A dditio nal Mrs. Harold P. Lynch u.411open, her honte af 1»41 Greenwztood. ave- nue Tuesdav ne.i for tihe third course aüd thte musicale, 2'h ici: will be* the clinsa.r of the, progres sive lun:cheon spo ,&o red by t/te Second division of the UWon's .society of lfethodisti hpiscopal; çht.rch. 7The eetis fo b' ait otisanding.il ocial afa(ir ai the same time that if li'n e iste building fund Ms.May Sto le, soprai o, Miss Marie Briel, pianist, and Miss Josephine Buchanan of Evanston, reader,. will provide the program. Thie six hostesses for, the Qther courses will be Mrs. Arthur Schwarm. Mirs. Erniest. L. Waldorf, and Mrs. john Campbell, for the fi rst course: Mrs. Norton A, Booz, 'Mrs. B. F. Lewv- is, Jr., and Mrs. 0. E. Fuchis of Kenil- Worth, the second course. Mrs. Arthur M. Loing is chairmi (if the Secoud division of a Woman's Society numbering nearly two hundred. menibers. Gden Club Off eis Talks by Mis. IWilliam.,H. Cty Mrs, Lawrence Scudder of Lake Forest has arranged for a two-day lecture course to be given under th~ auspices of the Garden Club of 11hI- nois. Mrs. Williamn H. Cary of New. Canaan, Conn., is to be the speaker. PATRONIZE OUR Aý B 1TELEPIIONE *If you are out.O'f-town for a week-end in the Red Lacquer room ofthen Palmier House on November 13 and 14. There will 'be three lectures, one on November 13, at 2 o'clock and the other two on 'November 14, at. 10 o'cloclc in the morning and at 2 in the afternoon. Mebes f thirty-four gare telephone cails quickl, ecar and ine.xpensive. and-