Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Nov 1933, p. 49

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oz r& o V5A V. rAa iniae ail i iouUntW of bleak and barren winter disappear ini the enchantnrt of its flowery paths. Here there are no frosted flowers and bare branches sbivering in the cold, but, inistead, a warm glow of rich autuinnal color, fittingly decorative for the disýlay of-the South ShoreArt league pictures which will banig tpon its walls to*the close. Reproduce "Injun Ssmmer»' A i* ost seasonal. exhibition. and one, bearing much -attention is a realistic re- production' of John T., McCutcheon's well known ."Injun Sutiuner" in a dioramic presentation, by John A. Servas, of Evanston, executive director of:. the Horticultural- display., Mr. Servas lias made live these much loved characters, which hielhas portrayed in life-size proportions, with a glimpse into the happy hunting grudo hir. ancestral inhabitants. The author of the. famous pictures expressed mnucb pride and satisfaction in, this reproduc- tion, and.. commcnted with praise upon Mr. Servas' new attraction, an elabor- ate and detaitled naturalistic diorama of outdoor and wild life. As one looks. at this hie can feel the thrill of its undisputed native:charm, the chanta of the hills' with- a. trickling waterfall emerging f rom aforest of pines. This is an eloquentfinale, for a triumpbant exit in s0 lavish an exhibit as bas been hiere ail through the summer, cbanging its every display in accordance with the advancement of the season, and it will 'linger in the niinds, of trany tbou- sands as an outstandiiig spot of' rare and exquisite beautyý of A Century of Progress. GUJESTS OF HONOR Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jason, 1200 (ireeuwood avenue, entertained thirty guests at a Hallowe'en party Saturday, October 28, and at tea Sunday, Novrm ber 5, in honor of Mr. and Mrs.. Clar- ence l3urpee *f Wilmette. who have gone soutti Mrs. Wayne Collinb of Omaha. Xeb.., spent last week-end visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert E Holdoway, 723 Forest avenue. Mrs., Holdoway's brother-ini-law and sister, Mr. andI Mrs. A. 0. Wheeler of Long Jane, daugliter ot Mr. andl Mrs. Edward Thomas of 1136 Çhestnut avenue, a sophomore at Northwest- ern, was pledged Alpha Lambda Delta, an honorary society. 0c> Mrs, Chalts R. Bixby, 1104 Ash- land avenue, was. luncheon hostess J to a. bridge foursome Tueàday.. 5 p. m. of Mrs. Jeanette Thiehiens Pbillips of Chicago,:collecter of ýart -prints'and etchings. Rupaway.Girls.Returned to, Homes by Out- Police -Wedncsday of last week Wilimette police. picked up ..two Chicago girls wbo had runi away from' their bornes. Tbey were loitering, at Lake'-and Laramie -avenues and gave the naines of Auriole Weil.inan, 16. years old,, 2923 N., Lotus avenue, and Reita Charapata,. 14 years old, 5514 Schu- bert avenue. Both were returned to their parents. MISSION HILLS BRIDGE The Women's àuxiliary of the Mis- sion His .Country club is holding its first card party of the f al on Mon- day, November 13, at the Belden- Stratford hotel ini Chicago. Luncheon will bc served at 12:30 o'chock. Mrs. W. H. Fisher, social chairmnan, is in charge of arrangements. TROTH.ANNOUNCED, 1\1r. aud Mrs. M. J. Sullivan of W8 Pille street, Winnetka, announce the ci.ngagement of:their daugbter, Mary, to Edward A._Blum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bcrt Blum of Melrose Park. The wveddinig. date bas nùt been set. Paul Scott, soli of Mr. and Mrs E. B. Scott, l723 Elmwood avenue, celeb rated bis twenity-iiititb birthday at a dinner bridge last Tbursday for ten relativeb anld friends. Mr. Scott's, cousin, Mrs. William J. McNichols of, Keniilwortb celebrated lier birthday on October 27,- at a turkey dinner and, bridge for ten guests. Mr. ai-d Mrs. William W. Liii, 119 Abing don avenue,* Keniiwortb, bave returned fromn a visit witb' their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ber daughter1 and- family, the *iarry Wolfs cf 1140 Senecatoad. Addison A. Righter ,1221 Ashland ýavrenue, is leaývig Saturday for a triP ta New YOrk gymn 7 p. m.-First meeting. Pruetice gaffies. North S~hore basketball league for men. Howard gymnaslum. Monday, Noveubor là 1 P. im.-Praetice heur.' Giriq' basket- bal.. Stolp gynînasium. 7 p. m.-Boxtng and wrest-llng. Me#i and BoYs., Ho*ardiymnastumn :3p.m.-Me'auvol eyball. Boward gymnaslum. 7:30 p.i Gil'basketball. poly- WOggles VS.P. C. SiOip gymnlSUM. 8 :15 p. xn.--Girls' basketball.Prtr vs.,Kudas.. Stolp:.gymnaslÙrn. 9 p. m.-Girls' basketball. Brownlei vs. C. D. A. Stolp gynaàsfum. Tuesday, Novcmber 14 7 P. m. -- Men's* basketball. «IB" league. Howardt gymnasIum. Wedneiday4 Kovember.l15 7 p. m.-Men's baaketball. "A!'. bague. Howaird gyrnnastum. 7 p. m.- 'Men'a basketball. "C"ý league. Stolp gymnanlufli. Tbursdfly. 'Nevember 14 7 p. m. - Girls' bàa.ketball. 'IV' lae.Howard gymnastuni..1 81,p. m. -Ladies' gynaslum class. floward BAHA!, LCTURE "The Significance of the Birth of Baha'u'ilah" is the subject of the lec- ture to be given by Dr. Ali Kuli Khan of Persia Sunday afternoon, Novem- ber 12. at 3:30 oclock, at Foundation hall, Baha'i flouse'of 'Worship, Lin- den avenue and Sheridan road,* Wil- mette. CHURCH DINNER Wednesday evening at 6:30 o'clock the annual church dinner of the Kenil- worth Union church was held. Stanley Smiith, 706 Elinwood ave- nue, drove to Columbus, Ohio, weetk before last with several of bis frater- nity brothers te se the Ohio-North- western football game. Stanley grad- uated from, Nortbwestern. where he was a.Sigma Nu, hast year. The boys stayedat the Sigma Nu bouse while iii. Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Ives, 900. Chestnut1 avenue, returned Monday of last week froni a duck hunting trip to Duck Flough club, Beardstown, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Etagene Clark of Chicageo accompanied thent. Charles W. Kirtley, 927 Greenleaf avenue, underwent an operation at1 the St. Francis hospital last Saturday.t He is new convalescing and wil ne-i turn to his home in anoôther week., lie lirary, uciieves' uccause all cur- rents of American thoughit are rep- resented. The eiglbteen volumes., wbich are as* follows, may 'be ber- rowed from the Wiimette library: Fiction Rawilngs&-South Moon *Under. Carroli-As the. Earth Turns. Cozzens-The Last Adam., Nathan-One. More Spring. Allen-Anthony Adverse.. Wells-Mr. Bulpington of Blup. Wells--Shape ef T hings to Corne. Fallada-Littie Man, What Now? Romain&-Men of Good Will. O'SulUvan-Twenty Years a-Growing. TIomltnâon-Snows ôf Helicon. Nonfiction Jameson---No rime Like the -Present. Stein-Autoblography of Alice B. Tok- Waln-HouseofEie Zwvelg-Marle Antonette., Bennett-JoUrnal of Arnold Bennett. Biremifield-The Farrn. Houbman-Narne and Nature of PoetrY. DAUGHTER BORN Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coibertt Lhiemann of 1323 Ashland avenue,:. Wilmete, announce the birth of a daughiter, Virginlia Amie, Tuesday, October 24 at the Evaniston hospital. .Mrs. Uhlemann is the former Miss. Virginia Troup, daughter of MUr. and Mirs. Paul V. Troup of Evanston.. ELECTED BY ARTISTS Miss Clara MacGowan, weli known artist, and associate professor of art at Nortlùvestern university, wvas elected vice-president of the Chicago .Society of Artists at the annual meeting o.f the group held recently. The society is said to be the oldest art group ini Chicago, being established in 1888. HAS GUEST CLASSES Miss Patricia Parmelee, who is spending the winter with Mrs. Henry Drucker of 1125 Mohawk road', Wil- mette, had a. guest ciass ini dancing Tuesday of last, week at Comnmunity flouse' and another, Tues day, Novem- ber7 The William H. Smythe family, 43 Kenilworth avenue, Keniilvorth, wil. leave on Friday. November 17, to spend the week-end at Purdue univer- sity. They will. visit thecir soli,. Bitly, * -o-0 Mr. and Mrs. William Wolff, 1345 Elmwood avenue, entertained at twe tables of cards la st Sunday evening, in honor of guests from New York City..

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