er man was flot jDol You K not jEdnei Schneider? May w. Introduce Miss Schneider,, a Registered Beauty Cuituriit skilied In ail branches of beauty work and a graduate of the Chicago flair Dresing Academy! For the.past yçar and a half she has beenserving tnany women of the north shore,. who regularty maie CaYr-Leen Beauty,'Slon thir haven for- beau!y nceds. Her charmning personafity, ha$ won, a wide ircle of enthusjaselc friends. But' She wan:s to niake more. -Won't you dfrop ini soon andI ake ber, àtquàiItance? Phon. WImft. 4582 for 8126 Central Ave.. A TO HAVE CARD PARTY ýl The Parent-Teacher association of the Hihcrest scbool will have a card and bunco party on Tuesday eve- I nng, November 28P at 8 o'clock for the benefit. of 'its welfare work. Ï There will be table prizes and refreshments.' ýj- Roast, Young TURKEY With Craiberry Sau ce, Potatoet and Coffee 50C. WILMETTE CAFE 1181 WILMETTE AVE. OpoieVillage Hall ii. the Gerwaitar, eeran of the enter a, military scboo1 for training World war and nîow a itaturalI-i.. as an officer. Ainerican citizen. u'ill address i',id- NwAmericau Cii.zen, incc PsI o.46 f tw i>i'rwi M r.. Fischer is now an American Leg o "AeI Tesdan . His ectRi- citizen- coming to, the U nited Stateï wiIlbe:'.- Gema»OflierRe- in 1923, not knowing or speaking the nwmbr.s. *.English language. He is a journalist, by profession, flot only a writer and Water Plant Operators i author, but also an -artist and master ý I ourlanguages. Hlus paintings in to I-bld Session- Here water color and his, poetry have wl TheWes- SoreýVaer rodc .er world, recognition. His library con- aheociation r WtrPodcr sists of somne 5,000 volumes which in asoiainw'l meet in Wilrqiette Mos t instances have 1been persorially Wednesday, November 15, for an af- autogahd yteruhos: ternoon and evening session. This* rapisher y h er authors. i association is made up of operators M-.Fsce a be*nggdi of: municipally owned water. plants Journalism, writing for lle%%s- on the west shore of Lake Michiganppr nGeray n ot neica including aIl of Illinois and W\iscon- and in the Far East. Hie is a close sin. The zifternoo-n mi-iicyix01I observer o n i nr>affairs and wi andîiew governinents, wiII De a tour conducted for the Wilmette Post of the Aýmerican 1. e g i o n by Hans Fischer, formerly an officer in the old Imperial German Army and a close personal friend of Hitler, Ludendorff and othëeGerman, leaders. His tal'k will be "A Germian Officer Rememn- 'bers,": to be given' Tuesday' night, Noveniber 14, at St. Augustine's par- ish club house.> Hanis Fischer ivas a' first lieutent- ant in, the I4th- Bavarian Infantry, regiment ini the latter part of the. World wvar and faced the Eng9lish, Canadiani, French and American troop ai l along the, western front. He was born'in Nureniburg an d stud- ied in: Munic& for six years before bcD at the Shawnee Cýountry-clùib. IDisusio ill be confined flargely to the WiMette plant nowý nearing comleton.It, is not often this grou1> bas, an opportùnity to meet in alid insp;[ect a new% municipal plant. it -ilsr said,- and in consequence à large at-s tendance is expected. Paul Hansen- , of Pearse, Greeley and Hansen.' the engineers of the oalpanwill ad- dress th.e assembly on the design ofF the. Wigmette plant, wbhile J. W.f ,Nemoyer of the 2nof. ý1; mhS tenyears' residence ini the UJnited States, has obtained a grasp of world affairs that .15 said to be nearer being authoritative than is that of anv other' one man. Heelhas seen the workings Of goverfiments from the inside, par- ticipated in the upheaàval 'Of gOverii- ments,, bas. known. the leaders and stil1 'is on intimate teris 'of friend-, ship with ýthen. Predicte13 Hitier Regidme 111 1924, after one year in Amierica, Fischer was the first to lecture on Hiltler and lus party noveinent, show- ing that Germany had to choose be- 2 gbs& SPARERIBSand 1qLSAUERKRAUT ...................2S A Meal for Four .5 JIUL Let us hei> you ecéneusse ArttVurntu7e Co>. 47 Yeara' Experieuce UPhoIte*min-SPeca4furnigura mâda toa order 338 Linden Ave. Pb. Wilmette 4 453 i Hans Piie'her, a ý figrmer officer