Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1933, p. 48

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1.>eadline for Insertions -Clasuified adverttsements wil ýb. se- cepted up te Tuesday 9 P. M. for. WILMETTE -LIE- . or ail threeppes Wednesday 9- P. M. for WINNETIKA. TALJC. and Thur:sday r>P M. for GLAENCOMNBNWS.- Telephones: WilmietÎi 4300,Wtk. ! 2000(Winnetka, 500 atter 0 P. M.), Greeneaf 4300 or Shedrake 5687. GOLO CROSS.. LOT AUYOCT. FAM ILY HIIR- looi-iberal reward. G lencoe 563. LôsTrý-BETWEICN U13BAR WOOl And N., S. Health Reaert and'boa lady's emiail square whlte gold wr] watch. Reward. Ph. Kenilworth 23! 3L29-1 LOST-GIRL'S BLUE BICYCLE, RIE make, broken bracket on basli Also child'a bone-rimmed glassd Finder please phone Winnetka 5 and receive reward. 3L29-1i LOST-MfLWS PET POLCE11E] pard puppy. Answers te naine "Brownie.." Phone Glenooe 1017. 3L29-1i LOST - BLUEI AND CHROMIU plated boy's bicycle. Front rimn tire - badly- den ted. Reward. Notil )DO ach, ,ist lIAp ,XI WILL IMAKE A NEW WINTER FROCK. ket. I Aise bring your old clothes. - Claire se Modiste, will niaké them of ýthe 650 newest mode. $4 wlll reline any:top ,tp 1._ garnent. Winnetka 147. 22LTN26-4t») 1CÀULKINQ B WAT"P FNe A CAULKING JOB WTH GO mnaterial lasta indefinitely, cuts your fuel bilis. Add to yrourcomfort ýby caulking brick veneered homes. For- estimate phone Wilmiette 1220 or Greenleaf 29880. ,,LlTNSS-4tp SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS,« ALL, kinds repaired. Established more than fffty years ago. Now located at 1003 Oakwood Avenue, Wilmnette. L.- E. Blunt. Tel. 'Wiimette 754 or, 4368. 53LTrN29-tfe FOR SALE -SLIGHTLY WýORN JAP Mink cont, fox trimmed; aiso several dresser3,sizes 16 an4l 18. Regsonable. FOR -SALE - AYSLAMBSKIN cout, like new, size 16, aiso dressesB. very reasonable. Ph. Kienlworth 2281. 59L29-ltp YOUNG MANS RACCOON COT Reasonable price. In good condition.1 Sizo 38 to 40. Phone Wilmette 3679. 59L29-ît.p BOYS BLACK FUJR COAT, SIZE 16 te 18. Phone Wlmette 2595., COLLTTE SOEURS1 FOR MATURE WOMAN TO CONDUCT r ~ business ln Winnetka shop, selling DRESS1LA.IERS Christmnas merchandise. Wrilte B3-106, Gowns-Wrap-tslta....oats3 Box 40, Wilrnetto, I11. 61LTN29-Itp EMade to Order-Restyled-or Altered f83E St. Wlnnetka 1011 * 882LTN7-4tp - s DRESS DESIGNING A.N D IAKING LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES by artist-dreasmakqpr t to or oi- <idti,.l service, legal rate&. plexion and peruomdilty. Artitto re- MOTOR LOAN CO. > ORCHID SHOPPE Stat. Bank Bl<Ig., Cv&aton. Gre. 300 644 Ezioor Road Kenllwortb 42665L1TN36-trý 22LTN27-4tp ILflANS 421 FourthflSt, Wlimnett lliette 2171 68LTN28-tfc EXPERIENCED W 0 M A -NWANTS laundry te take lhomè. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette a839. 68LTN29-lýtp eXPEU. 1LAUNDRESS MISES TO work, by dey. Phone Wlnnretka 1867 after,5:30 P. M. , ..68L2-ltp HOUR WORK BY DAY OR EVENINO. Reliable Amnerlcan girl, good rets. ,_Phono Dgvis j1106. 68L29-ltp COLORËD GIRL WATGNEA hoswr. Will go or stay nights. Phone Greenleaf. 1243.. 68LTN29ý-ltp COLORED W-M-AN WITHEFS wlshes general housework. Dora. Gre. 9237. 68LTN29-ltp 55 SITUATION WANTEo- MAL« YOUNG MAN IS SPOS-ITIN housework. butier, yard work, or chauffeur.. Steady or part time. Odd Jobs of any kind. Rof. Phone Win- netka 1521, ask'for.Helen. 69LTN29-Itp FILIPIN THOROUGHLY EXPERI- enced cook, butier, valet, housemnan; neat and telIable.- Reterences, fur- nished. Delaware 9723, To)ny, Rooîn 29, caîl 9:30 a. m.' 69L!P29-ltp -PURNACE, GARDENR. ANIY flOUSE- WORK BY EXPERIRNCED MAN, B3Y HOUR ORt DAY. WINNETKA. 1552. e9LTN2ý-1tp CHAUFFEUR.,HUSE ACRE OF garden, handy ail around. Wblhte.ý single. 33 years. Winnetka referonce.> Phone Winnetka, 3389. 69LTN29-ltp RiELIABLE WHITE MAN WANT . housecleaning, window washing or any odd jobs. North Shore rets. Phono Wiimnette 3254. 69LTN29-ltp YOUNG, MAN WITH SE-DAýNCAR I' do any sort of work., Phone Win- lAT Recreation Room Murais, INEXPENSIVELY DONE BY Ex- pert mural pintér. Sketches gladly, submitted. Phone Wilmette 995. 1OLTN29-ltp -- -'V 613 ITUAT IINWANfTO-FEALE EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK TH FOLLOWING GIRLS te do at home. Cali and deliver. have* been selected frorn our 'list ot ,Shirts our specialtY. North. Shore over 150 maids. We consider thern. .ret. Ph. WiImette. 1351. 34LTN26-4tp worthy of a good position at wtges EXPER. WHITE WOMAN WISHES asked. laundry work to do at home. Wtl GENERAL. call and deliver. Rets. Ph. Green- Irish-Amn.-Protestant, 24 yrs. old. 15-, beat 2177. 34LTN29-1tp month North Shore rot. $12 week. German-Amn.-26 _yrs. ald. lh yrs. with 41 NUlSINQ Ipresent employer. $10 week. __ Scotch-Arn-2? yrs., old. 3l/2-yr. local- PRACTICAL NURSE, CARE OF IN- ref. $15 week. vaid, convalescent, or chronie case. Âustrian-32 yrs. old. A-i cook. Goûd $15 perweek. ForInevw phoneIro.12wa. hwornen for gen. 'hsewk. by the day. 5 mn, day workers, as gardeners, hfsmn or chauffeurs. Reterens turnished. If you have posi- tions open, tomporary. or. permanent, please cail Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair-, mian of EmnPioyment Committeýe, Kon-. ilworth 2820. . 70LTN2$-tfr' *CALL REINH1ART's. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR help, caîl us.. Couples $50. Malds $8. Private interviewing rom for your. con- veinience. *ltp. 'OE D HIGU SCHOC 8she works mothers help ighland Park 28,ask te mes Frye. 8 ArMal - W ÇRK BY. COUI . work separatp. A-i le i. 8260.70U *ltp , - --- - - 1 . -. 1 1 ! loi susir4m. m apponvums-ra . 1 e rea& ý

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