Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1933, p. 3

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Jlim<v' tate Mvarker 4Z and United States Marker 41 off Sheridan road. -Doflot..widen Tower -and Greený Tower and Green Bay roads in É-ub- action as is neces'sary to lirÉIt th& rate J of taxation on real estate to "one per- w ý Bay roads in Hubbard Woods -toI bard Woods to expedite through hro. formu a îirak around Hubbard Hill and traffic, Secretary Benian of the Prop- teef Ravine for use by through traffic. erty Owners association issued the A commnittee, whjcl' had been previ- Ths rqesswrebin ad yfoilowing staternent:. ously appointed, presented this petition Thee rquets ere beng adei~y "State authorities have just notified at a mieeting held at the Wilmette Vil- north short residents this week in the. Village 'of Wi'nnetka. that th ree lage hal. l Tuesday nightof this .'week, communications directed to Governor itreets' are recommended. to be Wide e -ythe ba&Lietr fteWl Heny oreran Screar 1o te:, , Shrlaumette Home Owners association. The Intrir arld . cks."An atternpt fis heing nmade aiow in board of.directors unanimously adopted Petitions cailing upon Govertior Washington to get the nmoney . a resolution approving the petition and Horner. to use, bis good offices Wo "Secretary ot! the- Interior Harold L,. directing that the petition together with have State- Marker. 42 and- United lcke.s, we underîtand, has nott apn- the resolution be forwarded immédiate- States. Marker 41 remnoved fromn proved the projeet. lv to Governor Horner. Sheridan1 road and othler streets witb-I "It would be. a catastrop)he ta, s>end mnoney now to invite more traffic an The'committee whiclh prcsented the in the north shore villagesý and piaced! speed tu Sheridan road. petitioir to the board of directors con- instea.d on Skokie boulevard, now de- *'The unlted fnorth 'shore !,, today Isisted of John Taylor BooÉ, chairman,, signated- Route 57,. were being cir- stürting -the movenlent. to reniove* both W. C. BIack, ClareniceH. Kavanagb, culated this weck among north shore 1mnarkers and the througkh tramefiento Oscar Scbmd and John J.* Dowtney. skokie Valley. it la the unanimious wlsh proprtyownrs.of, every thinking home owner on -the' highway department inight endanger h.o ie TiSue8WetRueorhhoThishisacictiotn t ~cEconomny Soh .ve acinfollows' cioselY Per- irernoval of the markers and prevent an sisen denaid ofth Noth. lireineeaef millions iiIn »roîWrt3 values_ $00to 1-eifare. Fund Property 'OWners association, that- Action, Now IhiperativeI tthrenti-aiydsibio through traffic. l>e routed arouin d the "Secretary Harold L, 1eke.; h ettled,- y built-up sections of the :niorth shore to your vlews before itl iitoç late. kvi lof the earnings of Economy Sbop a aind over parallel bighbwavs to thO0t' Jndly, wire hlm t*îlda.y anai foilow I chec for $WOf was given to the Vii-. west of the villages. th1 wT a etr mette \Velfare funid. -It lsaiaso tremiendousiy îniporta.nt Through L.\,\. Bernan, itb secre- I that organizaýtions excpres4s their views. Eçononmy Shop is sponisored by the tary,.,theý North Shore Property On-Wli You commuhicate wi th the presi- '\omnat's Club) of \\imette and, de- ,rs association, ,also is pedn wt enso ourocl oig-nzatiOns and. pends for.its supplies upon the good- north shore residents to request sec- aktea oalowre vli pf and ctbtiosfrmail the rctary of the Initerior 1 14 Haronld:ditete <Ll> t people':of the village, Articles,.o Ickes, to iot permit the expenditure "W a hnrpott ert aated to. Economny Shop are> sold to' of govcrnimcnt funds at this tinte for T(kes the nunher of thousands of peopl- those in need for a sum they 'cati the widening of ToNver and (Green that have signed the petitions againsi afford. Nfanv, in this way, are able BayrodsinHubar Wod, s idening Sheridan road and in favor of to have necessities and conmforts tbey. now proposed.bly state authorities in ovl0fte.makrs ight uiot. otherwise have, and those, their eftort to make those thorough- W~ntaddfo s o hsex- w\ho iii these times cati îlot spare fatesa pat of oute 42 ad 41 ove penditure. lis officiais were notified evntesa fars apar ofRotes42 nd 1 oerit .ould be done thi-s fai if thenc reve te I ,lls'umischarged, na%, thîe area arounid Hulibard Hill and couid be bori-owed." share ini the sui given to. the W~el- Ravinie. fare fund. Petition to Governor Hallowe'en Pranksters Other charitable projects beti(fitinig 'rit peitio toGovrnor1-tmerat this tinte in the division of, the reads'-.Get Early Start Here i shop funids are Arden Shore, the rWcads: -.udesgnd c izn- nd Wilmette Citizens are warnecl by I1 Heaith Center, the Park Ridge School prWe, zthe ndef Nr hrig e etieSanld the police departmnent to' remove asb 1.for Girls and the Sarah HackettSte-, orandnizations 0fcNorthlehoreroillthé al towns rebpectuuiiy pedtion that nt arae eetacls r hea-,,venson Menioriai Home. 3larkier 4z aalLJIited States M4a ker 41 les an advance ot -picket .night, Mon be nîoved -on to tue M.,-ue;,.sir aignt, -a1ae day, October 30, an Haowct Econoiny Sltop desires WVI.MNEr'rEý [Route Ù7 an the open, tunueveloped nlight, Tuesday, October 31. Already LtPE to express its thanks to al those $kokie Valley, as soon as that route ish nul nxpo dsper nce l1o bave generously contributed to aàvailabie. tsuprad sste cniid Webelieve it is against the publie of these utensils bas begun, resuit- . potadak hi otne interest to have the.-e long routes of inig in many complaints to the police interest andti elp. niarkers ciiirecLti*aLac up mue thoroughi- and calis for help ini locating mnissing fare known as bteridan road for the..po et. T e s g st ha.-i property. The athornies ugg.s tna ALONE ln accord with the wishes Of the com- thle electrical storm last Saturday af- miunities dIrectlY concerfled. temnoon. The Wilmette Fire depart- 1'6. The continued designation of Sheri- ment was called, but there was no dan' road as a, state highway and fur ther expenditure of state funs on it damnage to the house froni flames. mhaintenance Wil nake more acute the Wires were burned out however. WILMETTE 4300 Ask for Ad-Taker oppose, al radical groups wllose ob- ject 'is the overthrow of the American govermnent, and to protest agamnst the recognition of the Soviet goveru- -'ment* of -Russia. T-bere-is iinoummber- ýship fee or dues,, it. is added. iiaving a cast of 150 prominent local peopli,isentirely different from, any- amateur production that has ever been 'itaged in Wiimnette. The scee is laid in the broadcasting, studio Qi station, WAR, and' the best niusicaI and dramatic talent of the community is being assembled, to-takepati tItis first big show since.the depres- Sion. stret Paratié Potue A feature oi the production wilI be a big tre parade, -Which wl tr at 2:30p. m., Saturday, November 4. In the ulne will be members 'of-,the cast in automobiles, floats and other attractions. Miss Agnes McDonougb of th e ljniversa ' Producing company is now 1n the, village to direct the. produc- tion., and, met with the genéral Cam- mittee on Tuesday afternoon at the office of the. Chamber of Commnerce, ta compiete the plans for the. preseal- tation of the play. The staff of chair- men in.,charge of the varjous activi- tics is as foiiows: General chairman-Alder Tighe. * Cast committee-E. R. Petrie. Ticket comttee-Esther R. Stone. Adve.tlsing cominittee-C. E. Clif ton, Jr. Publlclty committee-Albert A. Me- Keighan. Properties and parade committe- Philip Hoffmann, Jr. Finance committee-,Bal Robinson. Busy Sekctiug 'Cait lTe work of selecting the cast froum the. abundance of first clàss talent available is progressing rapily and will be announced in the next few days. In the meantime, loyers of good entertainment - are- advised ta boid open the dates of November 7 and,8, 'and arrange now to find out that "The World's Ail Right." Kenilworth Offices Now in New Qwirters The Kenilworth Village office and police departient are now located ini 44-1

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