Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Oct 1933, 4b

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*the stone gates on Sheridan road at the south entrance of Kenilworth. The Kenilworth Home and Garden club was the original: sponsor of the plan to develop the tract of land which 'wasý willed to. Kenilworth by the late MissMary Mahoney as a wild flower preservation and bird sanctuary. Plans for this development are now n prep- aration by Jens Jensen. *Following are the, verses read by Mrs. Hodge: TLVoie of *he- OId Cottonwood For ten score years andi nwre, 've stood uihere stands. yoptillage ae MY family tree, the cottonwood, inajestic, proud, -sedate. My roots set deep within the soil nîy forbears had moide .As one by, one, Silice tinté began, they joined Tilne's long Parade. *I grew lip in a gardcnl.i(,ild, witlî. flowers grozWng 'rouind TVhich no one pickedor-plan tted and peace, did e'er, abouîrd. The .joyous Sm:gsQ' of happy birdýis I Jiea.'d for evernore. To the thiénipin g,. rhifliniic Ibcatiny of weaves oit vonder shore. M'y ofsfçretchcd arnus have cradhd'i cou>ztless featlercd fainily- ne.os And tiinid squirrels ha4,e nested sale, u4thin ;ny Juirroz(ld breast. And wli eiiflcsui1icsititlias si coL,-(' aitd, t.ithercd Up the grouind, Withininîy coolinq shadoi', Co,1îfort nia» and beast have folind. j'z-e seeik the da.ncilig, as Their prey -wif h jlintcd orrow, shot uith dcadly aim. And J'vc scen th cîniunf itlîose ciatersý t here for fish and feathé.red gainc. J, sagi, white missiona ries cainec anoeîngtir *dowon the lake, J. saiv brave traders burned alive thtrough Rediiei's ficîîdisihahole, Ere leaving for îîeu' bu» tiîig gût *as settlers builded here , Log cabins f roin thîe trees ihcv ý lcd their fields and farms'fo dean. Powver Boat Races Promise Big TkriIi American power boat racing will reacb its.climax this season with,,the fifth annual national outboard cham-_ pionsbip regatta, to be staged :Octo- ber 7 and 8 on the north lagoon. at the World's Fair. Drivers from al quarters ,of the compass, including the Philippine Islands, the Canai1 Zone and Canada will' com.>pete for a long. list of trophies and cash. purses and for the titles of national cham- pions in their classes. Because of, the beavy. list of. con- testants-thougbt to be the largest group, that-bas -ever entered. a power boat regatta-officials of;the National Outboard association and the 'Ameni- can Power Boat- association: haveý been forced to arrange for elimina- tion beau. in each of, the, races sched- uled. Races will be staged for ama-j teurs and professioiials-n Classes A, B, C and F, and in addition, there wîll be events for racing runabouts fanîily. anc by pur, Passcd on t their ecrial rcst Zab rcalnsbcodfics» J-is lonclvvJîo>,zc. dcscrted iiozv, 1'ks * . yrinii agyainsi the, night; At finies,. nuthinks J Sec '1dm. si gjoijIyg with bis liglit To tend his stock wit-hh*i the barm, bc vond the orchàrd there, Pitt no, 'fis but a distant lamp that lit lits thie tlioroiîpifare. Sa sad I'd lie todav , idced,: but for flic talcs Vvc lirai-d J4'lîn a whlitc-haircd mman aJdvýkiVn begqan fa talk of birds J'Vtl&1» ,u caring over. there. close bY tht oudcd oak. ltitnoingfr inif'an oeday,. and ind itf branchéîs brake. 'rThc talkcd of bin»qin»g back to 'Icé that qarden wild IJ kniez llitit faillv ferns. red berricd sh rubfs and dainti- belis of blite. -- TÉhe rates, which ýwill take two days to run off, will take place on a mile and one-quarter course on the World's Fair lagoons. Immediately following the competitive events, the drivers will be moved, with their equipmnent to Cedar Lake, Ind., where mile: trials, for- speed records will be held on October 9 and 10.- Gar Wood, international speed king; Charles F. Chapnian, of New York; E. G. Peth.- erick of $an 'Francisco and James W.Paslee of Chicago will serve as referees at the regatta. Mrs. Lloyd Paxon Gist of ModernLiterature, MNrs.. Llovd Faxons season of read-> îngs opened last Friday afternoon at the. home of Mvrs. Myron Harshaw, 11,73ý Asbury avenue, Hubbard Wooüds. with the presentation by Mrs.- Faxon of "No Second Spring," the twenty th'ousand dllar -piize novel by Jan et Beith. This Friday Mrs. Faxon will read the same novel before another group at the home of Mrs. Frank IPlowman, 421 Linden avenue, WVin- netka, who will entertain at luncheoii before the reading. This is the, fifth successive year that Mrs. Faxon has been chosen by this group to conduct its winter series. Mrs. George Barrett will be hostess next Tuesday at her home in Barring-t ton at a luncheon which wilt precede a reading hy Mrs. Faxon. This group, of which Mrs.. R. B. Umberger of Winnetka and NMIrs. Edwin Hildreth of Wilmette are niembers. meets once a nionth. Mrs. Faxon reads each month during the winter. Lectures ini Highland Park For the Womian's society of theý H-ighland Park Preshyterian church, Màrs. Faxonwl offer *alecture series on -the* third Monday of each nmonth. Mrs.. W.. A. Alexander is president of th society, and the series -is being givèn to raise monley for its..scholar- ship fund. Before the Winnetka Business and Professional Women's club. of which and during the tea hour there will be a fashion show, it is planned. Miss Elizabeth Olnisted and Miss Doro- thea Posey. will be. hostesses for the afternoon.' Also ofparticular inter- est to -north shore members of the. club- isthe Octo6ber 13 program. That afternoon Anita Wil-lets Burnhamn of Winnetka will speak on ber new bpok, "'Round the World on a Penny." Book revicws, contract. bridge lessons, bridge parties.,.an Art Insti-, tute tour,, a >talk on antiques, one. on Hitlerism, and, a Hallowe'en dinner and party are among the progratmý completing the month's activities 'at the club. SThe new officers and directors of the club are to be guests of, honor at luncheon at 12:-30 Saturday, at the club. Immediately after lunc heon Miss Harriet'Allyn will1 give a group of character sketches and imi tations. Those, acting as hostiesses on thisý occasion are:; Mrs. Charles A. Weav- er, Mrs. Thomàs J. Dee, Miss Char- lotte Fleming, Mrs. John G.' Jordan, Mrs. William F. Pratt, and Miss Eýlena, Fontanv. Sat rday of last ueek,the club held a, breakfast for the stars. of the *'lncle Tom's Cabin" company- De- Wolf Hopper,. Harry MIinturn, Eid Markey, and Margaret Fitch of Ken- ilworth. Mr. Hopper, and Mr. MNin- turn spoke, following the breakfast. There will be a .Chicago D)ay lunch- eoni a' theé. Chicago College club on Mônday, October 9, at 12:30. Noted writers of books concerning Chicago wbo are to be among the gues±s are: Mary Hastings Bradley, Janet Ayer Fairbank, Margaret Ayer Barnes, Miss Herma Clark, Henry Justin Smnitb. Miss 'Bessie Louise Pierce, Percy j.ý: Stackhouse, and Mr,., and Mýrs. John NM. Asenhurst. H-ostesses are, Mrs. Fran- cis Howard Lane and Mrs. Fred G. SHeuc-hling. Famed Judges Coming for Fair Horse Show Judges of international reputation 7V. To sentd hk: home ho rest and peace tirne' 'til next day': risin.g ;îrn. Content aMOM Then came the homesof city folks, J knew' of brick, of stone and slaie, * ny Iii With aero planes above us, and motors. l'Il 'uni >ast aur gate. to anc Api, alas, my hqppy f armer died, hi.ç ml J to reaf se fh<t here those frie'nds, rien but a saping youuq, ail ecstacy, that calli which cornes .alik nt man and tree.* *-A. R. Hde five -ancis twar atlhe, ber 13, Mrs. Yroup. "'Poor Emil Stake, 433 Sunset road, Winnetka. ntic Month- Applications for membersbip in the ize nove! by group are being accepted by Mrs. Har- me of Mrs' shaw, Mrs.. Stake and by Mns Faxôn. I

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