Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 30

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tneater ôon the xncantea Island art A Century of Progress Saturday and Sunday afternoons herald the Chi- cago junior, League Players' per-, forinances of "Pjnocchio." The- gay rhythms and tunes Jure spectatQrs into thé theater. itself to find, an entirancing performance of tbat -fairy story of the wooden pupp et, beloved by hildren and by aduit alikie. Only thîrty minutes it takes for the littleý' Play to'reveal the tale of Pinocchioi his advent* into the world, bis joys, his :tribulations, his temptations, the pressing wish of bis heart. Swiftly and zestfully' the half-hour adapta- tion 'of the story mnoves along, with the, ligbtness and naturaàlness and chanin which. neyer. fait to colon Jun-, ior league performances for little bos and girls.. We- can'timgn one who would 'not enjoy the play, and ' best ofait is adapted, too. in price, to. the pocketi-book , of any child who- goes to the: Fair, for a ticket of admittance to the theater (there is no charge for children into the island itself) is of the popular price prevailing for other pleasures there. Quickly the' scenes flash by fron thaZt moment i Geppetto's work- shop when Pinocchio is bori, to the outside of the Puppet's theater, to backstage of the, Puppet theater, along the path in the 'wôods wbere Pinocchio fails upon evil companions, the Fox and the Cat, until the climax comes back in the carpenter's work- shop. Virgitiia Hobart of Wiiinetka. playing the title role, reveals to us new talent' among the junior leag- uers. She is quite delightful as tbe agile 'capering Pinocchio from the time he is hewn out of wood -by the carpenter, Geppetto, to be his son, until that climax in the Ias't scene which .we do not divulge: lest it de- stroy. the- thrill. She iterprets the puppet's antics and fears and dreams a drot 1Helen1 the slei iard Woods i-s Ce, Harlequin, ng voice -and- *R. H. A. Grret . of, 707 Linde» avenfiq, IVlnidette, an ntou.itees thte Pliarriage of his dàughfrr, Edith Si»npson Green, to William. Alex-'ý ander Cash of Wilmette on Qetober il of thLý year at St. Alugustine.s IEpiscopaI church. 7he young couple are lian vmoning in the nortk zîoods of Wisconsin and u4lilI'be at home at 707 Linden atven-ue fter October 22 Invite Village WVomen to Sew for Orphanage For its second sewing 'day this sea- son, Friday, October 20, the philan- :thropy department of the Womnan's CluIb of Wilnittte will 'have as bene- .ficiary the Lake Bluff orphanage. a Meth'odist' philanth'ropy. Mrs. Ar- buckle, superintendent of the or- phanage, 'wilI be the speaker. Mrs. Percy Idler is chairman of the work for the day, 'with Mrs. D. G. Park, Mrs. W. H. Thayer, and Mrs. H. N. Gantzel the members of ber. committee. Mrs. Stephen Leeman is luncheon chairman. The day of sew- ing, which starts at 10 o'clock in the mornnng, is open to any Wilmette- woman, whethen 'a club member of not, who is-desinous of helping phil- 'anthropic onganizations,. in this in-. served. Mrs. E. Earl McDow is chairman of the committee wbicb has for its members, Mrs. Alvin E. Beires, Mrs. F.lmer A. Claar,. Mrs. George N. Lamb, Mrs. Paul C. Lang, Mrs.: Chartes N. Evans, Mrs. E.ý. C. Hildreth, and Dr. Alice Tuttie. The dance is, the finst ini a series of two simûilar affairs sponsored -by the -ways and means committee of the Woman's Club of, Wilmette. 'Hallowe'en deconations will e- the- vogue for an« autumu event which ils open to any res.idents ofWilmetteat a nominal admission fe, The ways and meanscimittee, is launcbhing' a new .project,1 contnact bridge. lessons to be held every Wed- nesday eveninj for six weeks under the. instructiWof Mr. and, Mrs.W~il- liamn J. Lo çquist, and under the chairmanship biMrs 'C..,C.' Hender- son, whose committee is hlot yet formed. The classes are open, at a very ntominl cot; to anyotie interested inu learning the game of contract. An informai organization meeting was held this week. Harq,. Richters Feted; Are Leaving Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Harny A. Ricbter, 622 Gregory avenue, are leaving Sunday for their winter home in Lynnhaven. Fla., and pri*r to their going tbçY-. bave been extensively enter tained by many of their friends. Dinner par- ties and luncheons have been. given recently by Mns. Hubert E. Holdto-. way. .Mr. and Mis. Albert J. Ny- stroan, Mr. and Mrs. William Mason.;' Mr. and Mns. H. W. Kingery, Mrs. William Gornell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Page, Mr. and Mrs. Pbilip Vaugban.t Bright, Mrs., Richard Jordan, and Mns. Kerry C. Meagher of ý IYiImette. ,Mr. -and Mns. Harry G.' Clark* of Glencoe, and Mr. and Mrs. William AIt -of Rogers. Park. Mns. Richter was a guest at the meeting. this week of the Tuesday luncheon bridge club,' of whicb sbe is an honorary uiemiber, at the' home of Mrs. W. H. Zibble in Xwi1méÀii* its new dress. Bright yeulow curtains blend with the yellow of the stained glass windows, and with the soft brown - walls, and, floor, freshly painted,.to transform into a cozy, inviting rooni. Two beautiful large Orientàl rugs loaned for the occasion by S. K. Jorjorian,, clusters, of au- turni leaves on the pillars, and yellow chrysant.hem ums in1 baskets gave added décoration. It was a. bospit able. roomf that awaited its guests for- the opening, of a new season for. the Associated guilds. Mrs. William, Edmonds,- presidént. dispensed with ail business,,greeting the, assemblage witb a few cordial remarks. The rectoôr, ýDr. Hubert Carleton, added his words o f greet- ing and encouragement to the. women who carry on thé many phases of guild activity. The afternoon was then turned over to ýthe p)rogram chairman, Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, who announced the program of, music, a-,program ver delightful, but ail too short. The Choruts of the North Shore Musi-~ cians club, with Electa Austin Gam- ron its director and accompanist, was re ceived with enthusiasm andwarm appreciation for its ensemble' work, Well :modulated, well coordinated- welI expressed. This group, organ- ized last April, was making its second public appearance Fniday. Mrs. Ganiron, a member of the faculty of the Northwestern university Scbool of Music, opened musicale with an arresting, spirited, masterly piano performance of the Chopin Scherzo in C Sharp Minor. In response to applause given' for her 'iusiciansbip, she encored witb the Chopin Waltî in E Minor. That the. chorus is composed of a group of trained musicians its sitng- ing mariifests at once. The voices. are ricb, and show maturity, sympa-- thy, and mellowness, in their expres- sion of the. selections'tbey sang." Enjoyment. and understanding, Of good music flows through their songs and they. show 'careful direction., They, too, elicited enthusiastic ap- plause. which they acknowl-edged by ger. - 7' ten' ipli- an'd"Miss Street and 'Miss Winstonl Ken ep- are in charge 'of properties. ' and lora '"Pinoechio" will be* played at 1, at 'Chui rful 2, at 3, and at 4 Saturday afternoons, is October 21 and'28, and at 1, at 3, and son '1at 4,.oià Sundays, October 22, and 29. (Additional Society on P'age 34) News ~A ;ht- Country club last Saturday on t cas ion of her eleventh birthday- of Mr. Laurel at a hawnee the oç- lflBIIaer. the c( Chinn( à Hený

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