Uwners associaqion is undertaking fact tt only those protperty owners to compile the names andi other ini- who havç ied objections wiil participate formation of ail those who want to in any reduction granted by the court," intervene ini the suit for the 15 per- Mr. Knlep sald. -Fs.illng to get a reduc- cetreduction in their 1931 taxes. tion in the 1931 taxes may resulthI cent côntinued high aSàOsments for succeed- On this page is a coupon to be filled ing years. This lu aservlce. the Wil- in by property owners. This. should mette Home Owners tissociation is ex- be mailed or delivered to.T. C. Kniep, tendinto i om wer ithsCm secretary-treasurer of the Wilmette mut. Home Owners* association, .410 Maple St. john's to Seklh ,avenue, Wilmette. S ek1t This will involve no cest what eve r Straight Win- Saturday on the part of the property owner, it St. John's Military academy -of is expined.. Delafleld, Wis'.,ý will seek its. four- Muet File to Cet Cut teenth 'succes sive football victory Mr. Kniep points. out that only Saturday, November 25, wheçn the those who file protests will Participtcae eeen ets M sear in aniy reduction that, is granted by 'academy ôo.f, Mooseheart, MI., ýat County, judge Edmund, Jarecki. Wrigley fleld., St. John's was un- In order that ail may understand the eetdlssaonadïsvitre' situation, Mr. *Kniep explains .thatdeetdassasnadis iors George F. Nixon. and Fred W.- Brummel, included a 26 to 0' win over Culver members.0f the Appeal board, Issued an Military .academy of Culver, Ind., in order on March 22 making a horizontal a, charity game played at, Dyche .reducion 0f 16 percent on residentiai tduni vntn property. The order¶ was suitained by sadu i Eastn T1heDelafield the 1111inois State Tax commission and teami has played six games this fal later the judgment *as affirmed by the and is still undefeated. The game with *In june, foiiowisng this decision, there shat hc stehg on was a change In the Supreme Coulrt of the season for both schools, looks personnel, due to the election, and the like a western prep championship af- court atterwards reversed its decision fair, as Mooseheart defeated Ctlver holding that the Wnthods by which the Miliitary academy a few weeks ago réduction was made was flot legail. The décision did not go 1Into the meit of by a score of 13 te 0. the reduct1on order. St. John's opened its season this D oard Files Objections year against the "B" team from Osh- The Chicago Real E.state board, in koshNomlshlO ks, i. behaif of the home owners of Cook . NomlshoOhoh.i. county, filed objections before Judge winning 22 to 0. The following week Jarecki to the order asked by CountY the 'cadets sent the Lawrence college Coilector McDonough for judgment freshnian eleven back te Appletn ,The handsome countenances of Leslie H-ow'ard, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Raiel Lukas drif t through the story of "Captrired!" siow*ing at the, Wilmnette theater Sunday to Wedsiesday, November 26 to 29. These stars ably inter prel the war draina of tif e in aGe rinan p rison cami'. portrayals to this story whlich takes you "way back wben.Y Saturday, November 25, hrings "Shanghai Madness,' bristling with action and thrilling also with its beautifuly- photograpbed Chinese scenes. Spencer Tracy, Eugene, Pal- lette and Fay Wray star. Now here's one to jot down in your memorandum book-'i7Turn Back the Clock," excellent entertaitimenit, fea- tur ,ing Lee Tracy, Mae Clarke, Otto Kruger, Peggy Shannon, C., Henry Gordon and George Barbier on Sun- day* and M onday,- November 26 and 27. Realismn and fidelity to. life charac- terize the powerful drainia, "I Loved a Woman," starring Edward. G. Rob- inson,ý Kay Francis. and Genevieve Tobin Tuesday and Wedesday, No- vember 28 and 29. Chicago's Pack- ingtown of 1890, and theý crash. pe riod of 1929 form the background for this play. POPKYE KATS SPINACH Popeye the Sailor will strenuously demonstrate his ýright to stardoni in a cartoon,. "I 1Eats My Spinach." showing'two dhys -of this week at a north shore theater., Moran and Mack wil cavort in their. new comedy riot, "Farmner .s Fatal FoIly,' which a north short theater h as schedutled for a two-dav shoiving t.ll.cu to a aca'-..',. 'sa Vrc-. Judge Jarecki decided to receive the Real Estate board's objection and set it down for hearing. The court, how- ever, heid that if It decided ln favor of the contention of the Real Estate board the reduction of the Real Estate only. to those pro.perty owners who hgd fiied objections,_or Who had jolned in the generai objection fiied by the Real Estate board. Prompt Action Essentiatl It lu physicalii imposs ible for the Reali Estate board to lilt the jiares and other Information with respect to the 438,000 homes ln behaif of. which the or. t John's, over the School of Mines' frolm Platteville, Wis. The next week the aeademy humbleci the Ripon college freshmen, 44 to 2. On November 4 St. John's played J. Sterling Morton high school o f Ci- cero at the Oak Park stadium, Oak Park, winning 19 to 0. Their last op- ponent, the freshnian- eleven fromn Carroll college, Waukesha, Wis., wvas defeated 14,to 7. Owners!, Feli Ini This 'Coupon Toln in the suit for a 15. Percent reduction in the 1931 tax on homes and two and three flat buildingsl, owners of suc/i Pro Perty should sign the following coupon:J tax bill........... ..... oi i3neALI ezr.coiiLeL5i8A ancr inL*flosc M V. V. %. Dueti8, ii£iureen- VI of A Century of Progress, in which wood avenue. it was exhibited, several outstanding 0o- camera clubs ini the United States, in- Tlhe Fuller Lane circie met last cluding the Chicago Camera club,, Monday at.the residence of Mrs. F. hâve exp>ressed, the desire to use the M. Polhamnius,. 195 Fuller lane, Win- collectioaý for. their own exhibits. netka., Signature of owner In signing your name and address, use the 'pliéa sb'owtn on your tax bill even if incorrectseln n drs