ber, the evening was clevoted to wt dances, gaines, and stunts in keeping silq with the spirit of Hallowe'en. john D. Kinnear appeared a weird and 'vengeful ghost to hold soliloquy oaver fiis, shroulded remiains, and to bring to dire»torment his destroyerj who happened-tô be present amiong the company. ýWilliam Edmonds and .Ray E.. Fjellmnan attired as spinsters, sang a . duet bewailing the frustra- tions of spin sterhoodg and provided much coînedy througkhout the eve- ni fig. Mrs. Pjellian'i in g ypsy. costume perfornied .several dance numbers. An apple race,' a pumpkin race, al broom dance, and the Virginia reel cofltril)ute(I to the gaiety of the eve-l ning. Cider, coffee, gingerbreaic creani were ýserved with fanicy Hal-l lowe'en sweets dipped froini a witch's cadon ii, the center o f- the.table. The recreation room was 'fittingly decorated for the occasion, the dec- Iorationts havi ig been i*sed the v- ning before, when Mfr. Johnson, who is licad of the commercial départ- 'ment at New Trier Hich school, en- tertained abo ut seventy young people of theý commercial -club of bis départ" tuent., Mrs. Johnson is chairman of thé. social coinmittee. and niembers who assisted in planning this very suc- Cessful party are Mrs. Kentneth Long, Mrs. George Schierzer. and Mrs. PatiGathercoal. Beneit Bridge Friday ta &sy Thanksgiving Dinners ApproxlinîativlvevNCt\-five guests: arýe expecte<l to attend a benefit card party to he given Friday evening, November 1.b thé Jane Addams' Juniors of Hudi Ilouse at the honte, of Dr. Thelmna Mancinelli, 1010 Sher- idanl road. Thieproceeds will be*de-1 voted to a fund to purchase Thanks-L giving baskets for Hull House fam- ilies * The organization, whose purpose is philanth.ropie, has takeil as onte of, its projects the rais ing of money for thé lunch ftind at the Ogden and thé Lmember oi IZE OUR ADI Ga$ Héa# gis'. Yom an extra hoNr's sleep Pictu re of a. man building a fire in a. home heate.d withGAS Tro provethat-every home can now afford to heat -ithnas. w.e'Il insaoit ut matic heat for the nine wintes months to cosue? Rates foir gsý Fred Schroeder, Jr., social chairmtan. Mrs. L. A. Stewart, 428 Cuninor road, Kenilwortb, is entertaiflifg, ber auht, Mrs. E. K. Moody froni Wheaton, for- a week or ten days Bie smnego su ilt Pursuc OF *9l' iIsw aid i w