Sch'iol Rivalry as Grid Year Wanes Sports writers from the Wilmette public schoois this week send the foi- lowing news flashes, of' the current grid season: The peewees whipped. Ravinia,, 26 to .0, Fri'day at Ravinia. for their sec- ond straight victory. We'scoredone touchdown in the first half and'three in the last haif. Wiimette's starting iineup was as follows: ends, Kulp and Brereton; tackles. Jennings and' Har- vey;- guards, Wolff.and Baron; -cen- Vter, Samuelson; back field, Scheibel. Roberts, Brown and Monroe. In al of their games this seasohn not a teani has scored on, the peewees yet.- Bill Roberts, Howard RA. Howvard 5SA 'as a pretty good foot- ball teani, I. think. The lineup foi- lows: Bud Sutherland, quarter back» r Whiitaker Baer and Sonny B.ensoii, haif hacks;. Curtis Brown, fult back; Hughes and Skog, ends; Mann and Anderson, tackles; Henderson and jorjorian. guards. and John Allen. center.-John Allen, Howard 5A. *Hioward C-beat Stoip C-1, 21 to O. at Washington park Thursday, No-, v.emnber 2. Bob Anderson was captain of the Howard tearn. Dick Hall made two touchdowns and Bol) Anderson made: the other one. - Bol) Lyons, Howard 8A. Howard 5C hopes 10, get the. foot- bail pennant as do many other roorns. The only teami we are' not sure of is St. Joseph's a very powerful eleven.- Ralph Johnson, Howard 5C. After our team - thoughit football was o>ver, Mr. Stone, camé in >and said football was going to keep going until we couldn't play any mnore: be- cause of cold wether.-Bàobhy Brady, Howard 5B3. Our iast game, we played Howard 5C. Our teamn, Howard 5A, was The first dornestic science period' 7C had, we made 'grape marmalade. It was very good.' The next tirne we made brown betty. It was gooci aiso. The, third tume we made cottage Pudding. The -weck after that We made baking, powder biscuits. Last week we made p.inwheel bikc«uits.. The one Iliîked best was the grape mar- malade. Our tooking teacher, is Miss Woodiey and 'she always choses something1 good.. for 7C' to make.- Lorraine, Uedeihofen, Howard 7C. Mystery Girl Attends j Sally's Birthday Party 1 Satly is in my room and she had a birthday party Friday night. It lasted from, 5 . o 8 o'clock.. There was a girl there and nobody knéw who she. was because she had a ghost costume on and a ghost mask. I was a gipsy. For dinner we had 'creamed chicken wvith noodles. For dessert wé had taffy apples clp cakes and doughnuts. After dinner we went down to the basemnent and played, gamnes.-Peggy Kirchner, Howard 5B. Honor Pupils for Work .in Spelling, Arithmnetic: \Ve have an honor roll ini our rom, and the chiidren Who have their naines on1 it have gotten perfect in spelling or in arithine.ic, or both. If they get another perfect next Nweek they get a star. The teacher counts our Friday spelling tesson.' My narne is under spelling and arithmetic too.- Jane Seifert, Mrs. Jones' rooni. SIR ]FRANCIS DRAKE. We had history the other day and read about Sir Francis Drake. The Spaniards calted hini "The Dragon" because le was so fierce. The king of Spain offered the sum of -$200«. to anyone who would kilt hi. Sir Francis Drake saiied around the *wrdas Magellan did. - Dorothy Butter, Howard 4th grade. The .eighth grade in Mrs. Jones' roorn held a bakery sale at Howard school Tuesclay, November 7, for the benefit. of the rooni treasurv. The pupfils sold doughnuts, cookies, cakes- and cup; Cakes that the girls baked. The comnmittee in charge of the sale wa s Frank Stecker, Bill Walter, Bet- ty. Gebert and, jean Reichman.. The sales people were Milan May, Bil. Walter, and, Frank Stecker. The profit of the sale *as. six dollars.- Marshall- Reagen, Howard 8A. Stolp Assem bly Features. World's Peace' Program The Stoip Senior assembly invited the Howard Senior assembly to. a Wôrld's Peace program Tuesday, No- vember '. There were men giviin,Ï4 speeches fromn seven c ountries: Amer- ica Bagdad (Irag),' Korea, Germiay. India, *British Guiana and theé Phil- t'ipine ,Islanids. They all gave taiks on their ideas of world peace. Theyl were ail students of Nortliwestern u niversity.- Randolph McCandlish. Howard 8A. Musice Students Listing Composers in Notebooks, Tlhiq year the pupils of MIrs. Clark's. room are studying comiposers. The Qnes we have studied so far are Tschaikovsky, Debussi, Mendelssohn and Liszt. When -Mrs. .Clark tells us. to look up a -certain composer we intist write a composition about hlm and get his picture. By the end of the vear we witt have a notebook fuît of compose rs.-George Redding, Howvard 7B3. GIVE CURRENT EVENTS The 8A class at Howard school bas to give current events of the week. dThere are five rows;,each row gives events each day. The object*of giv- ing events is to get the boys and girls accustomed to speaking in front of, the class and to stand correctly and to taik distinctty.-Robert Fuessle, Howard 8B3. Inject New Idea Into Candy Sale One of the third- grades decided recently to. have. a candy sale and wanted sorn 'e ne* ideas for the sale. Al of the other rooms have just liad announcements reading, "A candy sale on such and such a date." But the third grade was flot satisfied, s0 it did this: It had boys goý around f rontrom to roomn with signs saying, "Candy sale tomorrow.- Bring,money."P Those' signs were. on frotnt, and on the back. of the boys were 'signs, *"Help the poor." Did they. mace money for their original idéal One of the pupils thought it. up without any help.- Adelaide Koenen, Howard 7B. Girls Forsake Kickball for Volley Bal Praétice, Howard 6C girlshave been piaying kickball and , now ive are playing volley bail. In kickball we won al the ganies except, three and we play- ed about~ ten gamnes., We have flot piayed real gam's, in -volley bail and I hope we have better luck. ith that than we did with kickball. 1 arn cap-. tain of F. for vollev Ihall.-Ev'angelin.e lst.Howard 6C. Students -Are Preparing Scientists' Life History. In general science we are stili working on the great scientists .and their life hIstory. We worked on the same subject in seventh grade. It is about transportation inventions, comn- mnunication inventions, business in- vent ions and the different kinds of useful life. inventions. We are now goîngto mwrite a story on the history of science.- Raymnond Smnali. Howard 8A. RECITAL FOR PARENTS Howard. 7B is giving a recitaà for the parents a week be fore Christmas. We have a conlmittee ivhich will, chose the people to play. So far the £EAwaIu IJ. t meets NEW BICYCLE SHEDS people We have new bicycle shedis at oui played school, and nobody can steai our How- bicycles because they are chained.- Teddy. Johnson, Howard 5A. ano.- [ Howard SA. Mo.-~ary this year.- j4th .grade., w, a.A WAKU is giving $2.50 for the ,s the m.ost mothers to Iast year we Won every We have won once rren. Hughes, Howard Ini onFi Bsn the ard