Jrs. Henry AI guest of ber ýver, who with h, is again at d aivenue. r 6, at Cordon ComralWilu.te ies..Phomesi WiL 20.», Take thes SHORT CUTS fo H EA LTH, th is W.iN-TER . "0 Rexail Drug Stores only May, supply you ïith thèse guarnteed aids. 1. HEAOACHF, 2I. FVEVRISH COLDS Idue to colds take take REXALL PURETE ST SPECIAL COLD ASPIRIN I TA13LETS Y 14. DRY, HARD ýTS ICOUGHSý I take 4ONS REXILLANA S., C14EST COLDS Rub chest with REX. MENTHO0 I8 SORE THROAT Garzie with Mi SI Antisepti Solution I ~* F c FR E Ethis package of RAZORI 5 Permedge LDSwt oach tube LAVENDER MENTHOLATED SHAVINGCREAM ade vou've drei ... a blade that gives iper blade. It's thie the honor roil tioin list fort school year. are on le inen- of -the One hundred ýand iorty-one girls and 119, boys. are- on the honor roll,. and 83 girls and- 81 boys received- honorable fmention. Any student with an. average of "B" is entitied to honorable mention., Students with averages above "B" .are iisted on the -honor roll. For the first month of the seniester there were thirteen students, seven girls and six boys, Who had "A" av- erages for all thè.ir'subjects. Five of the six.boys to.achieve this hotior arc sophomores and the sixth is a senior. The ,stuclents w*ith "A" averages are: Girls-Ruth Coale, Alice Ebeling and Hlelen.-Sherburne, seniors; Anna- marie Booz, ClaireMElen Nixanci Vir- ginia Taylor, juniors, and -Lois Rosen, frehirnata. Bos-John Mathison, senior, and 'Richard Appleyard, Herman Barthol- omay, TIom . Rocimani, John Schaef- geix and Roland Whitman, soph- omores. Heres Compqe Lmst, Following is a complete liist of the New Trier honor students for the first xùonth of the. semester: SENIOR GIRLS8 Hlonor .Rol: Rutb Coale. Ali<e Ti1- lon, Marie r reedlander, Betty, Herrick, Geraldine. Hoffmaü, Muriel Himmel, Kath lyn J-ollaway, Beatrice Levinson, Ursula Kcllner, Jane Meyers', Peggy MeCabe. livIty Phillips, Virginia Radlin, Marlon Sohituffier, 'Rosemiary Turner, Hazel White,* Ruth Sager. Honorable Mention; Dorothy Artn strong, Caroline Calloway, Jean Cam - bell, Dovothy Davýi, vé]ln Evari, Marguerite Gaston, Eniily Jane Gerber, Joan Guthrilge, Mazie k1awxhursti Spin- rina s. Honor Roll: Lois Rosen, Mary Bai- rett, Ruth Ebeling, Ecith Gillett, Loi-; Juvrud, Jane Krause, Jeanne M,%acm Donald,. Paisley Rockweil, Phyllis SherJifs, Ruth Wetzel, Julia Boo(z, Con-. nie Clough, Charlene I»rive-,ý Judith Hayes,' Peggy Ketcham, Muriel Lemm. Marie Lip)man,->Kathryn Neev,% ,jean O'Brien, Nancy Pickard, Helen Prescott, Edna Baughmnan, Ednra Bishopi. .%urie] Bradley. Marian Cox, Cassie Emfili., Dorothy' Fargo, Barbara Finley, .Patsy Flannery, Imogene K-aufmnan, An n Lewis. Harriett Morehouse, Ann Musson. Jean Owen, Jeanette Robertson, Ruth Rock. wýood, Betty Rugen. Jane Solonion, Jan-, Thompson, Betty Weld, Jane -Wheeiand: Honorablte Mention: ýVirginia .Baàllard Georgia Bettinghaus, Barbara Bonhajo, Nancy Brown, Barbara Clark, Nancy De Beers, Marie Gaither, Margaret Gît-, ford, Betty Green, Virginia H-owe. Roberta Johnston, Marlon.Kare, BE ifrnies. Karsten. Geraldine Kldd,, Carol J.etts, Mary ýLoco,. Mary McKi.sson, Shiley Pearson, Evelyn Schuber, Ellen Sedg- wick, Peggy Stein,' Dori.s Thoni>i):, i. Jean MWoolhizer. Honor hlol: John Mathison, Bill1 Bowven, Peter Gilbert, Locke Rogers, William Grant, jack Long, Robert Davis, Richard Hall, Williami Katz, Louis Klein, John Griffith, Môtley Bryant, Jack Byrne, John Cordeil, Wa r- t'en Cozzens, Ernest Estes,, Hovard Fogg, Anthony Franco, Randolph Jaéob- son, Lester' KornblIth. Paul .kruppaý Fayette Lilly, James MeNamfee, (IeorgeF Maxwell, Ha-rry Minor, Roger Pd~~n Vernon Rugen, Jack Slayton. Honorable Mention: Chester Brevitz. .John ('orrd, John Cutler, Robert Eider. James Ferry, Sanford Glfford, Elwiod Joe Harrison, Cy MeKinnon, 41U«NIOR BOYS i çIoîoll: Charles Broadj. Davidj Çod.,Edward Mee, Paul Dempsey. ltichard McLaren, John Neville., ýij Rydstronî1, Robert .Bishop, 'Stanle *yhta. William Ca ssell; Rober- -t nn, aryGottlieb,, Cari John.son; Charte-~ mot-eau, TÉed Oison. . John Verévn W"illiam Wagner. Honorable Mention:- John i &ni James Appfleyard. Jerry Borti, William Buige, James Christensen, staniey Coéli- ran, Derbigny Dents, Bob Eastrran. 1 IL. 39c miBeh rYson, Betty Ciements, Cutier, Lucie Dix, Peg Ifutchinsol garet Johunson Vera Shpro, Schweitzer, lElwine 1torýer, lUI- 1 veper, 1 lyn i Roger Ci 'thy. Dunhili, r, £Ubet w sucer, i( idwin 'Aldrich, Charles cBrown,, Scott Carr nan, James Dricker, ter Giffôrd, Thomnas la 1~A