compitiîlon tflis vear. These veterans of Iast year include Rud Happ, Don Patton, John Con- rad. Bobb Watt and John Cunning- hialu, crawl stroke swimmiers,' Bill ilaulson, %%ho specializes in.the crawl and .d(iving. events, jin Rich. and John Silvernian, breast stroke sivim- niiers-,and Dick, Barnard, whoi enters. the diving events. BH Lose.Three Stars' Bil e Hén, who was captain of the tearn ast year, was hlost by gradua- tion. jini.Weckler and Ned Shapker also are lost to the teain for this vear. .Last year the, NewN Trier senior swiinningi& teain tied with Oak Park for.swcond place in the Suburban league standing. and the Nev Trier junior teamn wonthe league champion- ship,. * Announce Scbedule XewTrir'scomplete schedule for the '1933-1934 season- is as follows:- 9aturday i)ecinbe-r ---Fnglexwôod at New, Trier 2 p. m. Saturt1aîy, Deceînbtr !4 M1ai 1- ai Ne-w Tri4-r. 2 p.- in. a Frlday, l)eceltltex- 22 -ewTira Olak. Park. 4 P.n. Friday, .,anuarv ! I .-iIIaiNe-w Trier. Frida y4. Janluiry 26 -Ne-w Triere at Frjda y, Ft-Irua;ry ( a Park a Ne-w Trier. Frida y, FVeriarv i 1*401ovije. Iè t Nf- Trier. Fil idaY, F-uar 6-e rera Nt-w Tr-ie-rilas;, wili t4ake partinl the .winiming càn&'l dOaXk Park on S aturday, march 3. FORMER RESIDENT DIES WNord lias been received of the * <eath of \Mrs. Josephi P. MIul-vihi lof Pittsburgh, formerly of 1117 Ashland avenue, Wihinette. NMrs. NMulvihili * die d of pîîetîîmnia on Saturday, Nov7enîber 11. She. is surNtedb lier, husband and her two children, Helen and Joseph, Jr. The tatii inoved froïni Wilmette several yeàrs ago. Mrs., Mulvihili had been a inemnber of St. Francis Xavier's chutrch. F 1163 Wilmweff Avenue outgrowîî or- shabby, but stili warm. May we have thernI -NIr s. A. L. Grinnell, chairmnan. Noi-:Em 'ly Shl)PIsobl cutd byv the~~Voin Club of WIlmüette. TEA FOR MOTHERS jMrs;ý E. J. Mcllraith of.1,127 Central avneis entertainifig the ilothers of,, the children> of the slxth, grade of the Tenth, street building of the Ceni- tral school. at tea Friday aft ernoon of this week, to uteet Miss johiansen.- jAssisting her as -hostesses are .M rs. H-enry Çutler, Mrm Charles McCi), and, Mrs. Margaret Pierqoii, 1 : 'TURKE YS > KilIe'd and Dressed on ýOur ~~ol~?utrv Farmn TIIE LITTLE FARM STORtE I l531/2 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 5300 -yo.u may need a fewç more extra pieces to match Vour sil- verware set. Il so, we can match any paite'n. whether you need one teaspooin or a comiplete 'set. Silverware Repaired, Refflated and Refinished just like new et moderate cost. WUsm.t$. 1160 swerv I"miute 10 o Select Your Thanksgiving Fowl f rom our large supply 1 1