Jacet.:S* 0'fSuede and1 Leather R inew eld .Our iU*W Cleaning process posiivély restôres flie originel color, finish and softness of Suede and Leafher Jackets.. W. are always first wth the Iatest mefbods and-we guar ant.. your complote Sat4. faction. And Gloes, are absolufely renewed when' CIemn.d by Mis indivduel method. They are spotis and soft -just the. way you. i *11cm. "Goldberg" was oniy a dog, but he acliieved such distinction as seldom cornes tô canines and rarely to men. Thoughi experienced li:war, he lèft no enernies behind. A. lovable and a loving character, he was a friend to every man-, andevery man was bis friend., He was one of very f ew ani- mal pets to go overseas with the, A. E. F., serve in ail the engagements of bis regiment, and:return to Amer- ica without, serious injury. True, hé was, gassed on November 6, 1918, and his leg was accidentally broken on board the transport: on the homeward journey.. But the gas did'no more serious'harm than to change b is friendly. bark to somethinig like' a shriek, and, the leg, was as .good as ever. after being, repairéd. Battery B MaSt, In thé war rec rds he is listed as "M lascot.,Goldber ibe cause 'of ,the fact that he wàs îe mascot of Bat- tery B, 122nd field artillery, Gen. Mit- ton G Foremnan commanding. While this uniit of the A. E. F. was camped on Chicago avenue, (Chicago) just after being called to the colors, T. j . OConnor, a member of the outfit, found (where it may not have been lost) a wee woolly puppy about thre weeks old, looking more like an an- mated O'Cedar mop than a live dog, and Battery B bad a mascot. He was taken to Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, and remained there4during the trainiing period, accompanying -his outfit to New York on the way to France. Although strict ingtructions from the War department prohibited taking live pets across the ocean, "Goldberg" was srnuggled aboard and for four or five days was kept in close seclusion. However, one of the boys was leading him around deck one day and bumped into General Foreman, a noted dog fancier,; who had been compélled to leave bis. own .favorite pet at home. 'There :was. no repri- mand for the.soldiers, but,."Goldberg" tbereafter was a privileged characte 1r. When*' they, reached port, General 1Foreman stood at the gang plank re- viewing bis regimfent, and as they passed he leaned over andi agked, in a stage whisper, "Have yoiu got the insignia of bis regiment. Ini 1922 lie was awarded a silver cup as sweep- stakes winner in a, dog show coni- ,ucted by a Chicago 'iewspaper. Un- fortunately the cup bas been Iost. On june 7, 1919, at Camp Grant. "Goldberg" reccived an honorable cischarge from the United States army. On the reverse side of ýthe discharge certificate appears bis en- Iistment. record, citin g engagements li which, he, participated and the dates. Last spring the Wilmette Village board passed a resolution extending to "Goldberg" the freedom of the vil- McKeighan a deed to a , lot in the animal hero section of its cemetery, together with a receipted invoice for a silk-lined casket and ail burial ex- penses, asking that they rnight have the honoring of receiving bis remains when "Golclberg's" earthly life ended. Howeerthe boys of Battery '_B,, wbile appreciating the. court 1esy, de- cided to place the body.in thehands of a taxidermist forniouftting, and whent this is done will placeit in a niche prepared to receive. it in the armory- at Chicago avenue and Fair-' banks court. So far as can be learned, "Goldberg" was the last mascot of the A. E. F. Mr. O'Connor, who found him, died ât Los Angeles . in Or.tnher of 100.1 No Toit Charge CHICAGOS AND -NORTH SIIORE'S LARGEST CLEANERS .the Battery anld brotaght to Mr. Mc- The Kappa Delta Mothers soi- M.Mthw ttsta a~ Keenghan's homer. r e a ic tion of Northwestern university wifl Warner have been encouraged to open beencard fo. .old its regular all-day meeting and this new sales and rentaI office in Win* D.çooation luncheon Monday, November 20, at Glencoe because of the success li "Goldberg" was decorated by Ser- the home of l'vrs. Joseph Bristle, 2505 sales of the personnel of their Glen- geant Woodfill and presented with a Park place, Evanston. The co-hostesses coe office, whicb has been forrnerly, blanket bearing bis namne, wîth the wilI be Mrs. H. N. Gantzel of Wilmette, located at 1071 Skokie Ridge-drive. décoration belowsignifying one year's Mrs. Danieèl Winter, and r.C V lnoe, in the Skokie Ri4ge subdi- overseas serv-ie, and at the left the Clark. of Evanston. ,in q .