Cali Winnetka 200 129LTN22-Itp. SOLID WALNUT ITALIAN -DINETTE set, very reasonable. Also -end tables, -silver candie sticks, youth's .bed,"con- so(le table.. Wilrh'ette 5034. 703 Park Ave. __ 9T2-1t 164 yards Wilton carpet. Owner will seil at great 'bargainý. Buckinghamr 3703.129LTN22-lte FRIGIDAIRE. LIKE NEW; DINING room set, gas stove, and garden tools. Mi1scellaneous. Phone W.Innetka 29V.. 1291.22-ltp 132 WID. TO0 UUY-MIUCÈLLANE£ou. WANTED TO BUY-USÈD GIRLSE bicycle, reasonable and. ln good con- dition. Phone Willmfette 237 6. 132L221tl. -Plan Beneit Tea for Pres 'byteriain College A tea will be given at the home of Mrs. M. R. Barker, 730 Central ave- nue, from 3 to 5 o'clock on the àfter- noon of Thursday, October 12, in the interests of the Presbyterian Chris- tian College of Education, 815 Bèlden avenue, Chicago.- Students and mem- bers of the Woman's auxiliary of the college will present the. program. They will sing and will tel] of the work of the. college. Ail who are in-, terested have been invited to attend. A silvèr offering wilI bc received, it is announced. AT DINNER FOR GOVERNOR Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heiser,, 1936 Thornwood avenue, have returned to their hoôme'a fter attending the North- w est Hotel convention in St. Paul, Septeiniber 27, 28 and 29.. While there tbey attended a dinner for eight given by Harry Ferstenberg of Chi- cago in honor of Gov. and Mrs. Floyd OIson of Minnesota. For Information Cali I424 Linden 4ve. Wflmette G1 lencos Bd. Glcncoe plu*b1li. 1* *5* a a14-IUC 0 alwas bora to Mr andI Mrs. McJBgrney play event, and Armel scored a totalofSate 's.M .Mcuny of 331. Second place went to A. F. of Seatter as. YMr, s. acBizrney Farina, with a total of '333, and thirdfomryVrV.ongisaagh o place to Dan Comstock, whose total ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Young C wao3.Thfoetscr o 1734 Highland avenue, Wilmette. -single round of play in the champion- Ms v .Pfro 2 itet -sbip -tournament. was a 77 shot -b treet bas, leased' her home to J. 0. Parnna in the last round.y Spotswood and famiiy and has taken r. an.apartment at,2531 Jackson street, Evanston, for a year. Claude E.,Fitch PMrs. P. T. Whelan returned last P. P. of, our chapter. has been, con- Sweek to her home in Marsball-town, fined 'to ýhis. béd for a time., Mrs. ;Iowa, after a = 41ahS visit with bier Miske,' daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. nephew. and'fmiy, 'the W. M. Kunzer'of Gregory avenue, was- in Youngs of .412 Isabella: street.-a auto accident ýon Labor'day but was not hurt-seriously.,On Monday, ISTATEMENT OF THE OWNERtlSHIP. October 16, th 1ere will be. a stated X ANGE3MEXT, (.'IRCUILATIOiÇ, ETC., meeting followed by a cake-walk. On REQUESTED BY THE ACT 0F COX. October.11, at 1 o'clock there will be af, 0f AUU Lie ubls 24,191e unheon and bridge, party at the a.Wilmette, Ill., or Otober 1. 1933. home of Mrs.,Richard Schuettge at PCOUNTY 0F COOK i$4GenodveuWl te h rSTATE 0F ILLINOIS 'IS 84Genwo.vnuWlete h Before me, a Notary'Public ln and for will be assisted by. the me mbers, of the State and county aforesaid, per- the Temple club. 3sonally appeared, Lloyd Hollister. who Caroline. Coniverse will serve as Es- -havlng beea duly iworn according to, tor9,ads law, deposes and says that he la the ther at Bensenville,-on Qv é nda. 1) BàsineaS Manager of Wilmette Life associate conductress at Glenview on - and tha-t the. ollowig -wto the best ofOcto 13.il !iis knowledge and belief, a true state- ment of -the ownershlp, managemeént Joe Converse will serve -as patron (and if a daily paper, the circulation), at Bensenville on October 9. The fol-, etc., of the aforesaiàd1publicatioa, for the lowing officers will serve at Lincoln- a.4te shown la the above caption, re- qulred by the Act of August 24.*,1912, woodchapter October 9: Myrtle Hop- ýmnbodied in section 411 Postal Laskins> as associate conductr'ess;.,,Alberta and Regulations, printed on- the reverse Orner as treasurer; Ina Meyers as Ruth; 1. That the names and. addresses of Grace Skelton as secretary; May the publisher, editor, managing editor Woodhead as conductress. and business manager are: Publisher, Lloyd . Hollister Iac. (A Corporation), 1232 Cent-rai avenue. WiI-"enE hatdC se 1133 Central avenue, Wilniette, Illi* f Business Manager, Lloyd Hollister, 112,4 .for Pre-Sehool Children Cherry' street, Winnetka, 111, The Enchanted Castle, a pre-sch-ool 2. That the owjners are,. (Give aames and addresses of individtial owners, or for srnall children,- opeiied Monday in If a corporation, give its name and the the First Congregational Church House, xiames and addresses of stockholders Evanston. Several Wilmette cbildren owatng or holding 1 per cent -or more of the total aniouat of stock), are attending this school, and there Lloyd Hollister Inc. (A Corporation), is room for more, il is announced. Fur- C132-36 Centrai Ave., wlnette, Il. ther information may be obta ined 'by Lloyd Hollister, 1129 Cherry St., Win- netka, Ill.; E. R. Ladd, 2404 Harrison calling Wilmette. 3991 or .University Street, Evanston, Ill.; Robt. D. Roden- 1214. berg, 1158 Tower Road Winaetka., Ill.; Tesbo sdrce yMs la H. D. Hill, 1161 Laurel Ave., Winnetka, h coli ietdb isEla II.: Arthur C.* F. Gedge, 1106 Elm iSt., nor Rockafellow,,for six years a rest- Winnetka, 111. ; A. M. Levy, 6, North dent of Wilmette, assisted by M iss Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.: E. C.Kary Cstrwofr anyes Rodeaberg, 1158 Tower Rd., WinnetkaKtrnCso h frmyyes Ill.; C. H. Scherer, ()ienvlew Rd., wi b as lived in Evanston. Both are f romf tmeentnteholIll.aor- National College of Education, Evans- gaaees. a nther ecriv oldrsow-ion, Miss Rockafellow baving received o0 visit the H.1 La~ke avenue, f< er. ar- tburgh of 730 I JY L) LLIarSiT. .-- I(-Signature.« f ditor, publisher. business Imanager, or owner.) Miss Julia Kennedy of Detroit, 428Swora f0 and subscribed before me Micb., was.the guest last week of Mr. 428 this 25th day of September, 1933. an P401 (Seal> C. E. HOTZE, an rs. Marvin Harms of100 (.My commission expiresApril 6, 1935.)Miirod Ys~.