Plans for the event which begins Fridav, Novemiber 10, and continues through Saturdlay, Noveniber 18, have been under way for several weeks uinder the leadership of ErnÈiest Kyser, mnanager, of. t1e store. As a to ken of appreciaion of patronage.(turing the four years tle store lias.been ou. the north shore, a rose wiII be given to each customner at the doors each morning duingi the week-lotig cele- brat ioi.. Fashion Show. Dauly The new fashions. including the styles featured ini the apparel selling that is one of the big, features of the celebration, lL be, nodeteil daily f rom 2 to 4 o'clockon the fourth floor. ,In. many sections throilghout l)lays and exhibits of interes ting features on the things offered' for sale in, tlhe' store. flcginnînig N na, oeb 13, there %il l bo a series Of six days of surprise valutes. Posters in the store and In thie ~îdw ilcarry ew of thiese values. On Molnd.ay, towvels vvill be featured. Tuesday, al of the iiVeresting neNv accesýsories to help onentertaini, %vill be <isplayed and; offered at special prices; Wedonesday wiIbe Home Lighitîng I)ay. Dress * accessories mvll 4e featured on Thurs- dav. and on .Friday, things for the. home Nvill bc the outstan.ding values., * Personal uitilities ývill be featureil on 1 Saturdav, November 18. Many Special Values The 150 special values whichi will be offered every' day of the big event are the resuit of careful selection over a period of wveeks by the management *of the Evanston store, co-operating %%ith tthe buvers of-Field's main store downtown. Each value wvas carefully analyzed for quality and . ýn marked. at pirices, unusual in the extremne for merchandise of such highi quality s tandards.. Things for. the home,, *smnart fashions for womený and chil- dren, candies and delicacies, toys. and games, men 's clothing,- notions and toilet zoods, Nyard goods, fitted cases 1120 ue.I M1iss Mary' Nicholson, 627 Laurel aîvcn ne, Wilrnette, wliti have. one of the.leading. roles in "Nine tb Six," i(phicIi will be prescnted ini the Miin- deleini College- theater ini Chicago on tue 17,ei.ngs of- NoVeinber 26 and ?-S. Miss Nichtolsont is a seniior at tht colleCu'. Site will Iu' renzbered iM "Xothîng lui itthe Ti-u (h," 7ehich -,as !ienIzi ast year ai St. Francis Xozier scliool. She has also ai>- prared in, a inumbter of t'hie Munide-. leilîî college produ(ction1s. ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Spinriey, 927 Ashland avelne, entertained at a bridge dinnier WVednesday, November 8. miaterial needed to miake them, on the third floor; an Oriental exhibit featuring a nutniber of interesting and useful itemis on the lower floor; an exhibit of antique laces, with Mrs. Tally to talk conversa tionally about thieni Àfrom, . b4 o'cfork tlaiIy, on the flrst floor; a display of hook rugs,_ fifth floor; a display of the Mrs. Franklin-i.. Roosevelt room from the Early Amierican furniture section of the main retail store, on the fifth floor, îand an exhibit of the-world's larg est watch, first floor. Central Av enue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2526 WilmtlO haire Building .. 4*4floor -1 à I