putting a twe.ny-tour inçli' wate * main in the parkway on Lake avenue. They also consulted %vith the Madison city department on tbe sannee matter. Both departmients asserted that t.here * is little or no danger to trees if the backfilling is properly done, accord,- ig to a report made toý the. Village' board Tuésday iight. It %*as also stated that roots up to tuio inches ini diaileteir could bc safely c ut if the correct chemnicals are immiiediately applied. Thie.opiniioni was also offered. saîd Mr.. Miller and Mr. Platt that be- cause of the.moisture the main mnight be beneficial rather than detrimental -to the* trees. It was also statedthat there. migbt be 'injury to any trees witbin four feet .of the ditch, but. probably not to those at a greater distanc .e. Mr., Platt reported that he had counited the',trees alonig the pro-' posed route of the, main and- found, that there are sixt%,-eighit trees- thatý would be dloser to the ditch- than four feet. Ant alternative route -is> the alky. ,wbicb àalso presents sonie complications. A decision as to the location of the main Nvas left for later action. ATTEND CONVENTION At the Village board mïeeting Tues- * day nigbt Village Manager C. M. Os- born was delegated to attendthe con- vention of the Il.linois . Municpal league, being beld at Springfield to- day and tomorrow. A motion was passed that the expenses of Mr. Os- bôrn and as many of the trustees .as could make the journey be paid by the Village, Wih'nIette is not affiliat- e d with the league. Bentlv McClo6ud, 338 Kenilwortb avenue, Keiilwort h. wiIl spend the,' week-end -at .Princeton,.wbere bis son, Bently, Jr., is captain of, the ligbtweight football teain, whicb will .play Rutgers on' Friday. BRently and his father' will attend, the, Princeton varsity and Columbia footballgam on. Saturday. Mrs. Heleni C. Hepburni and NMis s *Rentnier 'scored two touchidownis last Sunday to feature Highland Park's' 22-6 victory which left thei beefy Fuka Chicagoi Pros gasping. Harold Foremnan, jr., 220-pound tackle from Glencoe, starred ini the Higbland Park line besides contrib- uting an extra point With a place kick following one of the toucli-, downs. This Sunday's foe, the ,Berwyn Le- gion Parrots, bhas aà teainiaverageof only 168 pou nds, but so niuch speed that it . bas dazzled nearlv every Ol.oppoent.iii the past three season s. Highland Park, too, boasts ail impressive past wýith a clean, slate this season. and the following record for last vear: - Highland *Park .27, Lloyd A,. C. 7; Highland Park, 13, Jefferson Park 13; Highland, Park 51, Wa.ukegan O;,Highland Park 1 38, Highwood 'Indians 0; Highland Park 39, Johnson's Boosters 0; Hligland jU Park 33, Kenosha 6; Highland' Park 14, Hghwood A. _.C. 0;. Highland Park 27, Clover A. 'C. 0; Highland Park' 13, Lake Forest 12. OBSERVE HOLIDAY Pupils attending the Avoca -school, on ,Ashland avenue ,West 'Of LocustI road, enjoy.ed a. holiday last Thurs- day. .The occasion 1 was Colunibus day. The two Av'oca teachers, Mrs. GlenClinebel. the principal, an1d Mrs. Mari e Murphy, Who bas charge of the primary 'roonm,.attenided a. mieet- ing of Division No. 3 teachers at the Lincoln school in NNues Center on October 9., Mrs. Clinebeli reports that' new bulletin. boards have been ordered for the Avoca building. Mr. and Mrs. Herinan G. Seeley, 700 Kent road, Kenilworth, are enter,-, tainin,g Miýss Ethel Fitzpatrick.' of Paribault, Minn., who. has been in .Milwaukee as representative to the nationalý convention of Girl Scouts. Last week-end Mr. and Mrs. 'Seeley and two g uests' motored to Galetia, Ill., for a few days. 0o- M1r. and Mrs. E.ugene H-ilebrand. 530 Manie avenue, have as their presenlted are as tollows: November 14-Sir Normani Angeil, 'Fducation and the Social Chaos." Deceniber 7-D1r. John Haynes. Holnmes, -Municipal Corruption In America; Is It Inievitable?". 1 Jan uary 9-Georgeý E. Sokolsk,, "dJapan's Searcb ýfor Power and Securify." February --Oswald Garrison Vil- lard, "Can Anmerica Avoid Fascism?"1 March I-1)r. . Sherwood lEfIdy, 'The Menace of Hitlerism!. Belknap C. Hawvkes Dies in Kansas 'City Oct. Il Belknap C. Hawkes, fornieriy of Ke nilworth, died suddenly Wednes-, day, of. last week ini Kansas City, Mo., f ollowinig anl operation- for appendi-' citis. MwHwks~as the snof tlie late MUr. and Mrs. Benijain iC.1 1Hawkes,. who lived, for nîan% vears at '157. Kenilworth avenuè. Keni1- wortb., He wvas 34 v'ears. old. Surviv- ing ini are bis wid<ýw,.who m.va Ali-ce Smnart of Kansas .City before bier. Imarriage, anid tIiree ch ildren, Diana, eighit years old. Benijain C . Haiwkes. Il, six yeaiÉs old, anid*Phoelbe, four years old. rhe funeral, services and burial tool, lace Iast Friday ýat K ansas City. CHUCHSPONSORS DANCE Our Lady of Perpetual Help church at Glenview, under the direction of the -Rev. J. J. Rengel, is sponsoring a dance October, 28, at the scio.ol hall. josephb Schneider's orchestra. will play for the dancing which will commence about 8:30 o'clock. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Antrini, 113<0 Ashland avenue, bave returned-froin, a two w'eeks' motor tnÎp te Canada and through the east. They also stopped to see their, son , Who is in the Cranbrook Preparatory schooli in 1Bloom4ield, Mich. The Antrinis re- turned to MVinette Iast Friday.. Pjatricia D)avis, 256 \\oodistock ave- nue, Kenilworth, will be boule froni Keniper Hall this week-end, and l will bring Peggy Thornberrv of Virginlia. M nm s ber house guest. mnade a bnif ut impressive address, outlining the magnituide of the %vork donc by the auxiliary in assisting: the Legion in its state and national pro- jects in réhabilitation, cbild welfare and Americanism. NIrs. NMuckleý- $tone expressed-ber pride ini baving a part ini the workof tbe'Amnerican Le- gion auxiliaiy, which is orgànized only for service, and, ber hope tha-t ber. service. will be lifelong. Mr.Myrtie Wissman, Seventh di.strict director, installed the auxil- iary officers for the coming. year. MNrs. R. C. Johnson is the incomîng president, Mrs. C. A. Peterson, first vice-presidient, Mrs. S. Van Inwagen, second vice-presiîdent, Mrs. E,.-H. \fyrland, treasurer, 'and Mrs..D.'XV. Mvers of Winnetka, chaplain.. Mrs. O. G. Daily, retirinig presi- denit,, was pre sented with a past pres- ident's pin ini recognition of ber faithful leadersbip, imaking possible, a very, Successful year for 'the auxiliary in sýpite o)f trying conditions. As thé guest of the Anier-icanil l- gion post, Grover Sexton, comn- mander of the Seventh district, made an inspiring speech, interpretitgtbe' hizrh idéals of the Aierican Legion as expre.ssed .in . the phraýses of the preanble tO the, conistitution-. Legion officers for the comning year were in- stalled,. with D. J. LI. 'Walthier* as commiiianider, after which an, hotir of dancing %vas enjoyed The first meeting of the year wilI be lield this evening (.Tbursday) at the homne of Mrs. AI Rodenkirk. 309l Sixtéenth street, the ilew serving cliairmnan. Mns. Frank Flanner retuiied to, lier home, in Blackwell, Xis., last. week after a. two weeks' visit with. bier parents, Mr. and Vrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue. Slîe also made numerous trips to tle, Fair w~hile shie was. bere. -o- -Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer. 121 Robsart road, Keniiwortb, bave been entertaining ýMrs. Thayer's brother. Robert B.. Wilcox, of Washington, D.. C., for ten days. Mr. Wilrox left for bis home last Friday,. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hanms, 1021 Miami road, returned last week fnom a trip, to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D. C. »t Wende1I Clark, 711 Kent road, s'1i6"eon hostess to.,ber brid ge clbTusday of, last week. rý.-Smalls, 411 Mapleosivionueercvhi e rai a' ays ot Udk hunting 'ni --0- of visit ig 1t1 Fapl aene, * lesouthern Illinois. & Palyma Lee Bunpee, daugbter 1o "gteFi.-0-- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burpee of 815 M Mrs E. G. Seidensticlcjr'of. De nver Linden avenue, is pledged Alpha Xi nr. and Mrs. A. H. Petenson -of Ieft Frilday after a five weeks' visit with Delta at Nortbwestern univensitv. Walnut, Ill, wene recent guests 'ofhr rteradfa 0 teWlla She spent last year at Oberlin Coli- Mr. and Mns. Charles Ware. 325 AIh-. Dillons of 126n xford road. Kellni - senvatony of, Music. b otsford roa(l. Kenilv4orth. . wortb. A