Not onlY for the$ir cunning clothes and adorable long curie of -hurnan, aido small mothers love these 22.inch doues but also be- cause their eyee, really "sleep" and are f ringed wt BUJE soc De>osit Hoids It Until Dec. IStA Evrybit as. good as a really-truly baby .. xccp that it nercies!, FuIIy and, daintilY dresed and 26 inches long whalight-ýweigbt body. L ttie Body Us As Soft That of a llwnan Infant! Toy Sho-'Jhird Floor, East Roomn WIEBLTSEVANTON' On D vsStreofWimtl 10 HAND.-C RAFTED SuIrs Tweeds. Worsteds Cassimeres. Plaids ChalkLines Solid Colors Blues- Greys,1 $35 Su perb stylling and hand-tailoring ... expert workman- )*muShop-Str eet Eloor $398 A its